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Call for Book Chapters on Health 5.0: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions

Health 5.0: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions, an edited book that will be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, is inviting book chapter proposals.


The recent advancements in embedded technologies have revolutionized remote healthcare monitoring and diagnosis using low-cost and easy to wear tiny devices with wireless connectivity defining Internet of Medical Things (IoMT).. With consistent advancements in Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry has transformed healthcare monitoring into a state-of-the-art automation paradigm. On the foundation of Industry 4.0, an era of smart and e-connected healthcare monitoring cum diagnosis is touching new heights referred to as Healthcare 4.0. The Healthcare 4.0, smartly utilizes the recent technologies such as Internet of Things, Big Data, and Cloud Computing to revolutionize the remote healthcare monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. Additionally, augmented reality has enabled the next generation healthcare applications and treatment possibilities with real-time access to data.

However, Healthcare 4.0 has limitations of processing and analyzing healthcare data. Usually, in Healthcare 4.0, the healthcare data are processed in cloud platforms using conventional statistical and machine learning approaches. However, conventional approaches are not suitable to analyze the IoMT data, which may not provide detailed insights. Moreover, cloud computing may not serve the purpose of real-time remote healthcare monitoring of patients due to severe latency issues. Therefore, artificial intelligence-enabled models are required, which can be further improved to suit the processing of healthcare data. Moreover, the IoMT collected data may come in diversified forms and accumulate over the period of time resulting in big data, which requires a specialized computing environment. To tackle the real-time data processing constraint of Healthcare 4.0, a paradigm shift to Health 5.0 with fog computing as processing unit is required to analyze the data in an efficient manner. The fifth stage in Industry (Industry 5.0) recognizes the core role of customers (beyond the “customer is the king” mantra). Similarly, this book will explore the possibilities of fog/edge computing models, IoMT, 6G communications, and artificial intelligence (AI) to further advance the field of healthcare automation i.e., digital wellness and assistive technologies The integrated AI, 6G communications, for/edge computing together may change the healthcare landscape and can revolutionize modern IoMT based healthcare by enabling personalized, preventative, and collaborative forms of IoT care.

The main objective of this book is to invite the domain experts to contribute chapters that illustrate new ideas, innovative research results, or systematic reviews in the above-mentioned areas. The emphasis of this book is also on using IoMT to respond to epidemic/pandemic situations and on the security aspect to keep the critical IoT infrastructure safe and running in states of emergency.

In this context, domain experts are cordially invited to submit research and methodological contributions on the following topics:

  • The history, concepts, and conventional medicare technologies.

  • Recent advancements and Issues in Health 5.0.

  • Smart healthcare and IoMT: Best practices and perspectives.

  • Issues and Challenges of Intelligent IoMT for Edge Computing.

  • Data Generation, Storage, and Processing of IoMT Healthcare data in Edge Computing.

  • Advancements of IoMT and AI for Advancement of Health Monitoring.

  • IoMT frameworks and Architectures for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Augmented Reality.

  • AI-enabled IoMT frameworks for Automated Health diagnosis.

  • Mobile Cloud-based Federated IoMT Architecture for Ambient Assisted Healthy Living.

  • Symptom-based Real-time Augmented Pattern detection and recognition.

  • Role of AI and Edge computing for early health prediction using IoMT.

  • OpenCV algorithm for IoMT-based Patient emotion pattern Analysis.

  • Explainable AI Algorithms for augmented healthcare Hybridization.

  • Optimized Predictive Algorithms for Augmented Intelligence in Personalized e-health.

  • Ambient Intelligence and emotion detection in mental Health Care.

  • Sentiment analysis and Social Media Analysis for IoMT-enabled data.

  • Deep learning for Augmented Medical Image data analysis.

  • IoMT based intelligence systems for diagnosis and prediction of COVID-19 using advanced techniques.


  • Abstract Submission: Feb. 15, 2023

  • Abstract Notification: March 01, 2023

  • Full Chapter Submission: May 30, 2023

  • Final Chapter Submission according to Reviewers' comments: July 30, 2023


  • Hiren Kumar Thakkar, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India;

  • Chintan Bhatt, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India;

  • Victor C.M. Leung, University of British Columbia, Canada;

  • Ilangko Balasingham, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway;

Note: Submission of abstract/full chapter/final chapter can be done via writing this line in subject of the email: Abstract Submission for Health 5.0: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions/Full Chapter Submission for Health 5.0: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions/Final Chapter Submission for Health 5.0: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions. Keep all editors in loop during submission via email.

Call for Book Chapters on Education 5.0: Fundamentals, Models, Architectures, and Applications

Education 5.0: Fundamentals, Models, Architectures, and Applications, an edited book that will be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, is inviting book chapter proposals.


Education 5.0 is a consortium of nontraditional and modern thoughts, techniques and architecture inspired by the latest technology such as cloud computing, IoT/IoE, and machine learning. The primary objective of the Education 5.0 model is to impart Information and Technology (ICT) advances in education. In post-pandemic such as Covid-19, the application of modern technology in education is highly needed.

Education 5.0 is primarily thought of as a response to Industry 5.0, where modern ICT inspired holistic automation and data exchange take place to benefit the business. Therefore, education is an important industry preparing future professionals and creating a lot of employment towards the benefits of society and industry.

Education 5.0 is a realistic, practical, and modern approach for learning and getting ready for future challenges. The way we deal with machines has drastically changed, particularly in the post-pandemic period. Now the machine can be more interactive (like Siri and Alexa), intelligent (with machine learning) and globally making an impact (Web and Cloud Computing), the education field must get advantages of it. Considering the ubiquitous nature of machine learning and other ICT based tools and technologies, the following topics can be included in the book.

In this context, domain experts are cordially invited to submit research and methodological contributions on the following topics:

  • Introduction, innovative models and concepts of Education 5.0

  • State of the art in Education 5.0

  • Education 5.0 multi-layer architecture and framework

  • Middleware services and web service for Education 5.0

  • Designing online courses and exams

  • Learning models for children with varying abilities

  • Machine learning based applications including NLP and Chatbots

  • Virtual learning /classroom and Virtual /teleoperated laboratories

  • Customized (personalized) learning /blended learning /mobile learning along with eLearning models

  • Quality standards for Education 5.0

  • Software Engineering models for Education 5.0

  • Simulation techniques for multimedia-based and holographic education

  • Hardware models and internet protocols for teaching and learning


  • Abstract Submission: April 15, 2023

  • Abstract Notification: May 01, 2023

  • Full Chapter Submission: July 30, 2023

  • Final Chapter Submission according to Reviewers' comments: September 30, 2023


  • Priti Sajja, S P University, India;

  • Chintan Bhatt, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, India;

  • Sidath Liyanage, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka;

  • Malka Halgamuge, RMIT University, Australia;

Note: Submission of abstract/full chapter/final chapter can be done via writing this line in subject of the email: Abstract Submission for Education 5.0: Fundamentals, Models, Architectures, and Applications/Full Chapter Submission for Education 5.0: Fundamentals, Models, Architectures, and Applications/Final Chapter Submission for Education 5.0: Fundamentals, Models, Architectures, and Applications. Keep all editors in loop during submission via email.