This sounds just like a hissing sound but the intensity comes in waves. It's not like say interference you might get from an electrical source which is very much on or off. Solar noise is a gentle hiss that rises and falls in intensity, a bit like waves would do as they crash on a beach.

The waterfall display above shows the event starting around 06:48 UTC and finishing at 06:54 UTC. As soon as I was sure it had finished, I checked the Space Weather Prediction Center website and sure enough, there was a solar flare that matched what I had heard.

Solar Hiss

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Auroral hiss is the whistler mode emission with frequency maximum at 7-10 kHz [Helliwell, 1965]. These emissions are typically observed in the evening-night sector of the auroral zone and attributed to the Cerenkov instability developing by soft electron precipitation. Here we consider the simultaneous observations of auroral hiss at two ground stations at L~ 5.5 with longitudinal separation of ~400 km: Kannuslehto (Finland, KAN) and Lovozero (Russia, LOZ), during several winter campaigns in the declining phase of the solar cycle 24. It was revealed that the most favorable conditions for the auroral hiss generation exist during the magnetic storm recovery phase mainly prior a substorm onset. Simultaneous VLF observations at KAN and LOZ showed that the probability of the auroral hiss occurrence at the given ground-based station depends on the location of the ionospheric exit area of the VLF waves generating at the altitudes of about 500-2000 km above the ionosphere, and, may be, even higher. The several examples of auroral hiss are presented in details.

After recording signals with this antenna for several months, Jansky categorized them into three types: nearby thunderstorms, distant thunderstorms, and a faint steady hiss of an unknown origin. He discovered the location of maximum intensity rose and fell once a day, which led him to believe he was detecting radiation from the Sun.

Jansky's work helped to distinguish between the radio sky and the optical sky. The optical sky is what is seen by the human eye, whereas the radio sky consists of daytime meteors, solar bursts, quasars, and gravitational waves.

Cosmic noise can be traced from solar flares, which are sudden explosive releases of stored magnetic energy in the atmosphere of the Sun, causing sudden brightening of the photosphere. Solar flares can last from a few minutes to several hours.

During solar flare events, particles and electromagnetic emissions can affect Earth's atmosphere by fluctuating the level of ionization in the Earth's ionosphere. Increased ionization results in absorption of the cosmic radio noise as it passes through the ionosphere.

Solar wind is a flux of particles, protons and electrons together with nuclei of heavier elements in smaller numbers, that are accelerated by the high temperatures of the solar corona to velocities large enough to allow them to escape from the Sun's gravitational field.[3]

Solar wind causes sudden bursts of cosmic noise absorption in the Earth's ionosphere. These bursts can only be detected only if the magnitude of the geomagnetic field perturbation caused by the solar wind shock is large enough.[4]

He'd built a rotating radio telescope that was nicknamed Jansky's Merry-Go-Round, designed to detect a specific frequency range of radio waves. When his data started coming in, there was a persistent background hiss that, Jansky discovered, was not random noise, but the sound of the heart of the Milky Way galaxy itself.

Exohiss waves below 0.1 fce (electron cyclotron frequency) are structureless whistler-mode emissions typically observed in the plasmatrough region. It is suggested that plasmaspheric hiss inside the plasmasphere propagates into the plasmatrough and evolves into exohiss. In this study, we statistically investigate the dependence of exohiss occurrence on solar wind parameters and its relationship with the occurrence of plasmaspheric hiss using Van Allen Probes measurements made for the entire mission (approximately 2012 - 2019). The results show that the exohiss waves mainly occur in the whole dayside (6 - 18 MLT) and post-midnight (0 - 6 MLT) sector on the nightside, with a much higher occurrence in the post-noon (12 - 18 MLT) sector. Their occurrence in the post-noon sector, where hiss waves are mainly observed, gradually increases up to ~4 hrs after the measurements of hiss waves, implying that the occurrence of the exohiss seems to be related to hiss activity. Meanwhile, the nightside exohiss, which shows a relatively low occurrence compared to the dayside sector, seems to be related to the evolution of whistler-mode chorus waves. Exohiss occurrence also depends on the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) BZ preceding the exohiss measurements. A southward IMF BZ is a dominant cause of the exohiss increase in the post-noon sector and post-midnight sector, while a northward IMF BZ is responsible mainly for the pre-noon exohiss.

The solar maximum of 1937 was the first with any significant amount of traffic in shortwaves and therefore a decent chance for detection and identification of solar radio waves. Yet this did not happen. Even though radio specialists often had the sun on their minds, they too did not have the directional antennas needed to pinpoint the sun, and they tended to think in terms of indirect or particle effects. And although solar astronomers in turn also had radio on their minds, they knew insufficient radio physics to pay attention to the hiss as anything more than an ancillary phenomenon.

The results so far obtained are too few and insufficiently accurate for foundations for any kind of theory. There is a strong suggestion, however, that there was an increase in solar radiation on 200 MHz observable in the New Zealand area at the end of March and during April of 1945.

Final unpublished accounts of the New Zealand data were prepared by Alexander on 17 December 1945 and J.G. Millar on 15 January 1946 and 20 February 1946.Footnote 31 The Millar report of 20 February 1946 provided the last available description of the New Zealand solar work of 1945. Millar offered a few details of the observations from Norfolk Island and Piha:

The Norfolk Island Station has kept watch daily for solar radiation using the meter [calibrated signal generators and noise meters] since July 24th, 1945. Owing to various difficulties the other stations were unable to take readings until September 1945. [The observations ceased at the end of the year when the stations were closed.]

Such evidence as we have so far in New Zealand points to a direct correlation between sunspot number and solar noise. During the period of intense noise observed about 5 October [in Sydney, the most intense signals from the sun during October 1945 were detected at Collaroy on 5 and 6 October], violent surges of noise were observed at irregular intervals. These surges were of momentary duration and sent the noise meter needle hard over. Although we have no absolute measure of the power received, there is strong evidence that these were during periods of intense activity.

It is not clear whether the New Zealand scientists realised the importance of this observation, possibly the first-time solar signals had been observed for an entire day. With their low gain, the Yagi antennas could only detect the sun during periods of intense solar activity.

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It has been long known that low-frequency radio waves in space, known as plasmaspheric hiss, split the Van Allen radiation belts into two donuts of dangerous energetic electrons that travel at nearly the speed of light and are trapped in Earth's magnetic field.

No relationship between the most intense waves at lower frequencies and the land masses was found. Instead these waves increase with the flow of the solar wind, which shoots electrons and other particles at Earth and throughout the solar system.

Plasmaspheric hiss consists of extremely low frequency radio waves with frequencies ranging from 100 Hz to several kHz. These waves scatter energetic electrons and divert some of them into the Earth's upper atmosphere, thereby creating the gap in the Van Allen radiation belts.

Fluxes of high-energy, or relativisitic, electrons which occur during space weather events such as coronal mass ejections and sunspot activity, are a risk to humans in space and damage spacecraft. Fluxes in the outer Van Allen radiation belt are particularly erratic and even the gap can be filled with killer electrons during intense solar weather events, such as the Halloween Storm in 2003, Meredith said.

"Understanding the source of hiss will help scientists produce the next generation of radiation belt models that will eventually be used for predictive purposes," Meredith told "This will help humans in space plan their activities to avoid unnecessary exposure to extreme levels of radiation."

The system, which is basically a cockroach backpack wired into the creature's nervous system, has a power output about 50 times higher than previous devices and is built with an ultrathin and flexible solar cell that doesn't hinder the roach's movement. Pressing a button sends a shock to the backpack that tricks the roach into moving a certain direction.

Cockroach cyborgs are not a new idea. Back in 2012, researchers at North Carolina State University were experimenting with Madagascar hissing cockroaches and wireless backpacks, showing the critters could be remotely controlled to walk along a track.

The team at Riken crafted the system to be solar-powered and rechargeable. They attached a battery and stimulation module to the cockroach's thorax (the upper segment of its body). That was the first step. The second step was to make sure the solar cell module would adhere to the cockroach's abdomen, the segmented lower section of its body. e24fc04721

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