
Peer-Reviewed (* = invited)

Popovkina DV, Palmer J, Moore CM, Boynton GM. 2023. Testing hemifield independence for divided attention in visual object tasks. Journal of Vision, 23(13): 3. doi:

Popovkina DV, Pasupathy A. 2022. Task context modulates feature-selective responses in area V4. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(33):6408-6423. doi:

*Popovkina DV, Pasupathy A. 2022. Davida’s deficits: weak encoding of impoverished stimuli or faulty egocentric representation? Cognitive Neuropsychology, 39:1-2, 99-102. doi:

Popovkina DV, Palmer J, Moore CM, Boynton GM. 2021. Is there a serial bottleneck in visual object recognition? Journal of Vision, 21(3):15. doi:

*Pasupathy A, Popovkina DV, Kim T. 2020. Visual functions of primate area V4. Annual Review of Vision Science, 6:363-385. doi:

Zamarashkina P, Popovkina DV, Pasupathy A. 2020. Timing of response onset and offset in macaque V4: stimulus and task dependence. Journal of Neurophysiology, 123(6):2311-25. doi:

Popovkina DV, Bair W, Pasupathy A. 2019. Modelling diverse responses to filled and outline shapes in macaque V4. Journal of Neurophysiology, 121: 1059-1077. doi:

*Pasupathy A, Kim T, Popovkina DV. 2019. Object shape and surface properties are jointly encoded in mid-level ventral visual cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 58:199-208. doi:

*Pasupathy A, El-Shamayleh Y, Popovkina DV. 2018. Visual shape and object perception. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. doi:

Mattison HA, Popovkina D, Kao JPY, Thompson SM. 2014. The role of glutamate in the morphological and physiological development of dendritic spines. European Journal of Neuroscience, 39: 1761–1770. doi: