
Up to now my research can be broken into three major projects (described below in reverse chronological order).

Robust control of quantum systems

The project is in collaboration with Holger Haas, Feihao Zhang, and David Cory, and develops methods for numerical optimization of control sequences for quantum systems that are robust to specified Hamiltonian perturbations. The paper for the project is on the arxiv, and is currently under review.

Holger Haas, Daniel Puzzuoli, Feihao Zhang, David G. Cory, Engineering Effective Hamiltonians (arxiv)

These methods have already been applied successfully in experiment by my collaborators and others:

William Rose, Holger Haas, Angela Q. Chen, Nari Jeon, Lincoln J. Lauhon, David G. Cory, Raffi Budakian, High-Resolution Nanoscale Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Physical Review X 8, 011030 (journal, arxiv)

The numerics for this project were implemented in Mathematica, though I am now developing a version in Python as a personal project. View the Programming page for a brief description and link to the Github repository.

Entanglement and norms in quantum information

This project is my PhD research. I explored various aspects of the usefulness of entanglement for probing quantum processes, and proved some interesting mathematical results; most notably a uniqueness result for matrix transposition, which is connected to its exceptional ability to detect entanglement.

Publications associated with this project:

  • Daniel Puzzuoli, Characterization of linear maps on M_n whose multiplicity maps have maximal norm, with an application in quantum information. Quantum, 2:51, 2018. (journal)
  • Daniel Puzzuoli, John Watrous, Ancilla Dimension in Quantum Channel Discrimination. Annales Henri PoincarĂ©, 18(4):1153-1184, 2017 (journal, arxiv)

My PhD thesis, available here, is also on this topic, and is an amalgamation of the above papers, plus some other results.

Classical simulation of quantum errors

This project is my Master's research. The project investigates simulation methods (on classical computers) for modelling the propagation of errors in quantum circuits. The main challenge is that, as far as we know, it is not actually possible to simulate arbitrary quantum circuits on a classical computer. (Indeed, if it were possible to do so, there would be no reason to build a quantum computer.) Hence, using classical computers for this task requires the approximation of arbitrary errors with ones that can be efficiently simulated classically. This project introduces a method for doing so, and investigates its efficacy, as well as the overall challenges for this area of research.

Publications associated with this project:

  • Daniel Puzzuoli, Christopher Granade, Holger Haas, Ben Criger, Easwar Magesan, David Cory, Tractable simulation of error correction with honest approximations to realistic fault models. Physical Review A, 89(2):022306, 2014 (journal, arxiv)
  • Easwar Magesan, Daniel Puzzuoli, Christopher Granade, David Cory, Modeling quantum noise for efficient testing of fault-tolerant circuits. Physical Review A, 87(1):012324, 2013 (journal, arxiv)

My Master's thesis is also on this project, and is an amalgamation of the above two papers.