Impact and Civic Engagement

The NIVHWS has produced four reports, including detailed policy recommendations. Evidence from the reports have been used in two Defence Select Committee inquiries, in the Annual Covenant Reports and Transition Reviews, and in the establishment of the NI Veterans' Support Office. The team's commitment to achieving real world impact with the research was recognised at the 2018 Ulster University Impact Excellence Awards.

Data Impact Blog

Veterans' Gateway Evaluation

Preliminary findings from the Evaluation of the Veterans' Gateway have been used in the justification for the extension of funding for the VG. The Gateway has been successful in extending its funding period and increasing it's remit.

Migration and Integration

Reports produced during her time at the Northern Ireland Strategic Migration Partnership, including a proposal for a Regional Migration Strategy, have been incorporated into the Racial Equality Strategy 2015-2025 and fed into Home Office consultations across a range of immigration policies.

Evidence to the Defence Select Committee, Veteran Mental Health in NI, 13th November 2018


2015-2016 Volunteer Coordinator, Northern Ireland Community of Refugees and Asylum Seekers

2015-2016 Chair, Refugees Welcome, Northern Ireland

2012-2015 Secretary, North Belfast Minority Ethnic Support Network

2010-2012 Steering Committee, Platform for Change, Northern Ireland

2007-2009 Schools Volunteer, Amnesty International, Northern Ireland

2000-2002 Court Support, Women Empowered Against Violence, DC

2000-2001 Volunteer Trainer, Youth for Democracy and Positive Change, DC

1999-2000 Volunteer, Helping Individual Prostitutes Survive (HIPS), DC


2018 - Present Co-Chair

Race and Migration Research Group, Ulster University

2016 - Present Chair/Founding Member/Faculty Advisor

Contract Research Forum, Ulster University

2016 - Present Secretariat

Ulster University, Interdisciplinary Brexit Research Group


2016- 2018 Editor

UK Psychological Trauma Society Research Digest

2018 UU Research Impact Awards

Winner in the Healthy Communities Category for the NIVHWS

2017 Commentator

Be Seen Be Heard Programme for Women in Media

2016 UU Research Impact Awards

Finalist in the Healthy Communities Category for the NIVHWS

2016 UU Communicate

Ulster University, Centre for Research and Impact