By combining the curved eye line with a curved center line, the head can be drawn to face in any direction and at whatever angle you wish. Establish these guide lines first and you should have little trouble locating the features properly no matter at which angle the head is tilted or turned.

Give the facial expression more punch and drama by drawing the head in an attitude or gesture that matches the emotion expressed by the features. Again, stand in front of a mirror and try out some of the basic expressions. Note how naturally the head takes a position that corresponds to the expression. When you laugh, the head goes back. When you look dejected, it goes down. For nearly every facial expression there is a head gesture. Practice these gestures and apply them in your work.

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All cartoon heads, regardless of the style of drawing, are based on real people. To turn a real head into a cartoon head you must do two things: (1) Eliminate detail and (2) exaggerate outstanding characteristics. This enables you to express the feelings and personality of the character clearly and sharply. To show you what we mean, we had four cartoonists draw their interpretations of three models. Their drawings, ranging from the realistic to the highly stylized, appear below. Note that each man has created a unique and individual cartoon while expressing the type and personality of the model.

I haven't been subbed to here for very long, so I apologize if this isn't the correct place to submit something like this. I was looking for some advice as far as my drawings. I have been working on my realism skills for quite a while, and they've gotten tremendously better than they used to be. Although, I've taken quite an interest in more cartoon style art, and I can't seem to create anything nice in any style other than realism. I don't just "expect" to be automatically good at it, even with experience with realism, but I had hoped I wouldn't be this bad. I really want to get better at different styles other than realism, but I don't even know where to start. I don't want my art to be limited only to realism.

I feel an unformfterale sensation in my soul. Like i've been electrocuted and I got a nosebleed. I mention this because whenever I think of drawing something realistic, I have an urge to not do it. But I want to improve my art, sooo.

The text is mainly concerned with the gag cartoon as seen in various newspapers as well as magazines (such as Playboy, the New Yorker, etc). Crenshaw talks a little bit about his own career and a (very) brief history of gag cartooning. He then goes on to talk about earnings for cartoons, the style, developing technique, setting up a reference file for images, writing gags, submitting cartoons, and marketing yourself and your work.

Well, only touching briefly on the subject, to be honest. 

I've been associated with Visual Arts Brampton for about 7 years or more now, and I can most often be found there on Tuesday evenings for the open workshops in life drawing. Visual Arts Brampton, or VAB for short, is located on the east side of Hurontario immediately north of Steeles in Brampton Ontario, just a short drive away from where I live in adjacent Mississauga. Keith Moreau runs this art studio that offers art lessons and open drawing sessions to the general public, and I'd like to encourage those in the Brampton area to come out and join us for some life sketching on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. It's only $10 per session with no obligation to sign up for anything - just drop by when you're of a mind to. I've posted some of my more caricatured approaches to life drawing previously, which may be found here. I think I may soon be posting more samples, as I've got a ton of them stockpiled. Also, here are a couple of caricatures pictured below I drew of aspiring young artists who have joined us in past sessions.

Something else Keith and I have been starting to venture into is doing some test runs at cartooning tips on video. To be honest, they're pretty rough attempts so far, as nothing has been scripted at all and I have a tendency to ramble a bit in my somewhat awkward stammering way of speaking! But we're just trying out things in the hopes of developing it more down the road. Anyway, here is our first attempt at something pretty much on the fly that Keith's son Nick has videotaped and uploaded to YouTube for now. Funnily enough, although I'm quite comfortable standing up in front of a classroom full of students at Sheridan College, I'm pretty damn self-conscious in front of a rolling camera! No Oscars for acting in my future, I'm afraid...

THANK YOU for posting this. I followed along on a sheet of paper with a pen, and the combination of that, your explanation, and watching you on the video finally made a number of concepts "click" that had just been confusing rules before. I look forward to seeing any future videos you might produce!

I had one question: When drawing eyebrows, especially on women, how do you keep them from looking "mean"? Female eyebrows seem a little more angled downward/inwards, but I can't seem to draw them without making my characters look like some sort of villain. Any advice?

Thanks again!

I found a link to your blog while perusing through some older posts of John's. 

And I must say your work and thoughts on the evolutions are really inspirational. 

I'm a rather young illustrator, 21 to be exact. So I'm glad I've stumbled upon your work so that I may improve before I become an old fogy or learn the wrong way. ;)

I hope to see more stuff from you in the future. In the meantime, I'll practice your methods in my sparetime. 

Happy drawing!

Thanks so much for posting these and please make some more. No one is doing drawing videos for some reason. I love the video format because I can see exactly how you draw through all the stages of the drawing. I can also see exactly where you grip your pencil, and how hard you press the pencil to the paper. 

I don't have any drawing friends or instructors so this information is extremely helpful. Also thanks for going over proportions and how they fit into construction.

While there might be no Oscars for Documentary Short Subject, each video's so far received an average rating of 5/5. No bad.

(I'll note that I was a little overwhelmed, opening the studio's inbox, finding people subscribing to our video feed. Thanks to everyone who did so!)

In the next week or so, we should have another two-parter available. Peter filmed a segment, drawing a rather stubby fellow running. There's just one little thing we need to do in post, and then it'll be up and available to all.

- Nick

Wow - thanks to all for the very positive response! I guess I'll just have to get more comfortable in front of the camera and do some more of these after all. I must admit, I'd love to see this type of video demo by cartoonists that I admire as well. Bobby Chiu has one on YouTube of MAD veteran cartoonist, Mort Drucker, that was conducted by the brilliant Stephen Silver. Unfortunately, it's brief and essentially a teaser to sign up for the course, but what's there for a free preview is still fun to watch and gives some great insight into Drucker's methods.

As I said before, the couple we've videotaped at VAB so far are just tests, not scripted or well thought out on my part. I'm wondering, though, whether that's really important, as watching it in playback I'm thinking that my ongoing narrative of simply speaking my internal thought process may be better than trying to create something overly polished and professional. The rawness of the thought process actually may be more beneficial to anybody trying to learn more about how drawings are created.

Again, much thanks to Nick Moreau for being the dedicated videographer on this. We'll try to do some more of these in the weeks to come.

pete, you could be reciting the phone book for all i care. watching someone draw well is just amazing.

you remind me of watching mr. dressup draw pictures when i was a kid. it was what got me into drawing in the first place.

keep it up!

Thanks Pete and Keith!

Speaking of Visual Arts Brampton, I might venture back there after school is done to get some drawings in and buff up my portfolio. I am glad to hear things are still running well.

Mr. Dressup , Ernie Coombs- draws straight on , usually starts off with a line anywhere on the paper and for some reason magically transforms into a train, a monkey whatever-- it's usually hard to make out at first.. kind of how Aragones does his cartoons , very fast and direct tho aragones tend to be more distinct.

Pete here is more precise and has his own flavor - the way the Great Masters do it, Pete is a living legend! not saying Mr Dressup is lesser talented - his style is just different - very minimal construction. but, I guess - how they explain stuff is kinda similar - very clear!

Fantastic videos!!!

In this easy cartoon drawing tutorial, you'll learn how to draw cartoon characters. A good cartoonist is one who can extract the main details of an object or a human being and represent them with simple shapes. The goal is that a child can recognize the drawing and be attracted to what they're looking at.

Children are the main audience for cartoons. Masters like Walt Disney, Hanna & Barbera, Chuck Jones, Jim Henson, Walter Lantz and many others have enchanted the world with their magical and eternal characters.

My role here is to help you understand the proper way to assemble this puzzle. I'll teach you how to draw characters from the techniques presented. I guarantee you'll be shocked at how easy it is to create a cartoon expression that children (and adults) will adore.

Before jumping into cartoon face drawing, we'll talk about the basics of human perception. Human beings have a very interesting feature: we can synthesize the details that make up a structure or an object in very complex ways into very basic and simple ones. In this way, we can represent any type of thing through a few curves and geometric shapes. 006ab0faaa

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