I want to say it has to do with the sessionToken not being in the cookie, but like I said before I am not sure. I even tried exporting the cookies from my browser and following the instructions in the blog post I linked below and several other sites I found while searching for help.

Here is a script that uses curl instead of wget, so it will work on a stock Mac.All you need to set is the path to the xcode DMG file.The script will ask you for your username and password andit will figure out the ACTION and WOSID values for you.

Download Xcode With Curl

Download 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y4P8K 🔥

I don't want to discount NSURLSession, but I would strongly recommend you check out AlamoFire. It's a Swift wrapper around NSURLSession and is super friendly to use. Handles file uploads and downloads, and handling JSON content. I installed it with Carthage (which I prefer) but it supports Cocoapods as well. If you're using JSON I also recommend SwiftyJSON which works well with AlamoFire. Both are updated for Swift 2. For SwiftyJSON make sure you specify the "xcode7" branch for Swift 2. There is also AlamoFire-SwiftyJSON as a combined repository.

We recently upgraded to Ventura and to our surprise, some of our development builds stopped working. After a lot of debugging, it turns out to be cause by the fact that Venture ships curl 7.86 (and git uses libcurl). Curl (and git) are broken because no longer honor the no_proxy environment variables.

This is probably not the best solution, but I remembered this just as I was asking the question. After running brew install libcurl, I moved everything except pkgconfig from /usr/local/Cellar/curl/7.37.0/lib into /usr/lib, replacing old files. So I'm still at version 7.37.0, but it compiles properly now. I don't know what the compiler error was trying to say.

I am storing zips of my xcframeworks as the asset of GitHub private releases. As such, their URL isn't publicly available, so this thread looks relevant to my case (I'm using Xcode 13 with swift tools 5.5)

Hello, @MPLewis, I have configured my .netrc file as @tallariel showed, using login and password (personal access token) but I still see an error message. Have you successfully achieved the download with Github private repo?

Thanks in advance!

@sstadelman thanks for the info! I am able to see the download request from SPM using Charles Proxy, I can even see the values from my .netrc file in the request but for some reason Github always replies with Status 404: Not Found

The tricky extra part is the requirement for a specific Accept header in order to receive the binary asset; without the header you only receive a JSON description of the asset details. @ksluder I can confirm that when passing the necessary Accept: application/octet-stream header in the curl request that it works (with ~/.netrc) so everything seems fine on the GitHub front (according to their design at least).

@sstadelman I'm not familiar with requirements for GitHub Enterprise; were you adding support for pulling binary assets from the GitHub releases feature? And did it follow the API guidelines set out in the repos docs for "Get a release asset"? I'm just lost on how to indicate to SPM to include the Accept: application/octet-stream header (or if there is a way around this).

It looks like Xcode 13 fails to add Swift packages that specify a binaryTarget with the URL of a GitHub asset in a private repo (even with a correctly formatted ~/.netrc file with suitable credentials):

@NeoNacho yes indeed, as that header would be required. However that's insufficient as it seems like HTTPClient.Request only accepts 200 as a valid response code and the GitHub REST API initially responds with a 302 when we ask it for a release asset (see my sample curl call above).

Hello, I have updated today the macos of my laptop to macOS Monterey (12.2.1) and then my root installed version stopped working and it was complaining that: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk was missing. For whatever reason, I did figured out that I need the Xcode 12 for Monterey, so I downloaded root_v6.24.06 (from Release 62406 - ROOT)

curl -LO _v6.24.06.macos-11.5-x86_64-clang120.tar.gz

and install it. In parallel I did dowloaded also Xcode 12 and now MacOSX.sdk points to MacOSX12.0.sdk which does indeed exist.

You have installed a version for macOS 11 and instead you have 12.

You can try to install the 6.26 candidate release version from our nightly builds. We have

a binary for Mac with arm chip (M1 or M1 Pro/Max):


or a binary for the Intel chip:


That being said, I just wanted to mention that you probably should be urging your Xcode users to upgrade to Monterey (if necessary) and go with Xcode 13.3. Not sure if you're aware, but there's a vulnerable version of log4j included in any older versions of the application. Or at least older Xcode 13.x versions. Not sure if the issue goes back to version 12 or not. So I wouldn't recommend continuing to put Xcode 13.2.1 out there given this, unless you really have no other choice.

I typically do try to run the newest versions of applications but for many faculty that causes issues, particularly with buggy initial releases of new Xcode. I probably should have added that these "lab" macs are cut off from both the internet and the rest of our network in such a way as to reduce our vulnerability to a bunch of threats. Clearly nothing is perfect so I will try to reinforce the need to run a newer version of Xcode. Perhaps we'll even get a 13.3.1 version of Xcode before I have to deploy this in a month or so ...

Hi @GabeShack Sure, here is the script I'm using right now, though I have to test it against the latest and greatest version of Xcode to be sure nothing needs to be updated. If you find any issues with it, I'd love to know.

Also, as you'll see, I'm not downloading and installing Xcode CL tools in this, since with our user authenticated proxy, it would be very difficult to download that using a script. So I install that separately by grabbing the pkg from Apple and using that in a policy. The script below is only installing the "extra" packages embedded inside the Xcode app bundle and enabling DevToolsSecurity and adding the current user to the local _developer group.

@mm2270 Question, have you (or anyone else for that matter) tried packaging up the .xip file that apple uses on their developer download, since its only about 7gb instead of 23gb. Im trying to see if i can put that .xip file directly into /Applications, then script a way to unxip it and then run the scripts for command line tool installs and your above script. Im playing now with the Packages.app to see what size it makes Xcode when built.

It requires separate policies with manual triggers. I packaged up the Xcode.xip file in composer so its right in /Applicaitons. I then call for the policy to install the compressed (captured with composer) Xcode.xip file. Then I call a policy to un zip it with the command(this takes quite awhile to unzip on intel machines):

It seems on Ventura the xattr command is no longer valid without making some system changes. I keep getting "Operation not permitted." However, everything else works, and I can open Xcode 14.1 as a standard user. Since I'm not a every-day user of Xcode, would this be a problem if called from a policy? I can get to the IDE, but not sure if something else needs to be done before everything works.

You can instruct Homebrew to return to pre-4.0.0 behaviour by cloning the Homebrew/homebrew-core tap during installation by setting the HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API environment variable with the following:

The simplest workflow is to manage your strings files directly. Once you've imported your strings, you can translate them within Loco and pull them into your Xcode build whenever you need to update it.

Plurals are managed in the main Loco interface the same way for all platforms, but managing plural forms into Xcode has been changing over the years. Loco provides a number of ways to work with iOS plural forms.

I spoke too soon. I put in my Sandbox keys and changed nothing else. On Debian 9, it runs without errors or output, but does nothing. Same on Windows 7 with 3rd party curl. No order was created. No complaints, no message. Checked via the API as well as the web dashboard.

Finally found time to read the documentation at curl for Windows The problem seems to be that Windows always requires double quotes as the outer quotes at the command line. To use inner double quotes you have to escape them.

By default, there's not a way to upgrade the version of Node.js you've got from within Node.js itself. That said, there's a fantastic tool for the community called nvm that allows you to manage the versions of Node.js that you've got installed locally.

In this quick tutorial, we'll take a look at how to install nvm, and then how to start using it as your version manager for Node.js. Once we've completed the tutorial, you'll be ready to take the next step with Node.js.

We've got some resources to get you kickstarted! Both the breadth and depth of the Node.js and the JavaScript ecosystems are quite large - in addition to the developer tools like NodeSource N|Solid and Certified Modules, we've got a ton of tutorials, guides, and articles to help you get kick started with Node.js.

If you're interested in keeping your code clean, maintainable, and collaborative, take a peek at our post on using ESLint for linting your JavaScript applications. Are you interested in building web applications with Node.js? One of the most challenging aspects of web apps is security - you can learn security best practices for Express to lock down your web apps, to prevent breaches and attacks. Or, maybe you want to deploy your Node.js apps with Docker? Then you should definitely read our article on dockerizing your Node.js applications.

That said, if you want to keep in touch with the Node.js ecosystem, you should follow @NodeSource on Twitter! We'll keep you updated with important news from the core Node.js project, fresh and useful Node.js tutorials, and more. e24fc04721

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