Research Guidance

Summary: (PhD Degree awarded)

As sole supervisor : 03;

    As primary supervisor : 02

    As joint supervisor: 01.


    PhD supervision undergoing 

    As sole supervisor: 01;

    As joint supervisor: 03; 

   Details of candidates and topics

A. As Sole Supervisor

CSIR Senior Research Fellow (SRF) (2018-2020).

Associate Professor, University of Engineering & Management, Newtown, Kolkata

Title of thesis: "Hybrid Compression Approaches for Electrocardiogram with Preservation of Diagnostic Information".

URL: Google Scholar Link

Associate Professor, Dept of ECE, The Neotia University (TNU), West Bengal. 

Titke of thesis: "Advanced Signal Processing Methods for Assessment of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Functions".

Google Scholar Link:

Senior Research Fellow, UPE-II, CU (2018-2020)

Sr. Engineer R&D (Firmware and Systems), Cenergist , Kolkata, India. 

Title of research: "Intelligent Human Heath Monitoring using Wireless Communication: Some New Approaches".

URL: Google Scholar Link

Topic of research: Non-invasive diabetes detection using physiological signals. 

B. As Primary Supervisor

Asst. Professor, Dept. of Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engg., Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata.

Title of thesis: "Signal Quality-Guided Compression Techniques of Photoplethysmogram for Continuous Health Monitoring". 

URL: Google Scholar Link

DST Women Scientist (WOS-A), Project title: "Self-enabled monitoring of hypertension towards low cost digital healthcare". File no is SR/WOS-A/ET-67/2018. (2020-23)

Currently Visiting Scientist, Machine Intelligence Unit, ISI Kolkata

Title of thesis: “Non-invasive Assessment of Cardiovascular Functions utilizing Machine Learning Techniques”. 

Google Scholar Link:

C. As Joint Supervisor

Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, School of Engineering, Techno India University, Kolkata, West Bengal. 

Title of research: "ECG Feature Extraction and Signal Processing using Standalone Embedded Systems".

Primary supervisor: Dr. Madhuchhanda Mitra, Professor in IE, Dept of Applied Physics, CU.

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta)

Topic of research:  Design and Development of Smart Robotic Walker as Mobility Assistive Technology with Health Monitoring Facility.

Primary supervisor: Dr. Kaushik Das Sharma, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, CU.

Assistant Professor, Techno India Main, Salt Lake City, Kolkata

Title of Research : Automated Expert System for the Detection of Mental Stress using Bio-inspired Optimization Algorithms and Light Weight Hardware.

Primary supervisor: Dr. Sumitra Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta.

(PhD registered with Department of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta)

Title of Research: Lightweight classifiers for real-time cardiac arrhythmia detection.

URL: Google Scholar Link

Primary supervisor: Dr. Sumitra Mukhopadhyay, Associate Professor, Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta.