

Los Angeles Pierce College

Dr. Harvey

Last Updated 8-25-22

Common questions and answers about adding Chemistry classes at Pierce College:

Q: I am on the waitlist, does that guarantee I will be added to the class?

A: No. I will add students from the waitlist if enrolled students drop or do not participate during the first three days of the semester. However, if you are in waitlist position #1 or #2, the chances that you will be added are high. I add students off the waitlist if enrolled students decide to drop the class within the first two weeks of the semester.

Q: I am on the waitlist, can I attend on campus classes

A: Yes. You may attend lecture. Waitlist students may not attend lab.

Q: I am on the waitlist, and there are open spots in the class, but I cannot add. Why not?

A: The system SHOULD auto-enroll you in this class. If it has not, check to see if any of these issues are keeping you out of the class;

  • class conflicts

  • missing prerequisites

  • holds

  • you are enrolled in another section of Chem 102 (if you drop this class, the you can add from the waitlist to an open seat)

  • variety of other possible reasons

    • If the #1 student on the waitlist cannot be auto-enrolled, then the next student on the waitlist will get into the class.

Please resolve any of the issues above, and email me ( if you cannot add the class from the waitlist.

Q: I cannot add the class, but there is one open spot.

A: The class shows as “full” because the waitlist is full but an enrolled student dropped the class. The #1 person on the waitlist has to add, and then there will be an open spot on the waitlist.

Q: What if I want to add the class, but I am not able to get onto the waitlist.

A: Make sure you have cleared your vaccination status with the district

Q: I have a class conflict with the lab time. Do I have to be available during the scheduled lab time?

A: Yes. You do need to attend all lecture and lab class meetings.