Welcome to the home page of Rajarshi Gupta, Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta, India.
Short profile:
I am currently a Professor with Electrical Engineering Section, Dept. of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta, India. I have served as an Assistant Professor (2005-2014), an Associate Professor (2015-2017) and as Head of Department (September 30, 2020-November 01, 2022) in the same department.
My research interests include biomedical signal analysis, and intelligent human health monitoring. I have 37 publications in peer reviewed journals (which includes 14 IEEE Transactions/ Journals/ Letters, and 7 Elsevier publications) and 47 conferences, 7 book/edited-book/chapters. I have guided six scholars towards Ph.D. (awarded) and is currently guiding four PhD students. I have completed seven research projects as PI/ Co-PI/ Deputy coordinator/ mentor with total funding of over INR 80 lakhs.
I have obtained my bachelors, masters and Ph.D., all in Instrumentation Engineering from University of Calcutta. Prior to joining University of Calcutta, I have served as a lecturer in three Govt. polytechnics, Hooghly Institute of Technology (HIT), Dr. Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, Haldia and North Calcutta Polytechnic, Kolkata during 1999-2005.
Since 2008 I have been an active volunteer role in various professional bodies like IEEE and IET.
From May 01, 2024 I have joined as an International Adjunct Faculty (Honorary) at University of Chittagong, Bangladesh: Link.
Current Editorial Positions:
a. An Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (TIM) (since 2020): Link
b. A member of Editorial Board of Physiological Measurement (PMea), jointly published by IoP Science and IPEM (since 2021): Link
Other important links:
Official webpage of my university: www.caluniv.ac.in
Official Home page of my department: Electrical Engineering, Department of Applied Physics, University of Calcutta
My Google Scholar Site: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=mUXsVQYAAAAJ
My Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID): 0000-0001-5964-7683
My Web of Science Researcher ID : W-1861-2019
My Vidwan-ID : 122067