Dr. Handran's Gallery Pages

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Images that I processed as a part of the JunoCam citizen science project for NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter. Several of these images have appeared in internet news and media in multiple countries and languages. Images were processed using Photoshop and Google Nik.

Photographs that I took at the Monterey Bay Aquarium over the past decade. Shot on Canon 6D and post-processed in Photoshop.

Images that I have taken from my short-course for high school students on light and electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscope images are from a Hitachi tabletop SEM (loaner placement courtesy of Hitachi Corporation). Compound light microscope images were taken using a Motic classroom-grade microscope and 10MP digital camera. Dissecting microscope images were taken using a Wolff dissecting scope and an ocular-adapter digital camera.