Research Projects & Experience

Research Experiences and Role

1. Current Project
Project : Preparation of District Agricultural plan and State Agricultural Plan.Source : National Agriculture Development Programme (NADP), Govt. of India.Duration : July 2019 – till date. PI : Dr. K.R. Ashok.Role : Research Associate. 2. Past Projects
Project : Assessment of Organic Product Marketing Opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic Region of USA.Source : United states Department of Agriculture (USDA).Duration : Oct 2015 to Oct 2017.PI : Dr. Ramu Govindasamy.Role : Co-Principal Investigator+. Project : Locally Grown Ethnic Greens and Herbs: Demand Assessments and Production Opportunities for East Coast Farmers.Source : CSREES-USDA.Duration : Oct 2012 to Dec 2014.PI : Dr. Ramu Govindasamy.Role : Post-Doctoral Associate*. Project : A Demand Driven Assessment of Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing & Agri-Tourism Industry in the Mid-Atlantic USA. Source : Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program, AMS-USDA Duration : Oct 2012 to October 2013.PI : Dr. Ramu Govindasamy.Role : Post-Doctoral Associate*.
Project : Excellence in Higher Education for Liberian Development (EHELD).Source : USAID.Duration : Oct 2012 to Jul 2015.PI : Dr. Jim Simon.Role : Supported to develop the course curriculum and materials for various courses titled:1. Agricultural Economics, 2. Farm Production and Management, 3. Agricultural Finance, 4. Value Chain Analysis in Commercial Agriculture, 5. Economics of Agricultural Sustainability and 6. Natural Resource Economics. Project : Improving Income and Nutrition of Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Africa using a Market Driven Approach to Enhance Value Chain Production of African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs).Source : UC Davis Horticulture Innovation Lab, USAID.Duration : Jan 2015 to July 17.PI : Dr. Jim Simon.Role : Post-Doctoral Associate*. Project : A Production System for High Value Crops at Risk from Downy Mildew that Integrates Detection, Breeding, Extension, and Education.Source : United states Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Food Security Program.Duration : Jan 2016 to Oct 2017.PI : Dr. Jim Simon.Role : Post-Doctoral Associate*.
Project : Strategies for Improving the U.S. Responses to Fusarium, Downey Mildew and Chilling Injury in Production of Sweet Basil.Source : USDA – CSREES, Specialty Crop Research Initiative.Duration : Oct 2012 to Dec 2015.PI :Dr. Jim Simon.Role : Post-Doctoral Associate*.
Note: * Nature of works includes literature reviews, proposals writing+, surveys developments, data collection, analysis, reports writing, estimation the cost of production of various crops, manuscripts writing, presenting projects findings in various conference, seminars and growers meetings.

Ph.D Research

Title : A Study on Climate Variability, Agricultural Production and Determinants of Farmer’s Adaptation in Tamil Nadu, India.

Guide(s): 1. Professor Dr. K. R. Ashok, Ph.D

(Dept. of Agrl.Economics, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India).

2. Professor Dr. Suren Kulshreshtha Ph.D

(Dept. of Agrl. and Resource Economics, College of Agriculture and Bioresources , University of Saskatchewan, Canada).

M.Sc., Research

Title : A Micro Level Inquiry into the Eco-Tourism, Livelihood Security and Forest Environment in Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu, India

Guide(s): 1. Professor Dr. C. Sekar, Ph.D

( Centre for Students Welfare, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India).

Pending Projects (Proposal Under Appraisal for Funding)

1. Project Title : Local Food, Direct Marketing And Agritourism Activities As Value-Added Opportunities For Small Farmers In The Mid- Atlantic United States. Source : USDA –Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. Role : Co-Principal Investigator+.
2. Project Title : Assessing Consumer Attitudes and Expectations toward Organic Farm-raised Seafood. Source : National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Saltonstall - Kennedy Competitive Research Program. Role: Co-Principal Investigator+.
3. Project Tile: Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Production, & Determination of Farmer’s Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in the Northeastern Region of USA. Source : USDA (Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change Challenge Area). Role : Co-Principal Investigator+.

Note: + Participated in Proposals Writing and Pre-Surveys Development.

"Economic growth without social progress lets the great majority of people remain in poverty, while a privileged few reap the benefits of rising abundance " - John F. Kennedy .