The Gynecomastia Procedure - Lose the Man Boobs Forever

Gynecomastia, often referred to as Man boobs, is an embarrassing condition that affects about 10% of men. Men affected by this often become conscious of their body.

Common Causes Of Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

During adolescence, the male body may produce excess estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalance. This is one of the major factors behind the occurrence of gynecomastia. For much Man with gynecomastia, the condition often disappears on its own once hormonal balance returns to normal. However, for others the condition continues to be an issue into adulthood.

Man with this condition often feels uncomfortable in any situation that requires them to wear something that reveals the existence of their man breasts. They choose heavy clothes to hide themselves. They will also often avoid swimming and other activities that would require them to take off their clothes. These men may also have intimacy problems with their partners due to gynecomastia due to embarrassment.

Solution For Men Boobs

Male breast reduction procedure may be the solution. Man with certain health conditions may not be suitable for the treatment. Before any surgery your cosmetic doctor must satisfy himself that you are completely healthy for the surgery.

Factors That Affect Gynecomastia

Your diet and lifestyle play a big role in the treatment of gynecomastia. What we eat has a lot of impact on the production of hormones. It turns out that certain foods can boost testosterone production in the body.  Rokoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, radish etc. are useful vegetables. Alcohol also causes disruption in the normal functioning of the liver and hence testosterone production will be affected.

Therefore it is important that you minimize your alcohol consumption. Over the past few years a strong link has been discovered between marijuana use and the development of gynecomastia. Therefore, it would be appropriate to uproot the weeds.

Gynecomastia can also be treated with some medicines. It is important for men with this condition to understand and be aware of all the different treatments for gynecomastia. Surgical intervention should be the last option when all other methods have been tried first. Some of the surgical treatments available today such as Vaser Lipo are proving very popular in treating male breasts because the scars are smaller, recovery is quicker and the results can be excellent.

Visit our website to learn more about treatments of best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Chandigarh and other forms of breast reduction.