The chorus and post-chorus express a desire for a well-known supplier to pass a lighter, suggesting the intention to smoke or consume drugs. This theme of drug use continues throughout the song with references to kush (a high-quality strain of marijuana) and dope (referring to drugs). The lyrics also mention getting high off a boat, which could imply the acquisition of drugs from overseas sources.

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A shock went through his chest as the eyes flashed open, ending his motionless behaviour on the floor of wherever he'd ended up. The thin layer of dust that had settled on him was sent back into the air & on the ground as he laid twitching with a searing pain that felt fresh. Whatever he'd been through, It had clearly left it's mark. He was desperately struggling to cope with the feeling of this unfamiliar casing of flesh & bone. His muscles burned as his legs & arms kicked about, trying to coordinate themselves while he dragged his feet & hands along the ground from the pain. It was so intense, he'd managed to make one or two scratch marks in the concrete without breaking his claws off. The sound of scraping against the floor went through his ears like someone was dragging their fingernails down a chalkboard. As much as his hearing was apparently being tested there & then, he just couldn't find it in his own willpower to stop. Too much pain. Too many thoughts. What the hell was going on? What were these sensations racing through him?When the pain was gradually replaced by the weight of his own body sinking in, as well as the coordination to use it, he lifted his hands to examine himself. It wasn't like he knew what to expect, but still wasn't prepared. Somewhat surprised, he was met with the sight of a hand in human form. Almost.With a set of sharp claws on the tips of his fingers, the hand was was covered in dark fur that also had a tinge of grey in places, shifting to jet black along the forearms & biceps. Lowering his hands & lifting his head to look down at his body, there was no exception. He was entirely covered in grey & black, head to toe.He noticed a tuft with a contrasting shade of grey just above his chest, neatly blending in to more jet black down the front of his torso. Noticing more of this colour on his legs, he also came to notice the slightly bushy grey & black tail sticking up between his thighs.Intriguing, but more disturbing than anything. A question was raised in his mind, giving him the odd feeling he'd asked it before somewhere. What the hell was he?Letting his head fall back down gently, he tried to think back to anything prior to waking up. Unfortunately, his mind was a blank slate. Instead, there was something he was struggling with. Something like an experience of blind sensations & pain while being kept in the dark. Nothing visual, but the feelings it gave him led to the belief that it was something best not remembered.Distracting himself by patting down his body just to be sure it wasn't about to disappear or just go numb, his facial expressions changed from one to another as every manner of emotion swarmed over. For the moment, he was sure that in some context or another, he was real. Because of this, he didn't know whether to laugh, cry or scream. Even if he made a choice though, there was a problem. He couldn't physically do any.After trying a total of three times to make any kind of noise, there was nothing when trying to make so much as a croak. Now that it was proven he couldn't talk, a need to express the ambivalence he experienced grew with his frustration. It was too much of an uphill struggle in his state. Effort that he felt should now be focussed elsewhere. For example, where the hell was he?Carefully sitting up, he momentarily felt light-headed. It soon passedas he rubbed his eyes & stretched, like waking up from a bad nightssleep. Finding himself near the end of a claustrophic tunnel, all thelights had failed, the only source being a beam of red & orangecoming from the corner just ahead & on the left. The sound of heavymachinery clunking away also came from above, like a factory orsomething was up there.Looking behind him, the grey cieling & walls of concrete were an enclosed setting, all trailing off into complete darkness. Out of all the lights he could see attatched to the ceiling every few metres, not a single one of them was on. From that direction came only stence, unwelcoming & definitely unsettling.He also noticed that a set of three rusty pipes of different sizes ran along the top right corner, sloshing something fluidic through them. On various patches beside them were cracks in the wall, looking as if the damage was from heat exposure or errosion. This place looked old & extremely run down with it's cold & soulless aesthetic.On a single spot of the largest pipe was a small fracture that every fewseconds, leaked glowing droplets colored flourescent purple.Evidently, it had been gathering for some time, with a puddleunderneath of considerable size. As his curiosity instantly turnedmorbid, he crawled over to take a closer look. The strong & sicklyscent would have made him recoil in disgust, were it not for thereflection he noticed in it's surface.Hovering above it while hunched over, he was immersed in the first sense of vague identity he received. Some kind of animal was staring back, shaded purple by the fluid. All he could be certain of was that it was of a kanine, more specifically a wolf. But it was no mere animal. He was a humanoid. An anthropomorphic being.Bearing a somewhat prominent snout with a black nose on the end, there were two deep & highly attuned nostrils at the front. His ears pricked up & twitched from the mixed reaction flowing through him. There was no reason to be scared outside of the fact he still didn't know what was going on, but with everything else he knew, why was this the only thing to have him so damn surprised?His eyes weren't particularly difficult to make out in the puddles surface, mainly because of their color scheme. It was a wild & fiery combination, varying from shades of red & orange to blue & green that all blended seemlessly. Amongst the vibrant mix he caught the sight of tiny light specks present, giving it all a slight sparkle here & there. Curiously enough, it was all similar to the effect of stars in a nebula.Allowing too many thoughts to pile up at once as he gazed at who he was, he then realised something that broke through & cancelled all other concerns for the moment. In the haste of trying to make sense of things around him & the interesting spectacle of his appearance, he'd failed to notice something that raised even more questions.He knew what everything was & what it was called. Rather thanbasing his actions on instinct alone, his thoughts were constructedwith words that he understood. Placing his hand on the wall, his lipsmimicked the word as he looked. 'Walls'. The fingertips of his otherhand ran along the ground. 'Floor'. Listening to the bustlingmechanisms above, his lips tried moving but he couldn't think ofanything to say, instead resorting to simply shaking his head.Out of anger for his situation that he still knew so little about, he strangled the air around his neck while saying one more thing. 'Why!" All around him, the sights were producing words in his mind. Pipes. Corridor. Dark. Unpleasant. Grimy. Lost. He just had no means of expressing any of it vocally. Especially his conclusion. 'I don't like this at all.'As he stared into the reflection, he started hearing something in the back of his mind. Through all his mental processing there was a single word in his head. It had been quietly repeating itself at first but had gotten louder. Something clicked in his head, like he'd forgotten something he shouldn't have. His own name.Cerberus.Slowly, the anthro rose to his feet. Feeling himself holding up the weight of his upper body, he began to feel unsure of his balance or even the ability to stand. Though it was still a huge mystery as to why this mind was as capable as it was, he felt lucky for the advantage. After waking up in a dark place without any explanation or memory, what else was he to think? If anything, he was given a puzzle to solve.Looking back down at the reflection, he waved his hands around in front of it while making sure it followed his movements exactly. Holding his arms out in front of him, he repeatedly turned them over while clenching then relaxing both fists. However, his movement soon froze at the sight of something dripping onto his wrist.It was a glowing substance coloured flourescent pink, different in smell & its watery consistency. This stuff didn't come from the pipes. Looking up at the sound of more drops hitting the ground, he saw more of it trickling through a crack in the ceiling, right above him. One that he could have sworn wasn't there a few seconds ago.A couple of seconds after noticing it, the fracture started growing & branching out. As Cerberus flinched & shielded his eyes from the falling dust, he barely avoided a pink splash raining down. As it got worse, the sound of crumbling came about. That ceiling was going to cave in & this tunnel was about to be flooded.He had to leave, now. Backing away in a hurry, Cerberus ran for the corner as fast as he could. Before even checking what was up there, he threw himself against the wall then bounced off it to the set of stairs. As he dashed up, the tons of concrete behind him caved in, rumbling with aforce that shook the walls. The next thing he heard was a torrent rushing to engulf anything in its way.The exit was just a few feet further & he could make it. With every step, the coordination of his limbs were exceeding in their urgent crash course. Without any sign of lathargy or even getting tired, his speed increased. Glancing behind him, the narrow passage was being claimed & submerged, the rush of pink water catching up too fast.With no time to lose he gave a graceful leap up the last few steps, clearing them & bolting towards the exit. At a seconds glance, nothing more than a balcony was out there, made of stainless steel with a grated floor & shone down on by a red foggy sky. As circumstances had dictated no other choice, Cerberus knew that he was in no position to complain. In many ways, actually.His hand jutted out for the right side of a bare metal frame around the open doorway, swinging himself round the corner & into the outside wall shoulder first. In a heartbeat, there was an intense thunderous roar as the flourescent wave came flooding out, washing across the metal floor & slipping through the grating.Taking it's time in finishing, the quantity not to drain through the floor went off the edge, into a pit of more watery related chances of death. If the height didn't kill anyone that was unlucky enough to fall in, that is. Feeling a small victory on his hands, Cerberus went slack & caught his breath as he leant his back against the wall, sliding down it with his arms crossed then placed on his knees.More relaxed, his head fell onto his arms as he sat there hunched up. But after a few moments of recuperation, that mechanical ambience came back to his ears, clearer than ever. As he began looking back up, a voice calling out from somewhere startled him. It was the voice of what sounded like a young adult male, putting a strain on his throat to call out with a plain yet educated british accent, sounding anxious for an answer. "Anyone there?!"There was a path to the right. Though it had a wide berth, the walls on either side & the bottomless drop underneath dictated only one path. On the left was a row by generators, packed tightly together & gazing down at passers by. On the right was the external wall of the building he'd just escaped, revealed to be a lot taller than he could comprehend. No wonder it was a tidal wave that chased him.Each device was designed for a different source of power, all of them containing their own unique sets of hydraulics & cylinders that went about their motion as thick fumes vented from exhausts placed along the top. At the end of this metal & concrete trench was a staircase leading straight down. Not only that, but it presented an uncompramised panoramic view of where he was, showing him the real cause of the ambience.The stuff beside him was pretty noisy, but it was nothing compared to the immense field of machinery outside, it's expanse reaching out past the horizon. It was like a city that was made entirely of industrial equipment, all towering with varied height & placed everywhere. The smell in the air was unavoidable & horribly overwhelming, leaving a tainted taste in Cerberus' mouth.Bellowing smoke & jets of coloured steam, each gigantic contraption sent fumes into the air that added to its hazy appearance. The sun itself was partially clouded over, leaving all the towers diodes & indicators to provide most of the light down below. From the looks of it, the whole place was one big & very surreal chemical plant, seemingly unocuppied & automated.Turning round, he saw it was just a dead end behind him. Lingeringwith his stare in that direction, he couldn't help but feel like he wasbeing silently herded. There was a handrail in front of the generatorsbuilt at waist level. Handy for someone to grip onto while they mighthave a hard time with unpleasant prospects. That, or just thenauseating fumes. Experiencing a little bit of both, he grabbed it &leant forward, gripping so tightly he was shaking.That same voice called out from behind, snapping Cerberus'attention to his right. "Is anyone alive?!" With cautious steps, the wolet go of the rail then began slowly heading down the walkway toinvestigate. "Listen, if someone is there then stay put! I'll find you!"That could have meant anything at this point, but the way it was saicdidn't indicate hostility. Instead, the words conveyed a sense of greahaste, like this stranger was holding out hope.Venturing further, the anthro neared the staircase then suddenly froze as the voice spoke again. However, it was now from a different direction. This time coming somewhere from the left, sounding less concerned & more angered & cold. That, and more confident in some kind of result. "Don't fall for these tricks!! He's hunting you."Another statement came from the right, sounding surprised & also greatly annoyed. "Not this again! Look, you may have a hard time believing this, but there's someone else here & he's playing games-" An interruption came from the other side, dismissive & blunt."YOU'RE the one playing games! Listen, if anyone's there, follow my voice if you don't want to die!"Another counter response came from the right. "If you go in that direction, you WILL die!" As distrustful Cerberus towards this unique display of scizophrenia, there was something in his instincts that fell into place. Whatever the reason, he had faith in the words coming from his right. It was the exact same voice on both sides, but there was more to it, like it really was two different people that wanted to get to him for different reasons.Knowing his options were limited to simply going forward regardless, Cerberus faced the scenery ahead with great uncertainty. Trying not to think about any possibilities & failing at it, he slowly took the last few steps towards the stairs. Looking round, he saw the machinery's expanse went on for every direction, bellowing even more clouds of smog into the air. Feeling his doubt increasing with fear, Cerberus examined where he was headed next.A walkway carried on at the stairs' end, leading to a broad & sturdy bridge made of steel, equipped with handrails on either side that were painted with yellow & black stripes. The bridge carried on for a good few metres, leading into a foggy maze of junctions & corners wherever the pathways could wind round the machinery, like a vine sprouting through whatever gap it could manage.Underneath the bridge was a gigantic oval shaped vat of thick & cloudy liquid, coloured cyan & visciously bubbling with steam, it's vapours gently rising from the contents. He may not have seen anything like this before, but Cerberus was no idiot. The impression it was deadly flared up from the moment he saw, making him even more reluctant to cross.The looming shadows of all the towers stretched over as much of the complex as they could, stifling the natural light in most areas. With remarkable craftsmanship, everything had various patterns made from pipes & tubes that ran along the sides, weaving themselves through the structures they were connected to. It certainly didn't help that combined with the steam & smoke, it looked as though everything was breathing.Every few seconds, some of the darkened areas lit up with the flashing of numerous lights & diodes, consisting of many colours & ladened throughout in random places strategicly. It revealed nothing but more twists & turns. A complicated path of steel. It all looked so painstakingly constructed, but added to how unsettling everything was. Not just because of what this place presented itself as, but also what it was suspended above.Underneath were girders & supports holding up everything, disappearing beneath an entire ocean of flourescent pink. Spanning underneath the entire of this off-shore landscape, it's depths couldn't be seen underneath the glow. Although Cerberus didn't exactly have any doubt about how far down it went. If something were to fall in, it would probably never be seen again.When the notion of going forward came to pass as nothing but a reality, the fear sank in. As his heartrate incresed, the wolf buried his head in his hands then paced on the same three steps over & over, throwing up his arms in protest. But to who? It's not like he could say anything. Shakily clawing at the air in front of his face, he suddenly slapped himself. It stopped the panicking, leaving him frozen on the spot for a moment before he straightened himself up.Taking a deep breath, Cerberus tried stay as calm as he could, but the atmosphere made him feel on edge. This place looked like it could be a nightmare to some but a playground to others. There was something telling him more than two pairs of eyes were watching. But with little to go on other than instincts & inconclusive theories, Cerberus wasted no more time as he fearfully began his descent. 2351a5e196

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