
Scanning electron Microscope

Cotton fibers (cheesecloth)

microfiber cloth

coffee filter fibers

Wool fiber (gold) with cotton fibers (silver)

Germinating seed (Wisconsin Fast Plant)

Stomata on cotyledon of Wisconsin Fast Plant

bumblebee head and wing

bumblebee head

bumblebee head

bumblebee head

bumblebee antennae

bumblebee head closeup

bumblebee accessory ocilli (eyes)

bumblebee accessory ocilli (eyes) closeup

bumblebee lateral ocilli (eye)

bumblebee lateral ocilli (eye) closeup

bumblebee lateral ocilli (eye) closeup

bumblebee leg joint

bumblebee mouth with dust mite

bumblebee mouth with dust mite

bumblebee mouth with dust mite closeup

Argentine ant head

Argentine ant head closeup

Argentine ant lateral ocelli (eye)

bumblebee leg

bumblebee leg setae (hair)

bumblebee leg setae (hair) with pollen

bumblebee leg setae (hair) with pollen closeup

bumblebee leg setae (hair) with pollen closeup

bumblebee leg setae (hair) with pollen closeup


screwfly larva

screwfly larva closeup

slime mold fruiting body

slime mold

slime mold

E. coli bacteria

star sand

mosquito wing

mosquito wing closeup

mosqito wing closeup

mosquito eye (dessicated)

mosquito leg

freshwater algae (Scenedesmus)

freshwater diatoms

freshwater diatoms closeup

pinescale plant cells

silverfish (head)

silverfish antennae

silverfish antennae closeup

silverfish (posterior)

silverfish body closeup

silverfish cercus closeup

silverfish cercus closeup

silverfish appendage closeup

silverfish body


flea head closeup

flea body closeup

flea genal comb closeup

centipede head (ventral view)

centipede head (ventral view)

centipede mouth parts

centipede mouthparts closeup

centipede mouthparts closeup

centipede mouthparts closeup

centipede head (top view)

centipede compound eye

centipede compound eye and antennae

centipede compound eye closeup

centipede and ant heads

centipede body

centipede appendage

centipede claw

centipede claw closeup

centipede claw closeup

centipede claw closeup

centipede spiracles

spider head and chelicerae (mouthpart)

spider setae (hair-like bristle)

spider setae closeup

spider setae closeup

Light microscope

cerebellum Purkinje neuron

cortical neurons

spinal cord ventral horn neuron

spinal cord neuron

dorsal root ganglion neurons

pyramidal neuron of the cortex


cortical astrocytes

taste bud

goblet cells

striated (voluntary) muscle

glomerulus of the kidney

hair follicles of the scalp

chromosome smear

mitosis in onion root tips

mitosis in onion root tips

prophase in whitefish blastula

prometaphase in whitefish blastula

metaphase in whitefish blastula

early anaphase in whitefish blastula

late anaphase in whitefish blastula

telophase and cytokinesis in whitefish blastula

mitochondria stain

blood from malaria patient

wheatrust infection of plant cells

orange peel with mold wet mount


banana wet mount

pine scale wet mount

pollen grain

flea whole mount

hair louse whole mount

housefly whole mount

housefly whole mount

mosquito mouthparts

tick whole mount

Planaria (flatworm) with digestive tract stain

freshwater Cyclops wet mount

Stereo Microscope

giant house spider (Eratigena atrica)

foot of a bumblebee

ladybug wing

wasp head

pillbug body

wasp wing

orchid petal

spider abdomen

spider leg