Dr Faeeza Abdullatief

Unani Tibb Practitioner

BSc Complementary Health Sciences (UWC), B Complementary Medicine (Unani Tibb) (UWC)

AHPCSA reg: A11028Practice no. :1090000 450731

What is Unani Tibb?

"Unani" or "Yunani" means Greek and "Tibb" is the Arabic word for medicine. This describes the Greaco-Arabic system of medicine based on the teachings of the Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen and Persian philosophers like Ibn Sina (Also known as " Avicenna"). This system of medicine is practiced in various parts of the world, mainly in South Asia.

Unani Tibb focusses on the person as an individual and their temperament (the physical, mental composition and personality traits which can be categorised into 4 types: Melancholic, Sanguine, Phlegmatic and Bilious/Choleric). Treatment is focussed on maintaining the persons ideal temperament to maintain optimum health.

The persons lifestyle is also relevant to the treatment plan. There are 6 specific factors of an individual's lifestyle that are considered:

1) Diet and nutritional state;

2) Environmental Air and Breathing;

3) Emotions and mental health state;

4) Elimination and retention;

5) Movement and rest (exercise),

6)Sleep and wakefulness.

During a consultation the Unani Tibb practitioner will assess the patient's temperament based on specific features and questions. The patient will also be asked about their current lifestyle and other factors that could be contributing to the patients condition. The practitioner will conduct a medical assessment with the patient to determine the diagnosis based on a series of examinations including assessment of the tongue and pulse. An individualised treatment plan will be compiled for the patient involving a detailed lifestyle plan to assist the patient in recovery and maintenance of optimum health. In addition, other therapies (e.g. humoural massage, cupping therapy), self help techniques and herbal medication may also be included depending on the case.

It should be noted that the Unani Tibb Approach focusses on patient education so that the patient can take control of his/her health and the practitioner merely guides the patient and assists where intervention is needed.

For more information on Unani Tibb visit www.satibb.co.za