
Executive Committee (EXECOM) Member: Serving as a vice-chair for technical activities for 2022-2023 IEEE ITSoc. This professional body is responsible for 21 student chapters in India.

GraTE-7 2023 Best Ph.D Thesis - IEEE ComSoc: Received Graduate Congress: Graduate Thesis Evaluation in 7- minutes (GraTE-7) Best Phd Thesis award on the 5th edition of GraTE-7 IEEE ComSoc for the theis entitled ''The Development of GPS Spoofing and Anti-spoofing Algorithms with Data Association and Target Tracking Frameworks''

Protsahan Award - IEEE ComSoc: Received Protsahan Award from IEEE Commmunication Society (ComSoc) Bangalore Chapter for the research contributions towards communications and relevant domain with the paper entitled "GPS Spoofing Detection and Mitigation for Drones Using Distributed Radar Tracking and Fusion," in IEEE Sensors Journal. 

Overall Best Paper in CONECCT Conference: ''A Conceptual Framework For Knowledge Aided Passive Radar Systems'' paper recognized as overall best paper in 7th International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, IEEE CONECCT.

Track Best Paper in CONECCT Conference: ''High-Frequency And Low-Latency DSP Architecture For Information Matrix Fusion'' paper recognized as overall best paper in 7th International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, IEEE CONECCT.

Sir C V Raman Award - IET (UK): On 140 years celebrations of Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET (UK), i received Sir C V Raman Award for Innovative project ideology and academic excellence.