
Immunopharm Bb Lec S 21(1)


  • Introduction-- Immune System

    • Defenses against antigenic insults:

      • Innate immune system

      • Adaptive immune system

  • Innate Immune System:

    • Physical (skin)

    • Biochemical (e.g. complement, lysozyme)

    • Cellular (e.g. macrophages, neutrophils)

    • When the barrier is disrupted, bacterial destruction may occur by:

      • Lysozyme enzyme activity causes peptidoglycan cell wall component cleavage; also:

      • Split products from complement activation

        • Complement components: enhance macrophage and neutrophil phagocytosis by:

          • Acting as opsonins (C3b)

          • Attracting immunocytes to inflammatory sites (C3a, C5a)

          • Promoting bacterial lysis -- membrane attack complex generation

  • Adaptive Immune System:

    • The adaptive immune system comes into play if the innate immune system has not managed the infection adequately.

    • Characteristics of the adaptive immune system:

      • Specific responses to a variety managements

      • Discriminate between foreign ("nonself") and "self", i.e. host antigens

      • Exhibits "memory"; initiates an aggressive response to previously encountered antigen

    • Effectors of humoral immunity: antibodies

    • Effectors of cell mediated immunity: activated lymphocytes

    • Specific Immunity:-- requirements

      • Antigen presenting cells (APCs)

        • Langerhans cells

        • B lymphocytes

        • Dendritic cells

        • Macrophages

      • APCs digest antigens (enzymatically) producing peptides that:

        • Interact with T cell lymphocyte receptors (TCR) in association with class I and class II major histocompatibility complex proteins (MHC proteins)

        • T cell lymphocyte activation-- additional molecular dependencies:

          • CD4 on helper T cells

          • CD8 on cytotoxic T cells

          • LFA-1(lymphocyte functional antigen) and CD2 on both helper and cytotoxic T cells

          • Co-stimulatory molecules (B7.1 and B7.2) by cognate receptors on APCs

    • Lymphocyte selection:

      • Thymic lymphocyte that bind to "self"-- eliminated by apotosis (negative selection)

      • Thymic lymphocytes that respond to foreign antigens in the presence of "self" MHC: retained (positive selection) and distributed to peripheral sites, available for later activation (after interacting with MHC-presented peptides):

        • Lymph node

        • Spleen

        • Peripheral blood

        • Musosa-associated lymphoid tissue

    • Subsets of T helper lymphocytes--discrimination based on cytokine secretion, after activation

      • TH1--Cell-mediated Immunity

  • TH1--Cell-mediated Immunity

    • Produces interferon-g (IFNg)

    • Produces interleukin-2 (IL-2)

    • Produces tumor necrosis factor-b (TNFb)

    • Induces cell-mediated immunity by activation of:

      • Cytotoxic T cells (CTL)

      • Natural killer (NK) cells

      • Macrophages

    • IL-10 (from TH2 cells) down regulates TH1 activity

  • "Function of T helper cells: Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) present antigen on their Class II MHC molecules (MHC2). Helper T cells recognize these, with the help of their expression of CD4 co-receptor (CD4+). The activation of a resting helper T cell causes it to release cytokines and other stimulatory signals (green arrows) that stimulate the activity of macrophages, killer T cells and B cells, the latter producing antibodies."

  • Figure: Haggstrom M T helper cell function:

  • Figure Legend:

        • Produces interferon-g (IFNg)

        • Produces interleukin-2 (IL-2)

        • Produces tumor necrosis factor-b (TNFb)

        • Induces cell-mediated immunity by activation of:

          • Cytotoxic T cells (CTL)

          • Natural killer (NK) cells

          • Macrophages

      • TH2 -- Humoral Immunity

        • Produces (interleukins) IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 which in turn causes:

          • B-cell proliferation

          • Differentiation into antibody secreting plasma cells

    • T helper lymphocytes --mutual regulation:

      • TH2 cells produce IL-10: inhibits TH1 cytokine production (down-regulates MHC expression by APCs)

      • TH1 interferon-g: inhibits TH2 cell proliferation

    • Other down-regulation/suppression factors (in some tissues)

      • Iransforming growth factor-b (TGF-b)

        • Down-regulates lymphocyte proliferation

      • Prostaglandin E2: down-regulates immune response

    • T helper lymphocytes: phenotype selection based on antigenic challenge

      • Extracellular bacteria: TH2 cytokine release

      • Intracellular organisms (e.g. Mycobacterium): TH1 cytokine release

Cytotoxic Consequences of Immune System Activation

  • Activated cytotoxic T cells (recognize processed peptides presented by virus-infected cells/tumor cells)

    • Induce target cell death by:

      • Perforin

      • Lytic granule enzymes ("granzymes")

      • Fas-Fas ligand (Fas-Fasl) apotosis pathway

      • Nitric oxide (may be released): inhibits cell enzymes

  • Viral Antigen Presentation (by virus-infected cells):

    • Nonapeptide fragments in the group of class 1 MHC molecules

  • MHC molecules

    • Class I MHC molecules: presenting fragments of cellular antigens (virus/tumor antigens)--after Golgi apparatus processing

    • Class II MHC molecules: presenting antigen fragments from:

      • Internalized/enzymatically digested foreign antigens

  • Natural Killer Cells: (NK): (CD16+, CD56+, CD57+)--possible role in tumor rejection/viral immunity; in vivo role uncertain

    • NK cells: large granular lymphocytes

      • Azurophilic cytoplasmic granules

      • Surface immunoglobulin negative

      • FC receptor-positive

      • Probably separate lymphoid cell lineage

    • NK cells: main precursor of lymphokine activated killer (LAK.)cells

      • LAK cells:

        • Stimulated by IL-2 (high concentration)

        • Referred to as (promiscuous killers) because:

          • Kill across MHC barriers

          • Kill target cells not expressing MHC

B lymphocytes: Humoral Immunity

  • Self-reactive B lymphocytes clonally deleted in the bone marrow

  • B-cell clones specific for foreign antigens -- retained/expanded

  • B-cell specificities due to:

    1. Immunoglobulin gene rearrangement

    2. These determinations occur prior to antigen exposure

      • Antigen specificity: T cells -- genetically determined; derive from T-cell receptors

  • Sequence following Antigen binding to B-cell membrane immunoglobulin (IgM or IgD):

    1. Antigen endocytosed, processed, presented to CD4+ T helper cells

    2. T helper cells then stimulated to produce IL-4 and IL-5

    3. Interleukins IL-4 and IL-5 stimulate:

      • B-cells proliferation

      • B-cell differentiation into memory B cells

      • Antibody secreting plasma cells

    4. Primary antibody response: IgM-class immunoglobulins

      • Later antigenic stimulation leads to a "booster" response associated with:

        • Class switching (isotype switching) to produce IgG, IgA, IgD antibodies with various effector functions

        • Evolution over time:

          • Increased affinity; more efficient antigen binding

          • Antibodies activates opsonins to enhance phagocytosis, cellular cytotoxicity, and by activating complement promotes the inflammatory response which leads to bacterial lysis.


Classification: determined by time required for expression of clinical symptoms following antigen exposure: Immediate, Delayed

Immediate Hypersensitivity

  • Immediate Hypersensitivity: antibody mediated; symptoms occurring within minutes to a few hours following antigen exposure -- Three Categories:

    • Type I:

      • Characteristics type I:

        • Antigen cross-linking of membrane-bound IgE on blood basophils or tissue mast cells

      • Consequences type I:

        • Cellular Degranulation: releasing histamine, leukotrienes, and other mediators)

        • These mediators may induce:

          • Asthma

  • "The hyper-reactive bronchioles in cases of asthma usually exhibit bronchiolar smooth muscle hypertrophy.

    • This is simply because these muscles get a lot of "exercise", as they contract in response to allergens."

  • Ó 1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas, used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center.

          • Hives

          • Hay fever

    • Type II:

      • Characteristics-type II:

        • Antigen-antibody complex formation between foreign antigen +IgM or IgG immunoglobulins

        • Examples:

          • Hashimoto's thyroiditis-slide A

  • "This image was made by the use of a goat antisera, tagged with fluorescein, made against human IgG to detect human autoantibodies bound to the thyroid tissue.

  • The thyroid follicular epithelial cells are staining."

  • ©1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas, used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center.

          • Hashimoto's thyroiditis-slide B

  • "This image was made by the use of a goat antisera, tagged with fluorescein, made against human IgG to detect human autoantibodies bound to the thyroid tissue.

  • In this case, anti-thyroglobulin antibody is detected.

  • The thyroid follicle colloid is stained positively."

  • ©1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas, used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center.

      • Occurrence-type II:

        • Blood transfusion reactions

        • Newborn: hemolytic disease

          • Mechanism:

            1. Antibodies formed «foreign erythrocyte membrane antigens

        • Drug Induced

      • Consequences-type II:

        • Complement cascade activation

        • Generation of membrane attack complex ® destroys red blood cells

      • Newborn hemolytic disease:

        • Anti-Rh IgG antibodies (produced by an Rh negative mother):

          • Cross the placenta

          • Bind to erythrocytes of Rh-positive fetus;damage fetal erythrocytes

        • Prevention:

          • Administration of anti-Rh antibodies to the mother; 24-48 hours after delivery of the first Rh+ child

      • Drug Induced: Examples --

        • Penicillin administration to allergic patients

          • Mechanism: penicillin binds to erythrocytes or other host tissue leading to neoantigen production of antibodies followed by induction complement-mediated cell lysis

          • Repeat administration may causesystemic anaphylaxis

    • Type III:

      • Characteristics-type III:

        • Presence of increased antigen-antibody complex concentrations may lead to tissue damage

        • Example: polyarteritis

  • "Polyarteritis affects small to medium-sized arteries.

    • Associated with hepatitis B, and circulating immune complexes are thought to play a role, although, like many immunologic diseases, this remains speculative.

    • Clinically, any artery can be affected, and thrombosis may occur.

    • Symptoms are related to the organ involved, although patients also have constitutional symptoms, like malaise, fever, and weight loss.

    • Histologically, fibrinoid necrosis is prominent, with a variable perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes and polymorphs. "

  • © 1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas, used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center.

        • Complexes activate complement producing components with:

          • Anaphylatoxic / chemotactic actions (C5a, C3a, C4a) which:

            1. Increase vascular permeability

            2. Attract neutrophils to the site of complex deposition

              • Complex deposition; neutrophil-release of lytic enzymes may cause:

                1. Skin rash

                2. Glomerulonephritis

                3. Arthritis

Delayed Hypersensitivity

  • Cell-mediated;

  • Responses: 2-3 days after sensitizing antigen exposure

  • Tissue Characteristics:

    • Local inflammatory response

    • Significant damage associated with influx of antigen-nonspecific inflammatory cells especially neutrophils and macrophages

  • Macrophage/Neutrophil Recruitment -- mediation:

    • TH1-produced cytokines cause:

      1. Extravasation and chemotaxis of neutrophils and circulating monocytes

      2. Induction of myelopoiesis

      3. Macrophage activation causing enhanced:

        • Phagocytic

        • Microbicidal activity

        • Antigen-presenting functions

        • Eigestive enzyme release, contributing to extensive tissue damage

  • Delayed-type hypersensitivity however are very effective in combating/eliminating infections caused by intracellular pathogens:

    • M. tuberculosis

    • Leishmania


  • Introduction

    • Failure to distinguish "self" tissues and cells from foreign ("nonself") antigens

    • Caused by activation of self-reactive T and B lymphocytes which induce:

      • Cell-mediated responses against self antigens

      • Humoral immune responses against self antigens

  • Clinical Pathologic Consequences, Autoimmune Disease:Examples --

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

      • IgM antibodies (rheumatoid factors) react with Fc IgG component to form immune complexes.

        • Immune complexes ®split complement components ® joint and kidney inflammation

    • Systemic lupus erythematosus

  • The so-called "butterfly" rash of lupus is typical.

  • It is erythematous, and extends in butterfly fashion over both sides of the face.

  • It is not seen so often nowadays, since physicians are quick to prescribe systemic steroids.

  • The rash is made worse by exposure to sunlight."

  • Ó 1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas, used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center.

      • Antibodies produced against:

        • Self DNA

        • Red blood cells

        • Platelets

        • Histones

    • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

  • "Lymphocytic infiltrates in islets (T-cells)."

  • © 1999 KUMC Pathology and the University of Kansas, used with permission; courtesy of Dr. James Fishback, Department of Pathology, University of Kansas Medical Center."

      • Cell-mediated

        • Insulin-producing pancreatic B cells

      • Activated CD4+ TDTH :

        • Infiltrate islets of Langerhans

        • Recognize self islet B-cell peptides

      • Possible Explanations for Autoimmune Disease:

        • Self-reactive T cell exposure to previously unseen antigens (e.g. myelin basic protein, lens protein)

        • Molecular mimicry in which immune responses are directed against pathogenic antigenic determinants sharing identical or very similar epitopes with normal host tissue -- example:

          • Rheumatic fever following Streptococcus pyrogenes infection-- heart muscle damage secondary to host-immune responses against streptococcal antigenic determinants shared with myocardial tissue

          • In the case of viral etiology -- cell-mediated and humoral immune responses are directed against viral epitopes mimicking sequestered self antigens

        • Inappropriate class II MHC molecular expression on cell membranes that should not and normally do not expressed class II MHC (pancreatic islet B cells)

          • B cells then present "self" peptides to helper T cells ® induce CTL, TDTH, and B lymphocyte cells ® react against self antigens

Antibodies as Immunosuppressive Drugs

  • Overview

    • Increased antibody purity/specificity used for immunosuppression due to:

      • Hybridoma method -- fusing antibody-forming cells to immortal plasmacytoma cells

      • Allows for mass culture antibody production

  • Antilymphocyte and Antithymocyte Antibodies

    • Antisera against lymphocytes -- heterologous antilymphocyte globulin (ALG)

    • Organ transplantation programs use:

      • Antilymphocyte globulin (ALG)

      • Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)

      • Monoclonal anti-T cell antibodies

  • Antilymphocyte antibodies:

    • Act on small, long-lived peripheral lymphocytes (circulating between lymph and blood)

    • Continued administration: depletion of:

      • "Thymus-dependent" lymphocytes from lymphoid follicle cuffs

    • Mechanism:

      • Antilymphocyte antibodies bind to T-cell surface

      • Induced immunosuppression

      • Opsonization + phagocytosis of antibody-bound cells: hepatic mediation

      • Cytotoxic destruction of antibody-bound cells: spleen-mediated (serum complement involvement) for poly clonal preparations

      • Antibody binding may also block immune function by:

        • Altering membrane surface expression of molecules important for lymphocyte function

        • Example: monoclonal antibody against CD3-T cell receptor complex.

    • Consequences of destruction/inactivation of T cells:

      • Degradation of delayed hypersensitivity and cellular immunity

      • Humoral antibody formation: intact

      • Antibodies (polyclonal/monoclonal) -- most selective means of modulating immune response;

        • Particularly important in organ transplantation

  • Management of Transplantation

    • ALG + monoclonal antibodies:

      • Useful in treating initial rejection by inducing immunosuppression

      • Useful in treating steroid-resistant immunorejection

    • ALG- usually administered with prednisone + azathioprine

    • ALG plus monoclonal antibodies:

      • Used early following kidney transplantation in order to avoid early use of cyclosporine (enhanced cyclosporine- nephrotoxicity when used immediately after transplantation)

    • ALG: also used in recipient preparation for bone marrow transplant

      • Large dose ALG 7-10 days before transplant

      • Residual ALG: kills T cells in the donor-marrow-graft

        • Reduction in likelihood of severe graft-versus-host syndrome

  • ALG: adverse effects

    • Injection site: local pain/erythema

    • Anaphylactic/serum sickness reactions

    • Histiocytic lymphoma in the buttock (site of ALG injection)

    • Increased cancer incidence and kidney transplant patients (2% in long-term survivors)

      • May be secondary to immunosuppression against oncogenic viruses

  • Clinical Trials/Special Uses:

    • Murine (mouse) monoclonal antibody (OKT3) -- directed against CD3+ on human thymocyte and T cell surfaces may help manage renal transplant rejection

      • OKT3: marketed for renal allograph rejection crisis

    • Ricin-conjugated murine monoclonal antibody -- ongoing clinical trials:

      • Apparently potent in reversing graft-versus-host syndrome after allogenic bone marrow transplantation

  • Immune Globulin Intravenous (IGIV)

    • Intravenous use: polyclonal human immunoglobulin

    • No specific antigen target

    • Immunoglobulin preparation: derived from thousands of healthy individuals

    • Expectation: a "normalizing" effects on patient's immune system

    • Clinical Applications:

      • Asthma

      • Autoimmune disorders

      • Kawasaki syndrome

        • Reduces systemic inflammation

        • Prevents coronary artery aneurysms

      • Subacute lupus erythematosus

      • Refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura

    • Suggested Mechanisms:IGIV

      • ¯ Reduction of helper T cells

      • ­ Increase in suppressor T cells

      • ¯ Reduced immunoglobulin production

      • ¯ Reduced idiotypic-idiotypic interaction with "pathologic antibodies"

  • Rho(D) immune globulin micro-dose

    • Prevention of Rh hemolytic disease of the newborn

    • Rationale:

      1. A primary antibody response to a foreign antigen; blocked if the specific antibody to that antigen is administered passively at the time of antigen exposure

    • Composition: Rho(D) immune globulin:

      1. Concentrated solution (15%) of human IgG with a higher titer of antibodies against the Rho(D) red cell antigen

    • Process leading to Rh hemolytic disease in the newborn:

      1. Rh-negative mothers are sensitized to the D antigen at birth of Rho(D)-positive or Du-positive infants (fetal red cell's may leak into the mother's bloodstream.

        • Sensitization may also occur with miscarriages/ectopic pregnancies

      2. Subsequent pregnancies: maternal antibody against Rh-positive cells ® to the fetus during the third trimester ®erythroblastosis fetalis -- hemolytic disease of the newborn

      3. Upon Rho(D)-administration to the mother within three days after the birth of Rh-positive baby, the mother's own antibody responds to the foreign Rho(D)-positive cells will be suppressed

        • Following this treatment: Rh hemolytic disease has not been reported to occur in subsequent pregnancies.

        • Successful prophylaxis requires:

          1. Mother must be Rho(D)-negative

          2. Mother must be Du-negative

          3. Mother must not be already immunized to Rho(D) factor