Manage your License/ID conveniently and securely with the DDS 2 GO Mobile Services App for Georgia-based driver's licenses. Customers can fill out the DS23 Application, view your free 2-year driving record, view your alerts, check your driving status, and more.

I have just switched from iPhone to a Samsung and cannot believe how unsafe the Spotify app is in the car. The navigation buttons are small, the widget is tiny and unadjustable, and in the settings of the app there is no option to enable a car mode that changes the Spotify app display to a bigger simpler layout with large skip and like buttons. Why isn't this basic safety feature available to all Spotify users? I don't have a big computer display in my car to plug into for the weird car thing option. I don't think that should mean I have to die in a crash. Am I missing the setting where this is enabled? Please make this iPhone driving mode available to android users too, and enable adjustability of the android widget size. It's so dangerous.

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I wanted to give this the thumbs up. I agree totally with the first comment about Spotify having the resources to implement Car Mode for Android. Perplexing that they haven't. Unfortunately I can't agree with the second comment. In Australia, touching your phone while driving causes many accidents and now incurs a whopping fine. Spotify needs to concentrate on integrating voice mode with Google Assistant voice control. Problem solved, especially with "read me my options" command.. so you don't have to look at the tiny screen to see what it's displaying

I have a locations based app and I want to test it without real moving.

I know I can provide a kml file of points but I don't want to use emulator, but real device.

could you tell me what is the best way to simulate driving a route on the device?

I emphasize that I need to simulate an entire route rather than a single point.

thank you for giving your time

I needed to test driving journeys with my app, that had inaccuracies and were actually real life scenarios (e.g. tunnels, city driving, intermittent GPS signal) I did this using two apps, one mentioned by davidleejy, and going out for a drive once to gather the data:

The android emulator for Visual Studio that runs with Hyper-visor has a GPS option to follow road and go speed limit (or to go 400 mph, walk, and some other options). However, the latest windows update to fall creator's update winver 1709 seems to have broken the launching of the emulator. Switching to the Android studio emulator with HAXM does not have the "follow road" and "go speed limit" options.

Since updating to OOS 12 (OP8pro) last night I'm no longer able to use Android Auto. Google is trying to switch people to Driving Mode as a replacement but OOS doesn't have Driving Mode, so if you rely on Android Auto on your screen while driving you may be disappointed with the update.

Edit: I was mistaken, Driving Mode is available on OOS 12 although Android Auto isn't. I was able to get Driving Mode working by accessing Google Assistant and saying "start driving". It only works by clicking the voice assistant button outside of the Google maps app (saying it inside Google maps doesn't work). Not a great setup in my opinion.

Because mID is a new technology, you should continue to carry your physical ID with you because not all entities are able to verify mobile ID yet. MVD urges people to always carry their physical ID when driving so it can be used in interactions with law enforcement during traffic stops or incidents.

By enrolling in RightTrack and downloading the Safeco Mobile app on your smartphone, we observe your driving habits and reward you for the safe choices you're making on the road. Some specific behaviors observed by RightTrack include braking, acceleration, nighttime driving, and how many miles you drive.

RightTrack is a program that puts you in control of your auto policy savings by evaluating your safe driving habits. After you enroll, simply download the app, drive for 90 days, and save up to 30% for safe driving.

The final score is determined by evaluating the driving habits of all drivers on your policy for 90 days. That score will create your customized price and you will receive a final discount between 5% and 30%.

Drivers who participate contribute to the overall policy savings by sharing their driving habits. Drivers who do not participate will reduce the overall policy savings because their driving habits are unknown.

Yes, but your final discount may be greater than or less than your initial discount based on driving performance and the number of drivers participating. Maximize your savings by encouraging all drivers on your policy to participate, and by demonstrating safe driving behaviors. Non-participating drivers will reduce your savings. If your final discount is less than your initial discount, you will receive a bill for the difference.

The amount of battery used depends on the model of your phone. The app uses about the same amount of battery as other driving navigation apps. We recommend charging your phone while driving if you're taking a long trip. Trip recording will automatically stop when your phone's battery life is at 20% and below or when battery save mode is on.

No, but in order to get the most accurate data and driver/passenger distinction, we encourage every driver with a smartphone to download the app and complete the registration process to participate. Your final score is determined by evaluating the driving behavior of all drivers on your policy. Drivers who participate contribute to the overall policy savings by sharing their driving behavior. Drivers who do not participate will reduce the overall policy savings because their driving behavior is unknown.

A new FMCSA rule restricts the use of all hand-held mobile devices by drivers of commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). This rulemaking restricts a CMV driver from holding a mobile device to make a call, or dialing by pressing more than a single button. CMV drivers who use a mobile phone while driving can only use a hands-free phone located in close proximity.

Research commissioned by FMCSA shows that the odds of being involved in a safety-critical event (e.g., crash, near-crash, unintentional lane deviation) are 6 times greater for CMV drivers who engage in dialing a mobile phone while driving than for those who do not. Dialing drivers took their eyes off the forward roadway for an average of 3.8 seconds. At 55 mph (or 80.7 feet per second), this equates to a driver traveling 306 feet, the approximate length of a football field, without looking at the roadway!

Your discount is adjusted at each policy renewal (typically every six months) using driving information from up to the prior 12 months when available. Changes in your driving will be reflected in your discount amount, so your discount amount can increase or decrease at each renewal.

Your discount is based on your annual mileagefootnote* and driving characteristics. The more you're on the road, the more likely an accident could occur, so HOW you drive those miles is just as important as how many miles you drive. To help maximize your discount opportunity, concentrate on smooth and consistent driving.

After each trip, the Drive Safe & Save app shows you a map of your route and driving events along the way. While not everything the app shows you impacts your discount, they all contribute toward you being the safest driver you can be.

Just make sure you keep your location and Bluetooth preferences enabled so trips can automatically record. Have fun with the interactive maps, and check the app often for driving feedback to help become a safer driver. Before each renewal, we will remind you to report your odometer reading in the app. And for help with any of this process, contact us at 888-559-1922.

Your discount is based on your annual mileagefootnote * and driving characteristics. The more you're on the road, the more likely an accident could occur, so HOW you drive those miles is just as important as how many miles you drive. To help maximize your discount opportunity, concentrate on smooth and consistent driving.

We believe that Reach has great potential to be used in precision agriculture and recently we have partnered with Sigro Pilot to deliver a solution for parallel driving. Today we are offering the app for a beta test. We encourage everyone to try the app with Reach RTK and let us know about your experience. It can be connected to Reach over Bluetooth, Serial or TCP.

Cruise has finally launched an Android app for ridehailing, giving potential customers in San Francisco the option to call one of its robotaxis even if they're not iPhone users. The self-driving car company told Engadget that 20 percent of its waitlisters are on Android, and an app for the platform is one of people's most-requested updates on social media. Cruise's new Android app will come with all the upgrades the iOS app has received since it launched, including the ability to drop a moveable pin on the map by long pressing on the screen.

?It?s a great feeling to be arming parents and teens with a technologically-advanced, free toolkit that encourages their participation in the teen driver education process,? said Secretary Dunlap. ?Not only are we providing parents of permitted teens with a guide to assist them through the state required 70 hours of supervised driving, but this new mobile app RoadReady? will help parents to track the actual time they spent behind the wheel with their teen.? 17dc91bb1f

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