
# represents corresponding/senior author, * represents mentee  (student  or postdoc) under Dr. Liu's supervision

 "All valid instruments are alike; each invalid instrument is invalid in its own way"


# represents corresponding author, * represents mentee  (student  or postdoc) under Dr. Liu's supervision

Statistical Methodology 

Robust Mendelian Randomization for Causal Inference with Invalid Instruments 

Causal Mediation Analysis with Applications

Statistical Genetics and Genomics

(one of top 10 most-cited papers among work published betweeen 1 Janurary 2022 - 31 December 2023 in Genetic Epidemiology.)

Machine (Deep) Learning and others 

Health Science Research

 aortic valve stenosis: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million participants. Nutrients, 14(11), 2273;