Interior Designing

Thinking of becoming an interior designer? Here’s what you need to know

Have you always been complimented about your interior design taste? Does it give you joy to decorate rooms and arrange the furniture? If your answer is yes then maybe interior design is the right job for you.

But before making any big decision you need to know all aspects relating to that. Same goes for this job, it’s not all fun and games and there are many challenges an interior designer has to face on daily basis and ask anyone who does Residential interior designing here in San Jose CA and they all will tell you that. Maybe these will make you more excited or maybe they won’t appeal to you that much.

Nevertheless, here are a few things you should know before you become an interior designer.

Decorators and designers are not the same

You should know what you really want to be. And for that you need to know the difference between a decorator and a designer. Most people confuse these two. You don’t need any special education to be a decorator. Whereas to be a designer you need at least an associate or bachelor’s degree in the interior design field. Of course, the degree adds value and designer a lot more than a decorator.

You need to have some design sense

Seems fairly obvious but we still need to mention it. You need to have some design sense before you just jump into this field. You might think that this job is easy money but it really isn’t. Same as everyone with a camera is not a photographer. You won’t be a professional interior designer just like that.

The salary might not be what you expected

You might’ve googled around a bit and you might have seen stats and figures showing a salary of $40k/year or something around that for an entry-level interior designer.

Now it’s true, numbers don’t lie. But you need to consider the fact that your salary is affected by a number of factors such as your education, where you are, your work experience and the company or firm you’re working for and the numbers vary significantly. Do your research in the field before making a decision.