Current Research

Crossing Borders, Breaking Boundaries (CBBB)

This Peace IV funded collaboration with the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI), Community Integration Partnership (CIP) and Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) seeks to reflect the experiences of vulnerable migrant workers in the border region of Ireland/Northern Ireland. Outputs include policy recommendations and a Labour Market Integration Strategy for Migrant Workers.

Technology and Social Justice in the Public Sector

Technology brings about many opportunities, but it also has pitfalls that risk affecting the most vulnerable in society.This preliminary work will provide an evidence-based foundation upon which to develop a wider body of research. It will involve a targeted review of the available literature on technology and inequalities in welfare and public services, and an interdisciplinary workshop with thematic priorities informed by the literature review. The workshop, funded by Cherish-DE at Swansea University, is expected to be held in March 2019.

Evaluation of the Veterans' Gateway

A realist evaluation of the first ever online self-help system for veterans in the UK, this research includes a realist review of online self-help interventions, an online survey of key stakeholders, sentiment analysis of social media responses to the service, and interviews with users and non-users across the UK and abroad. This independent review is funded by The Veterans' Gateway and is expected to complete in Summer 2019.