Data engineering has grown rapidly in the past decade, leaving many software engineers, data scientists, and analysts looking for a comprehensive view of this practice. With this practical book, you'll learn how to plan and build systems to serve the needs of your organization and customers by evaluating the best technologies available through the framework of the data engineering lifecycle.

Authors Joe Reis and Matt Housley walk you through the data engineering lifecycle and show you how to stitch together a variety of cloud technologies to serve the needs of downstream data consumers. You'll understand how to apply the concepts of data generation, ingestion, orchestration, transformation, storage, and governance that are critical in any data environment regardless of the underlying technology.

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In today's data-driven environment, businesses continuously face the challenge of harnessing and interpreting vast amounts of information. Data engineering is a crucial intersection of technology and business intelligence and plays a critical role in everything from data science to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Data engineering is the process of designing, building, and maintaining systems within a business that enable the deriving of meaningful insights from operational data. In an era where data is frequently likened to oil or gold, data engineering emerges as the refining process that refines the raw data into a potent fuel for innovation and strategy.

Data engineering uses various tools, techniques, and best practices to achieve end goals. Data is collected from diverse sources like human-generated forms, human and system-generated content like documents, images, videos, transaction logs, IoT systems, geolocation data and tracking, application logs, and events. It results in data that fits into three broad categories.

Each dataset and its use case for analysis requires a different strategy. For example, some data types are processed infrequently in batches, while others are processed continuously as soon as they are generated. Sometimes, data integration is done from several sources, and all data is stored centrally for analytics. At other times, subsets of data are pulled from different sources and prepared for analytics.

Data engineering enables businesses to develop comprehensive customer profiles by collating data from multiple touchpoints. This can include purchase history, online interactions, and social media engagement, helping to offer more personalized experiences.

Financial, gaming, and similar applications rely on complex algorithms to detect abnormal patterns and potentially fraudulent activities. Data engineering provides the structure and pipelines to analyze vast amounts of transaction data, often in near real-time.

In healthcare, data engineering is vital in developing systems that can aggregate and analyze patient data from various sources, such as wearable devices, electronic health records, and even genomic data for more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans.

Transitioning data between systems, formats, or storage architectures is complex. Data engineering provides tools and methodologies to ensure smooth, lossless data migration, enabling businesses to evolve their infrastructure without data disruption.

The era of digitization has ushered in an exponential surge in data generation. Businesses looking to harness the power of this data are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies. However, the success of AI and ML hinges predominantly on the quality and structure of data the system receives.

This has inherently magnified the importance and complexity of data engineering. AI models require timely and consistent data feeds to function optimally. Data engineering establishes the pipelines feeding these algorithms, ensuring that AI/ML models train on high-quality datasets for optimal performance.

The data engineering lifecycle is one of the key fundamentals of data engineering. It focuses on the stages a data engineer controls. Undercurrents are key principles or methodologies that overlap across the stages.

Data ingestion incorporates data from generating sources into the processing system. For instance, in the push model, data from the source system gets written to the desired destination, while in the pull model, it is the other way around. The line separating push and pull methodologies blurs as data transits through numerous stages in a pipeline. Nevertheless, mastering data ingestion is paramount to ensuring the seamless flow and preparation of data for subsequent analytical stages.

Data transformation refines raw data through operations that enhance its quality and utility. For example, it normalizes values to a standard scale, fills gaps where data might be missing, converts between data types, or adds even more complex operations to extract specific data features. The goal is to mold the data into a structured, standardized format primed for analytical operations.

Data serving makes processed and transformed data available for end-users, applications, or downstream processes. It delivers data in a structured and accessible manner, often through APIs. It ensures that data is timely, reliable, and accessible to support various analytical, reporting, and operational needs of an organization.

Data engineers prioritize security at every stage so that data is accessible only to authorized users. They adhere to the principle of least privilege as a best practice, so users only access what is necessary for their work and for the required duration only. Data is often encrypted as it moves through the stages and in storage.

Data management provides frameworks that incorporate a broader perspective of data utility across the organization. It encompasses various facets like data governance, modeling, lineage, and meeting ethical and privacy considerations. The goal is to align data engineering processes with an organization's broader legal, financial, and cultural policies.

DataOps applies principles from Agile, DevOps, and statistical process control to enhance data product quality and release efficiency. It combines people, processes, and technology for improved collaboration and rapid innovation. It fosters transparency, efficiency, and cost control at every stage.

While data engineering has become more abstract and tool-driven, data engineers still need to write core data processing code proficiently in different frameworks and languages. They must also employ proper code-testing methodologies and may need to solve custom coding problems beyond their chosen tools, especially when managing infrastructure in cloud environments through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) frameworks.

Monitoring data quality should be an ongoing, active process, not a passive one. Regularly checking datasets for anomalies ensures that issues like missing or duplicate data are identified swiftly. Implementing automated data quality checks during data ingestion and transformation is crucial. Leveraging tools that notify of discrepancies allows for immediate intervention and corrections.

A tool like Apache Griffin can be used to measure data quality across platforms in real-time, providing visibility into data health. Data engineers also perform rigorous validation checks at every data ingestion point, leveraging frameworks like Apache Beam or Deequ. An example in practice is e-commerce platforms ensuring valid email formats and appropriate phone number entries.

Maintaining up-to-date documentation becomes vital with the increasing complexity of data architectures and workflows. It ensures transparency, reduces onboarding times, and aids in troubleshooting. When multiple departments intersect, such as engineers processing data for a marketing team, a well-documented process ensures trust and clarity in data interpretation for all stakeholders.

Data engineers use platforms like Confluence or GitHub Wiki to ensure comprehensive documentation for all pipelines and architectures. Making documentation a mandatory step in your data pipeline development process is one of the key fundamentals of data engineering. Use tools that allow for automated documentation updates when changes in processes or schemas occur.

As data sources grow in number and variety, ensuring the right people have the right access becomes crucial for both data security and efficiency. Understanding a data piece's origin and journey is critical for maintaining transparency and aiding in debugging.

In a world of increasing cyber threats, data breaches like the Marriott incident of 2018 underscore the importance of encrypting sensitive data and frequent access audits to comply with regulations like GDPR.

As with software development, version control in data engineering allows for tracking changes, reverting to previous states, and ensuring smooth collaboration among data engineering teams. Integrate version control systems like Git into your data engineering workflow. Regularly back up not just data but also transformation logic, configurations, and schemas.

As data sources multiply, the process of ingesting, processing, and transforming data becomes cumbersome. Systems must scale to avoid becoming bottlenecks. Automation tools are stepping in to streamline data engineering processes, ensuring data pipelines remain robust and efficient. Data engineers are increasingly adopting distributed data storage and processing systems like Hadoop or Spark. Netflix's adoption of a microservices architecture to manage increasing data is a testament to the importance of scalable designs.

The shift towards cloud-based storage and processing solutions has also revolutionized data engineering. Platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure offer scalable storage and high-performance computing capabilities. These platforms support the vast computational demands of data engineering algorithms and ensure data is available and consistent across global architectures. 2351a5e196

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