Gynecomastia Looking At Your Treatment Options

Gynecomastia is the excessive development of male breast tissue. This usually happens during puberty, when an excess of estrogen floods the system. If you're ready to change this format, here are some options you have. Gynecomastia is a term that describes the development of breast tissue in males. This usually occurs as a result of puberty Gynecomastia: Looking at Your Treatment Options article where the hormone balance can become increasingly imbalanced, leading to an excess of estrogen in the system.

Dealing with the consequences can be challenging for any man, especially in situations where being shirtless is a requirement. While the condition is usually self-contained, it is sometimes a symptom of a more serious illness, which must be ruled out by a doctor before considering treatment options. If you've decided that you want to surgically change your appearance, you have a few options.


By far the most effective method of treating gynecomastia, liposuction addresses the buildup of fat deposits in the chest. Some doctors will take the extra step and actually remove the gland producing the extra breast tissue, but this is only in rare cases where the condition is likely to recur. Sure, liposuction can be expensive and is rarely covered by health insurance. However, it is the only method guaranteed to show results and hence is the most recommended option by knowledgeable doctors.


For mild to moderate cases of gynecomastia, some patients have found success with herbal remedies. In particular, turmeric root has been shown to be effective in reducing the effects to some extent. However, it should be noted that medical science does not support this method, nor has any study shown effectiveness in rigorous studies. However, realistically, the treatment has its supporters. It may be worth a try before considering more expensive options. Turmeric root supplements should be easily found at your local health food and vitamin store.

Hormone Treatment

Steroid users usually use some anti-estrogen pills during their cycle to keep this unwanted hormone out, and doctors sometimes use these same treatments when looking at gynecomastia. Unfortunately, in many cases, once breast tissue has begun to develop, it may be too late to do anything about it through the use of hormone therapy. However, if you are prone to estrogen excess, these pills can prevent its recurrence after undergoing established treatments such as liposuction. However, if your condition resulted from steroid use, your best option for preventing a recurrence is to stop introducing exogenous testosterone into the body, or to do so only through the care of a good hormone replacement therapy program. .

If you are ready to Gynecomastia surgery, here are the best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Chandigarh.