Hoarder Clean out



Hoards can be tough to tackle.

Dr Junk does roughly two hoard clean-outs per month.

It is not uncommon to have six foot tall piles of junk and trash piled in every room.

Dr Junk understands doing hoarder clean-outs requires patience and understanding.

It is best to have the owner go through the items before having Dr Junk come out to remove the items.

Hoarder clean out's take time and safety measures.

We will remove all the trash, debris, furniture, appliances, and anything else that needs to go.

Hoarding is a problem as the hoarder tends to keep items with no real value and let it just pile up.

This can be a real danger if an emergency should arise.

Hoards make it difficult for emergency response teams to get into the property.

They are also a fire hazard. It is not uncommon for the homeowner to hurt themselves trying to navigate between piles of debris.

Let us help you.

Call Dr Junk!!