
List of publications

Journal articles

6. S. Kabir et al., "Solution-processed VO2 Nanoparticle/Polymer Composite Films for Thermochromic Applications," ACS Applied Nano Materials. DOI. (Accepted) (Impact Factor: 6.140, JCR Ranking: within top 10% in Materials research field)

5. S. Kabir et al., "Device geometry insights for efficient electrically-driven insulator-to-metal transition in vanadium dioxide thin-films," Advanced Electronic Materials, vol. 8, p. 2100428, 2022. DOI. (Impact Factor: 7.633, JCR Ranking: within top 10% in Materials research field, 26/234 in Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials research field)

4. S. Kabir et al., "Phase change vanadium dioxide light sensors," Applied Materials Today, vol. 21, p. 100833, 2020. DOI., (Impact Factor: 8.663, JCR Ranking: 64/345 (within top 10%) in Materials Science, Multidisciplinary )

3. S. Kabir et al., “An enhanced effective mode area fluorine doped octagonal photonic crystal fiber with extremely low loss,” Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, vol. 30, p. 1-6, 2018. DOI., (Impact Factor: 3.064, JCR Ranking: 34/101 in Optics research field)

2. S. Kabir et al., “Bending resistive improved effective mode area fluorine doped quadrilateral shaped core photonic crystal fiber for high power fiber lasers,” Optik, vol. 162, p. 206-213, 2018. DOI., (Impact Factor: 2.840, JCR Ranking: 41/101 in Optics research field)

  1. S. Kabir et al., “Design of triangular core LMA-PCF with low-bending loss and low non-linearity for laser application,” Optics & Laser Technology, vol. 81, p. 84-89, 2016. DOI., (Impact Factor: 4.939, JCR Ranking: 20/101 in Optics research field)

Conference Contributions

  • Two abstracts accepted for oral presentation and presented in MRS Fall Meeting held on 6-8 December 2021

  • Presented at TMOS student and ECR conference 2021 and TMOS student and ECR retreat 2020 held virtually

  • Work accepted for oral presentation and abstract published in conference proceedings at NANO 2020 in Melbourne, Australia, 2020

  • Attended and presented at IUMRS-ICA 2019 Conference in Perth, September, 2019

  • Attended and presented at the Early Career Research symposium, RMIT, October 2019

  • Paper accepted and presented at 10th Asia Lighting Conference (ALC)- Human Centric Lighting in Asia, CIES, IEIJ and KIIEE, Shanghai, China, 2017

  • Attended, presented and paper published in IEEE Xplore at International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (ICEEE 2015), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 2015

  • Attended, presented and paper published in IEEE Xplore at The IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015