Apply to the DRP



Any student at Spelman or Morehouse who has completed Calculus 1 and 2 is eligible to apply for the DRP. We aim to admit students from a range of class years and math backgrounds. We may prioritize students who have taken at least one proof-based course, such as Foundations of Mathematics at Spelman or Set Theory at Morehouse (as a lot of interesting math involves proofs).


Any PhD student, postdoc, or junior faculty member/research scientist/research analyst in the mathematical sciences, who will be based in the US during the mentoring period, can apply to be a mentor. We particularly welcome applicants with experience mentoring students of color.

Spring 2024 applications


Applications open during the first week of the semester. To apply to participate in Spring 2024, please complete the form linked below by February 2.

In the application, you will be asked to provide:

All applicants will be notified by February 5.

Students in the DRP are expected to attend a virtual kick-off event at the start of the program, an in-person check-in lunch halfway through the program, and the virtual Talks Symposium at the end. For Spring 2024, we've scheduled these activities as follows:

Please save these dates on your calendar.


Applications open roughly a couple of weeks before the start of the semester. To apply to participate in Spring 2024, please complete the form linked below by January 19.

In the application, you will be asked to suggest a project that you would be willing to supervise and a book that you would like to use. Some project ideas can be found here, here, here, and here.

All applicants will be notified by January 22. The pairings will be announced by February 5.

Mentors in the DRP are expected to attend a virtual kick-off event + mentor training/orientation at the start of the program, a virtual check-in meeting halfway through the program, and the virtual Talks Symposium at the end. For Spring 2024,  we've scheduled these activities as follows:

Please save these dates on your calendar.