Dr. Chintan M Bhatt

Assistant Professor-CSE, School of Technology

Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU)

Dr. Chintan Bhatt is working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science And Engineering (CSE), School of Technology, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU). Before joining PDEU, Dr. Bhatt served as an Assistant Professor in CE department (CSPIT, CHARUSAT) for 11 years. Dr. Bhatt is the author and co-author of 80+ publications in the areas of Computer Vision, Internet of Things and Fog Computing. Dr. Bhatt has won several awards including "CSI Award" and "Best Paper Award" for his CSI articles and conference publications. Dr. Bhatt was involved in successful organization of few Special Issues in SCI/Scopus Journals.

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ORCID ID-0000-0002-0423-0159

Scopus ID-56209228700

E-mail: chintan.bhatt [at] sot.pdpu.ac.in

Prospective Students

I am always looking for highly motivated students for research (Visit Current Research Work tab in this website). Contact me if you are interested!

Recent News

  1. [November-22] Inviting quality book chapters for our 2 upcoming books under CRC Press. Please visit Current CFP web page on my site!

  2. [August-22] Book titled "Security Issues in Fog Computing from 5G to 6G: Architectures, Applications and Solutions" is online: Security Issues in Fog Computing from 5G to 6G | SpringerLink

  3. [August-22] Special Issue titled "Blockchain based sustainable, secure healthcare systems" is published!!! Link: Editorial: Blockchain based sustainable, secure healthcare systems - ScienceDirect

  4. [August-22] Research paper titled "ViTFER: Facial Emotion Recognition with Vision Transformers" is published in Applied System Innovation (Scopus, ESCI), MDPI.

  5. Research Paper titled "Automatic Detection of Oil Spills from SAR Images using Deep Learning" is presented in ISAmI International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (isami-conference.net)

  6. Research Paper titled "Deep Learning based Automated Chest X-ray Abnormalities Detection" is presented in ISAmI International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (isami-conference.net)

  7. Research paper titled "Deep Learning-Based Automatic Detection of Ships: An Experimental Study Using Satellite Images" is published in J. Imaging (Scopus, ESCI), MDPI.

  8. Dev Gundaliya has secured his position as Notable Participant!!! IITB-AICTE Mapathon (fossee.in)

  9. Research paper titled "Deepsign: Sign Language Detection and Recognition Using Deep Learning" is published in electronics (SCI, IF-2.690), MDPI.

Published Books