About Me

After earning a PhD from Stanford, Russ Greiner worked in both academic and industrial research before settling at the University of Alberta, where he is now a Professor in Computing Science and the founding Scientific Director of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute. He has been Program/Conference Chair for various major conferences, and has served on the editorial boards of a number of other journals. He was elected a Fellow of the AAAI (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), was awarded a McCalla Professorship and a Killam Annual Professorship; received a 2020 FGSR Great Supervisor Award and in 2021, received the CAIAC Lifetime Achievement Award and became a CIFAR AI Chair. He has published over 300 refereed papers, most in the areas of machine learning and recently medical informatics, including 5 that have been awarded Best Paper prizes. The main foci of his current work are (1) bio- and medical- informatics; (2) learning and using effective probabilistic models and (3) formal foundations of learnability.

Previous Websites

Access my previous WIX website here, and my older website here.


1985: Stanford University

PhD Computer Science

1978: Stanford University

MSc Computer Science

1976: California Institute of Technology

BSc Mathematics and Computer Science


1998 - Present: University of Alberta

Professor (Computing Science: Artificial Intelligence)

1992 - 1997: Siemens Corporate Research

Research Scientist

1986 - 1991: University of Toronto

PostDoc (Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence)


From May 2003 - February 2004 I used crutches.