Patient Feedback

I appreciate feedback from my patients.  (It's good for my ego!)  I am not completely comfortable posting testimonials, however, I had several patients suggest that I do so after viewing my site.  If you would like to submit something for this page, please email your comments to . 

Dear Doctor Davison,

Happy New Year 2012. I wish you the best for you and your family. From an happy runner, still enjoying running and training, remembering that nothing would have happened without you! 

Bonne Année 2012 - Cecile

PS: I know it's late but I tell you that I made it, hard, intense, I loved it!!

Dr. Davison,

        Can't thank you enough for being so nice. I'm sorry I never made up my last appointment but I had to say hello. Thank you for your treatment, my back feels so much better! It was a pleasure to meet you and your team.

                                                            With Love,


    "Being a medical professional , I am very critical of health care professionals in general. Dr. Doug is one of the best providers I have ever known!! He is the kindest, most gentile, caring practitioner I have ever come in contact with as a professional myself, and as a patient!!! The treatments and hands are truly magical, never mind the great advice.  Can't say enough about his expertise"

                                                                                                                         Patty, RN, CPC


    "Dr. Davison came highly recommended by my PCP who also is a practitioner at BMA. Having a toddler who just learned how to walk, I spent many hours chasing and carrying her around. This took a large toll on my back and finally caused much back and neck pain, sleepless nights, and very little mobility. After one treatment with Dr. Davison, I felt great relief and regained movement without pain. I visited Dr. Davison three more times within 8 weeks but felt back to normal almost immediately. I would recommend Dr. Davison to anyone looking for a truly effective, thorough and efficient chiropractor and am grateful to have found him."

                                                                                                                        Erin, corporate professional and mother

Thank you so much for all your help over the years.  Being referred to you was one of the best things that ever happened to me.  Each time I had an injury or “whatever!” I was comforted knowing you were right around the corner and your magic waves could quite possibly help.

Robin S.

Thank you for you letter letting me know about your new location. You will always be the only Dr I will trust with my chiropractic care. 

Jerry O.