Technical Workshops & Invited Talks

Invited Talks

  • B. Jajodia, “Basics of Quantum Computing" in Online One-Week Lecture Series-I, organized by Deptt. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Assam Engineering College, Guwahati in association with Deptt. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GUIST, Gauhati University, Assam, India, 24–29 January 2022

  • B. Jajodia, “Transceiver Design for IEEE 802.15.6 Wireless Body Area Network System" in Five-Day Online AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Faculty Development Programme on Design of Low Power Analog Integrated Circuits, jointly by ATAL Academy and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GUIST, Gauhati University, Assam, India, 29 November 3 December 2021

  • B. Jajodia, “Quantum Computing in the Abstract" in Five-Day Online AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Faculty Development Programme on Quantum Computing, jointly by ATAL Academy and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, GUIST, Gauhati University, Assam, India, 25-29 October 2021

  • B. Jajodia, “Towards VLSI Design and Implementation of DSP Applications" in Five-Day Online Short-Term Training Programme on “Circuit Design, Simulation and Analysis (eSim, Skywater 130nm PDK)", jointly by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University and VLSI System Design, Bangalore, India, 27 September –1 October 2021

  • B. Jajodia, “Introduction to Quantum Computing" in Five-Day Online TEQIP-III Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Quantum Computing", jointly by Deptt. of ECE, GUIST, Gauhati University and Deptt. of ETE, Assam Engineering College, Assam, India, 18–22 March 2021

  • B. Jajodia, “Design of IR-UWB Transmitter and Receiver for IEEE 802.15.6 Wireless Body Area Network System" in TEQIP-III Sponsored Five-Day Faculty Development Programme on “VLSI & MEMS Design", IIIT Senapati, Manipur, India, 10–14 February 2020

Invited Technical Workshops

  • B. Jajodia, “Analog and Digital Design using Cadence Tools" in two-day TEQIP-III Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Analog and Digital Design using Cadence Tools", Deptt. of ECE, GUIST, Gauhati University, Assam, India, 27–28 August 2018

Technical Workshop/Session Conducted

  • B. Jajodia organized "Online Technical Session on Design and Prototype FPGA and SoC Systems using MATLAB & Simulink" at Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati in association with MathWorks India Private Limited, 4 March 2022

  • B. Jajodia co-organized "Online Technical Session on VLSI and Embedded Systems" at Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati in association with CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 20 August 2021

  • B. Jajodia organized “TEQIP-III sponsored Online Technical Workshop on Analog and Digital VLSI Design using CADENCE Tools" at Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati in association with Entuple Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 23–24 December 2020

Technical Workshop Attended

  • B. Jajodia, attended "TEQIP-III Sponsored Online Short-Term Course on Recent Advances in RF and Photonics" Organized at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India, 22-26 February 2021

  • B. Jajodia, attended "TEQIP-III Sponsored Short-Term Course on Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing" Organized at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati,, Guwahati, Assam, India, 18-22 November 2019