Does anyone know how I can start a new game, from the beginning, of the Lost Between Worlds expansion after I finished it? I tried to open a new save slot but, for some weird reason, the LBW expansion will still continue where I left it. On the other hand, opening a new save slot will start a new game / from the beginning for the main story + the 3 DLCs. Only the expansion seems not to be tied to the save slot. Of course, I have a final option of deleting all the save slots to check whether it resets, but I would rather not lose my main progress because of this.

Whether you have a family history of heart disease, want to see your kids get married, or want to feel better in your clothes, write down why you want to lose weight. Writing it down can confirm your commitment. Post these reasons where they serve as a daily reminder of why you want to make this change.

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Write down everything you eat and drink for a few days in a food and beverage diary. [PDF-127KB]Being more aware of what you eat and drink will help you avoid mindless consumption. Tracking physical activity [PDF-51KB], sleep, and emotions can also help you understand current habits and stressors. This can also help identify areas where you can start making changes.

Hi - I just completed week 4. I've already lost over 2 stone with Slimming World and still have about a stone to go, so still definitely overweight. I've been running, doign aerobics and following the same diet that lost me 2 stone but have stuck at the same weight since I started running. I know that at the beginning at least fat is converting to muscle and there can be water retention in the muscle but how long does it take to start actually losing weight? I do feel fitter and leaner but just wish the scales would move! Thanks for any ideas.

I lost 9 lbs since the start of C25K (just completed W5R2) but the weight loss has slowed over the last few weeks. I'm not too worried about this as, like you, I'm feeling 'lighter', much more toned and fitter.

I am into week 9 and do what mattaitch does. I will stay steady then have a loss. The first few weeks I actually gained...fluid retention etc. I think around week 4 or 5 I showed a loss. I do weight watchers which allows several fruits and veggies as well as eating a balanced diet. Over the past 1.5 years, I'm down 36 pounds. I am waiting until my grad run to take measurements again but if I remember weights on the scale, over the past 9 weeks, I believe I may have lost 4-6 pounds. I feel more toned so I'm excited to do the re-measuring.

I agree with Deryn61, I have almost completed week 9, the scales have not budged but I have lost centimetres around my hips/thighs, tummy and i can see in my face i have lost weight. I suppose you just need to consider the extra muscle you are building and I hope that once you plateau with the muscle building you would be losing weight because of your higher metabolism (I hope anyway)!

Also even if the scales is not moving - do measure yourself. I didn't and regret it. My shape has really changed for the better since I started running. And remember that overweight and fit is a whole lot healthier than overweight and unfit! Good luck

I spent quite a while reading Deryn61's link and Alaiyo's blog - they are both great resources and I've bookmarked them for future reference. It's very reassuring to know I'm not alone with this. I really wish I'd got the tape measure out back in January when I started with Slimming World as I know I've lost plenty of cm and am lots less wobbly!

Think of it as Hotel Tonight x OpenTable x ClassPass. The idea was to bring live connectivity to an industry where 80% of bookings were still done using pen and paper, months ahead of time.

And finally, I ended up landing my first CFO role at a venture-backed tech marketplace. Talk about unexpected outcomes... I finally found somewhere to apply my marketplace knowledge. And if I didn't have this previous entrepreneurial experience, or this newsletter, it wouldn't have been possible.

During the tail end of COVID, we packed up the truck and moved our lives from the East Coast to Florida, where we could market to year round tourism. We decided to \u201Cgo West, young man\u201D (well, South) and chase our dreams.

I'd also physically copy the git repo directory elsewhere as a place to do preliminary testing to see what will work, that way you can mess with whatever you want without losing untracked files or getting things into a state that you can't come back from.

Like @Mike_Eastwood, I'd strongly recommend the first option. You'll lose a lot of information in reporting otherwise and, as explained above, there are plenty of options to keep track of lost opportunities, via a disqualification field, a closed lost reason field etc.

It's nonsense. I've never lost my Start Seller badge before, 100% of my reviews are 5 stars. Did nothing wrong. But Etsy takes away my badge. It does not help sellers even when it's clear this is more a technical issue than anything else.

Related to my problem regarding 20ms of silence at the top of each 

cue, I've noticed that the start time of a cue will be lost if a new 

audio file is dropped on the cue. For a while I was thinking of 

having the music department give me files with 1 bar of lead-in and 

roll the start time to 20ms before the first used click. But with the 

number of changes coming down the pike that would require resetting 

the start time every time I dropped in a new cue, which isn't as 

enticing. I guess my question is what is the expected response of an 

audio cue with when a new file is dragged on to it? What parameters 

are intended to be reset (end time I hope) or retained?Thanks,Sten



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Yes, if you don't want to change the filename for the QLab workspace.I'd argue that when the file name changes is the appropriate time for 

QLab to consider it a "replacement of an idea", and thus change the 

start and end times. Previous attempts to be more clever about this 

caused people to get cues where the cue would cut off at weird times 

because it was using an old end time that they were not expecting.I'd suggest some possible workflow tips to make this work easier, but 

then again I'm not doing it in the field and my ideas may be naive. 

Do others on the list have ways that they manage the kind of 

complexity that Sten is describing? My own gut instinct would be to 

introduce some steps outside of QLab to manage the assets in a way 

that allows the composer to save multiple mixes, but allows the 

designer to boil any of those possible mixes down to a common filename 

for use in QLab.... maybe just some simple prefixes or suffixes that 

can be quickly snipped off before dropping into the QLab workspace?Best,


Lost wax casting builds a mold around a sacrificial wax model. After the mold investment is set, the wax is melted out and forms a cavity where the metal or glass flows in. Using this method of casting captures fine details in both metal and glass. This ancient method has been used since 3000 B.C. to visually capture the stories of ancient cultures and religions throughout history.

Lost wax casting is a 6,000-year-old process still used in both manufacturing and fine art. The precision and accuracy of the process have made it an ideal method for producing objects with thin walls, intricate details, and close tolerances. The process is used to create parts for transportation, agricultural, and medical industries, to name just a few. It can be used to create objects from simple to complex in various metals by casting an original wax model or pattern. The wax model makes an expendable mold that can only be used once in casting. This guide focuses on the lost wax casting process with metallic alloys. You can also use lost wax casting techniques to create cast glass objects. To learn more, head to our glass casting guide.

The basic lost wax casting process involves creating a pattern and a mold, then pouring molten metal into the mold. You will then extract the solid metal casting and finish your piece. This process is customizable for different types of metal casting, along with shapes, sizes, and more. The description below is based on smaller-scale casting processes, often used for jewelry. While essentially the same, in larger castings the mold material is made of Ceramic Shell (colloidal silica and various grades of silica), rather than plaster.

Pour the molten metal into the mold cavity. If it is a small casting, you may simply pour from the crucible where the metal was heated directly into the mold. However, a larger casting may require a small team to support heating the metal inside a furnace and transferring the metal into a larger crucible or ladle before being poured into the mold.

At The Crucible, you can learn to cast metals for small or large projects in different types of metallic alloys. The Crucible offers a wide variety of classes teaching lost wax casting and metalworking techniques. So whether you want to learn the fundamentals of casting or something more advanced, The Crucible has you covered. ff782bc1db

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