General Information

The Directed Reading Program (DRP) Türkiye is an independent, online project run by volunteer graduate students and young researchers. The program pairs undergraduate students studying mathematics at universities in and around Türkiye with graduate students and young researchers at institutions around the world to work together on selected books or articles in mathematics.


Once paired, mentors and mentees choose a topic of mutual interest together. Pairs are encouraged to select topics that are not covered in typical undergraduate courses, so as to offer undergraduate students the opportunity to explore new subjects on their own under the guidance of an experienced mentor. To get an idea, please see past projects from DRP Türkiye 2023, 2022 and 2021.


Each pair is required to meet once or twice per week for an hour, and a total of no less than 12 hours over the course of the program. Undergraduates are expected to present what they have learned at each meeting, therefore; undergraduates should commit to at least 4 hours of work between meetings.  At the end of the program, we will hold an event in which each participating undergraduate student gives a short (around 20-30 minutes) talk about something they have learned through the program. Mentees are expected to participate symposium in person

Other events

The program will also include virtual social gatherings where students can meet peers and other graduate students, and develop relationships based on their mathematical or personal interests. There will also be office hours and talks by invited speakers. 

Why should you participate?

For undergraduate students:

For graduate students and young researchers:

About the DRP

Historically, the first DRP was initiated by the department of mathematics at The University of Chicago in the early 2000s. Since then it has spread successfully to many other math departments in the US. Inspired by US DRP programs and the rise in virtual learning, Feride Ceren Köse, Şefika Kuzgun and Oğuz Şavk created DRP Türkiye to offer undergraduate students an online one-to-one learning opportunity under the guidance of graduate students and young researchers from all over the world.