Blockchain over wireless

Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies are currently receiving tremendous attention in various disciplines. Our focus is enabling scalable, low-latency and reliable blockchain by means of mathematical modeling, analysis and algorithms.

Use cases are boundless. These include spectrum sharing, distributed computing, distributed machine learning, etc.


  • H. Seo, J. Park, M. Bennis, W. Choi, "Communication and Consensus Co-Design for Low-Latency and Reliable Industrial IoT Systems," submitted to JSAC
  • H-S. Kim, et, al, "Blockchained On-Device Federated Learning," to appear at IEEE communications letter, 2019.
  • H. Seo, J. Park, M. Bennis, W. Choi, "Consensus-Before-Talk: Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access via Distributed Spectrum Ledger Technology," IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2018.
  • G. Lee, J. Park, W. Saad, and M. Bennis, "Performance Analysis of Blockchain systems with wireless mobile miners," submitted to IEEE Communications Letter 2019

Blockchained On-Device Federated Learning:

  • How to enable on-device machine learning without any centralized training data or coordination by utilizing a consensus mechanism in blockchain?

  • What is the optimal block generation rate by considering communication, computation, and consensus delay?