
My publicly available programming projects are described below.

Robust control of quantum systems

A Python programming project to optimize robust control sequences for quantum systems. The project is in very early stages, and is essentially a functioning prototype (at the time of writing). The project implements the work done in the corresponding research project, in collaboration with Holger Haas and David Cory.

It can be found at the Github repository Robust-quantum-control, which includes examples in Jupyter notebooks demonstrating the functionality and goal of the project.

Pictured: A two control amplitude sequence found by the optimizer that is essentially a continuous time version of a long-known discrete time control sequence called XY4. This is a fun aspect of these numerical searches: sometimes the optimizer will 'rediscover' something similar to already existing sequences.

Research supplements

  • Symbolic simplification of the structure of time-ordered exponentials of upper triangular block matrices in Mathematica.
    • This code is a supplement to the research project on robust control of quantum systems. It's main purpose is to verify a conjecture related to the structure of a computation in that project, and may be used generally to simplify expressions resulting from Theorem 1 in that project.
    • Github repository: utb-symbolic-simplifications
  • Approximating norms of linear maps in MATLAB.
    • This code is a supplement to the research paper Ancilla Dimension in Quantum Channel Discrimination, and computes estimates of certain norms of linear maps relating to the usefulness of entanglement in the task of single-shot quantum channel discrimination.
    • Github repository: ancilla_dimension