ZESCO Limited wished to inform its esteemed customers and general public that there will be increased load shedding countrywide from 20th August until further notice due to limitation of power generation.

Zesco is a failed project. They should not hide under the canopy of load shedding. They should come in the open and tell the nation that the machines they are using are obsolete. They need replacement and recapitalization. It is a disgrace to have an institution which is not run viably. Zambians have been subjected to a lot of heartaches and unnecessary hyper tensions owing to laisse fare attitude from people who have been assigned to run the welfare of the nation. A bag of mealie meal is now pegging at k145. Load shedding is all over the place.Toll gates are syphoning money and yet roads are in bad state. Pensioners cannot get their money on time. How do you expect our citizens to live in such a hostile environment? It is a big shame on this useless government.

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@Maliso,it is such mentality that has made Zambia not to progress. You like supporting mediocrity. It is not the issue of HH not going to state house. State House sinyumba yanyoko. HH can also go there. He is a Zambian just like anyone. State House is not a preserve of the few. Lungu will never be in state house forever.KK,Mwanawasa,Sata,Chiluba all passed through state house. You are an imbecile who thinks Zesco can be running its operation activities on old machines. The country is growing. Each and every household has power. There should be proper investment and diversification of power to avoid this nonsense of load shedding. Why should,a reasonable government,continue depending on hydro electricity?We have plenty sunshine to run solar energy.

This is the second time in just a few years that Zambia has had to introduce 12 hour daily load-shedding cycles. Zimbabwe is in the same boat (actually even worse) as the power company there has had to implement 18 to 20 hour load-shedding in 2019 and again from late last year up till now. Further south, South Africa has also been implementing load-shedding for several hours a day. This is due to frequent breakdowns at its aging coal power plants. The Southern African region is facing a serious electricity crisis and needs to start working on some urgent solutions.

Commenting on this development in an interview with News Diggers! Mukumba noted that the increased load-shedding schedule would force small-scale businesses to shut down owing to heightened costs of production.

The National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) has cautiously embraced the introduction of educational lessons by the Ministry of Education in Zambia via TV but warned that the current ZESCO load shedding schedule is a threat to smooth implementation of this initiative.

Chansa has since called on ZESCO to manage this loadshedding better and help some of the young people continue learning in homes. Load shedding hours can cover all the time that education program is running, so there is need for coordinated efforts. 17dc91bb1f

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