Sodium-ion supercapacitor

Sodium-ion supercapacitors are the new type of hybrid capacitor that is a fast-growing storage device which is evolved as an alternative to lithium-ion storage devices. Material design and cell constructions make these devices grow fast. We mainly study sodium-based phosphate with morphology tuning and electrolyte modifications. These devices were found to be more stable under non-ambient conditions like elevated temperatures, external magnetic field and external mechanical vibrations.

Recent Papers

  1. "Redox mediator induced electrochemical reactions at the electrode‐electrolyte interface: Making sodium-ion supercapacitors a competitive technology", Chowdhury A., Biswas S., Singh T., Chandra A., Electrochemical Science Advances, 2022, 2 (1), e2100030.

  2. "Facile strategy of using conductive additive supported NaMnPO4 nanoparticles for delivering high performance Na-ion supercapacitors", Chowdhury A., Biswas S., Mandal D., Chandra A., Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 902, 163733.

  3. "Combination of hierarchical NaFePO4 nanostructures with porous carbon-based electrodes to achieve Na-ion supercapacitor", Biswas S., Mandal D., Singh T., Chandra A., RSC Advances, 2021, 11, 30031-30039.

  4. "Stable Na-ion supercapacitor under non-ambient conditions using NaMnPO4 nanoparticles", Chowdhury A., Biswas S., Dhar A., Burada P.S., and Chandra A., Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 516, 230679.

  5. "Hollow nanostructures of metal oxides as emerging electrode materials for high performance supercapacitors", Biswas S., Sharma V., Mandal D., Chowdhury A., Chakravarty M., Priya S., Gowda CG., De P., Singh I., Chandra A., CrystEngComm, 2020, 22, 1633-1644.

  6. "Performance of Na-ion supercapacitors under non-ambient conditions – From temperature to magnetic field dependent variation in specific capacitance", Biswas S., Chowdhury A., Chandra A., Frontiers in Materials, 2019, 6, 54-65.