FAQ About Self Care

I have tried to provide answers to some of the more common home treatment questions that we get in the office.  Obviously these are just general guidelines.  Feel free to contact the office or email me at ddavison@nespinecare.com for specific questions.  I will do my best to help you, but for detailed questions or help you may need to make an appointment.


Ice or Heat?

This is one of the most common questions I hear in my practice.  Patients are understandably confused by varying and sometimes contradictory advice they receive from friends, neighbors, family, and even health care providers.  The reason it is confusing is that there is very little clear cut evidence available.  The best evidence supports using ice within the first 72 hours following a traumatic injury.  After the 72 hour window there is little to support or refute the use of either.  Here are the guidelines I use:


Stretching is an important component of injury treatment and prevention.  Muscles are elastic tissue.  The inherent programming of muscle tissue promotes shortening of the tissue.  This allows our bodies to stay elastic and functional through years of wear and tear.  It is why our eleastic tissue does not become worn out like the elastic in an old sock. 


There are two reasons to stretch and each one requires a different approach.

Remember...muscles will find the shortest length possible and stay there based on the requirements you place on them regularly. 



What should I stretch/exercise for my low back pain?

I am providing a very general list here.  If you are unsure of how to perform any stretch or exercise you should make an appointment with me for supervised instruction.  You may also be able to find examples online.

The following videos will give you good basic information about a safe stretching routine for your lower back:







What can I do for my neck pain?

 The following video links offer four safe and effective stretches that can be performed at home:










Do I need and MRI? Why don't I need an MRI?

You may well need an MRI at some point.  However, it is helpful to acknowledge the uses and limitations of this diagnostic tool.  An MRI should be thought of as a roadmap for a surgeon.  It is not an effective first line screening tool for pain.  The guidelines I use for the use for the use of MRI is as follows:

    Reasons to avoid MRI: