I would rather stay up past midnight pecking out an essay about not wanting to grade your Final Papers with one finger on my tiny outdated smartphone touchpad than grade your Final Papers because I do not want to read them.

Nearly a quarter of people would get an IRS tattoo, 15 percent of people would take a six-month vow of silence, nearly 15 percent said they'd take a vow of celibacy, and 11 percent would name their kid "Taxes."

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Honing mindfulness is easier I find while I am out with friends, doing something active, and being out in nature. However, there is still work to be done and in order to prepare myself to have a conscious hike I am trying my best to focus on the day-to-day routine. I personally find that by acknowledging a facet of each activity that I am grateful for, it helps tie me in to the activity as well as make the process more enjoyable. Perhaps some of these perspectives/tips would also benefit other readers of Appalachian Trials that are still counting down to their own thru-hikes/adventures/next trip to work.

While I have outlined some strategies that work for me, it is still very much an ongoing practice to try and develop a more mindful life. I think that it will help me to best embrace the remainder of my time here before embarking for the trail, as well as help me to better enjoy my thru-hike. Goal- to always rather be here now!

The study aimed to investigate the body concerns of adolescent girls, together with the underlying motivations for the wish to be thinner. Focus group methodology was employed in order to access participants' experience in their own language. Altogether 67 girls of Year 11 (aged approximately 16 years) took part in five groups. Audiotaped and transcribed discussions were systematically coded for themes and rated on frequency, extensiveness, intensity, specificity and level of agreement. As expected, sociocultural influences, in particular the media, were reported as exerting the strongest pressures to be thin. More importantly, however, the girls displayed an unexpected sophistication in their conceptualization of the role of both media effects and body image in the construction of their self-image. Contrary to assumptions made in quantitative research, despite clearly articulating a desire to be thinner, the girls also described how this did not necessarily mean they were dissatisfied with their bodies. The findings suggest that the girls' meta-awareness and sophisticated understanding of the media and other pressures, may serve to moderate against these forces which would otherwise seem overwhelming.

Researchers found that when adults and 4- to 5-year-old children played a game where certain choices earned them rewards, both adults and children quickly learned what choices would give them the biggest returns.

He points to a college campus as a prime place to prioritize making architecture and design more human-centered. Imagine, he said, if students were able to look at fractals instead of simple boxes and walls on an exam morning. That would automatically reduce their stress and put their minds in a better place for the test.

That preference for competence over social warmth was higher, at 83%, for people who were told that their pay would depend in part on the performance of their entire team. By contrast, just 71% of those whose pay was based only on their own performance put the priority on competence.

"I would rather cry in a BMW" is a quotation that became an online sensation in the People's Republic of China in 2010. The old, long-familiar phrase was made famous by Ma Nuo, a 20-year-old female contestant on the television dating show Fei Cheng Wu Rao (also known in English as If You Are the One). The line was in response to a question by an unemployed suitor who asked if Ma would "ride a bicycle with him" on a date. The series of events have been summed up in the media with the quip "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle."[1]

If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances.

As a plumber I am very much interested in your comment made in the letter being published in the Reporter Magazine. Since my ambition has always been to be a scholar and yours seems to be a plumber, I suggest that as a team we would be tremendously successful.

The Toledo Blade recently stated that you said, \u201CIf I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make a living, I would not try to become a scientist or a scholar or a teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances.\u201D

Note that would rather is followed by a bare infinitive without to, whereas prefer requires to + infinitive. Would rather (but not would prefer to) is also followed by a past tense when we want to involve other people in the action, even though it has a present or future meaning. Study the following:

Note that 'd better, which is similar structurally to 'd rather, is used to suggest necessary action. In this case however, 'd is the abbreviated form of had, not would. Like 'd rather, 'd better is followed by the bare infinitive without to. Study the following:

Three main themes emerged from the data: 1) Identification of infant overweight and obesity risk. Parents were hesitant about health professionals identifying infant overweight as believed they would recognise this for themselves, in addition parents feared judgement from health professionals. Identification of future obesity risk during infancy was viewed positively however the use of a non-judgemental communication style was viewed as imperative. 2) Consequences of infant overweight. Parents expressed immediate anxieties about the impact of excess weight on infant ability to start walking. Parents were aware of the progressive nature of childhood obesity however, did not view overweight as a significant problem until the infant could walk as viewed this as a point when any excess weight would be lost due to increased energy expenditure. 3) Parental attributions of causality, responsibility, and control. Parents articulated a high level of personal responsibility for preventing and controlling overweight during infancy, which translated into self-blame. Parents attributed infant overweight to overfeeding however articulated a reluctance to modify infant feeding practices prior to weaning.

An adequate sample size was determined as the point at which saturation was reached and that to continue interviewing would have no further benefit to the depth and diversity of the data collection [22].

Parents replied with little hesitation that they would be able to recognise overweight or rapid growth in their baby, justifying this as a matter of common sense and utilising norm-referencing and comparison to peers.

Overfeeding was discussed primarily in relation to formula milk and solid foods as they described how breastfed babies could not be overweight or, if they were, that this was not unhealthy and would naturally resolve itself.

Furthermore, and in support of existing research [12], stage of infant development emerged as meaningful milestone for parents, with the problematisation of infant overweight not given significance until an infant begins walking (subtheme 1c and 3c). Combined with the finding that greater feeding self-efficacy was associated with the introduction of solid food (subtheme 3b), this suggests that there are several windows (rather than a single window) of opportunity for discussion around weight and weight-related behaviours.

This study also emphasises the need to provide parents with a plausible rationale to counter the historical emphasis on under- rather than over-weight [33], which in this study was perpetuated by early interactions with healthcare professionals (subtheme 2a) and common-sense reasoning such low birth-weight infants needing to catch-up on their growth (subthemes 1b).

Many years ago, I remember reading an article about a man who had a fatal heart attack while having sex with a prostitute. I imagined how terrifying it must have been for that man to enter into the presence of a holy God at that moment. If nothing else keeps you from adultery, maybe the fact that Almighty God could take your life amidst the very act would terrify you enough to repent.

Of course, taking his own life in the aftermath of adultery would only be multiplying the sin. But I was struck by the misery he felt. He seriously thought it would be better to be dead than to have done this and to live with the consequences! His misery was both a wake-up call and a warning to me. Fear can be a great grace.

My eldest was obsessed with tiny stones when she was small. Everywhere we went she would stop to pick them up or take them home in her pockets. If we were in the garden she would make collections of little stones and spend hours moving them from one place to another. She was very young at the time but I never stopped her for fear that she may swallow them. I simply made sure I was sat nearby so that I could see what she was doing.

This would have been a good starting point because it gives you a financial claim to the proposal amount if they had agreed to the "no photo credit" plan. Gotta cover your bases and make it feel (for them) like they're getting something for giving you credit. e24fc04721

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