The good news is that WhatsApp just released a tool to fight spammers right in the app and it takes just a few seconds to turn on. From now on when that little notification badge pops up, you can be secure in the knowledge that it is someone you know messaging you and not a money laundering scheme. That is unless a friend or family member is sending you a money laundering scheme (we can't really help with that).

Matt Jones leads the anti-spam engineering team at WhatsApp, focusing on scalable ways to detect and prevent abuse for 1 billion users. Prior to that, he spent seven years at Facebook working on anti-abuse systems, from reverse-engineering malware and building high-throughput classification systems to defending new products and leading teams in California and London. Along the way, he's protected against malicious ISPs, compromised telephone carriers, and numerous spammers. Before Facebook, Matt earned his BS in Computer Science at Stanford University.

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Simply put, consumers are now feeling spammed on WhatsApp - in a similar way as emails. They can be seen publicly calling out for too many messages on social media and sharing screenshots of their negative experiences.

WhatsApp spam can take various forms, including text messages, images, and videos, and can be sent by individuals, businesses, or automated bots. Spamming on WhatsApp is generally seen as a nuisance by users and can result in decreased engagement and trust in the sender's brand.

Spam messages are easily noticeable as WhatsApp spam messages come from unverified business accounts, are repeatedly forwarded, pushy, disconnected from the consumer's needs, and invade without permission.

Yes, WhatsApp spam messages can come from a verified WhatsApp Business account. A verified or "badge" account indicates that WhatsApp has confirmed that the account phone number matches the one reported by the business and that the account is active. However, this does not guarantee that the account is not sending spam messages.

As businesses strive to reach their target audience and deliver their messages effectively, it's essential to consider the methods used. While spamming might seem like just repeated targeting and an easy way to reach many people, it's a practice that can do more harm than good.

WhatsApp spamming creates a negative brand image by irritating users with irrelevant or unsolicited messages. Bombarding users with unsolicited messages decreases engagement, as users are likely to ignore or block the sender.

The repetition of spamming messages can also lead to negative word-of-mouth as users share their frustrations with others. In the long term, this can decrease customer loyalty and trust, damaging the brand's reputation.

WhatsApp spamming can lead to a negative customer experience in several ways. One way is that customers may receive multiple messages from the same sender, which can be irritating and distracting. This can lead to customers feeling overwhelmed, or it can be seen as intrusive and unwelcome.

Irrelevant spam messages can make users feel like the sender is not delivering relevant content, leading to unsubscriptions. Overloading users with irrelevant messages can erode trust, causing a drop in subscription rates as users seek to avoid unnecessary messages and leave the platform.

Meta and WhatsApp are taking measures to prevent spam and improve security, including auto-locking chats for suspicious behaviour and blocking/reporting suspected spammers. Meta also introduced a reporting system for users to report suspicious cases directly to the team.

If a user sends too many messages or spams other users, his account can be blocked. WhatsApp has strict policies regarding spamming, which can seriously violate their terms of service. Your account can be blocked if you:

WhatsApp is a conversational channel; if you want to avoid looking spammy, encourage two-way chat, and keep it personal, not automatic. To do this, you need more than a good call to action and a team of live agents.

Understanding why your audience is not engaging with your messages will give you more insight into how to improve your messaging campaigns so that you can have more targeted and relevant promotional conversations that aren't perceived as spammy.

Nivdort is a family of Trojans that collect data from the computers on which they are installed. In order to avoid being detected the malware is loaded into the Windows folder. The latest variant is loaded to multiple system folders and also the registry. Even if detected by anti-virus software it is possible that not all traces of the malware will be removed. The malware may still be able to receive commands and exfiltrate data from the infected device.

Now, digital marketers and political activists have unearthed workaround the restrictions with WhatsApp clones and software tools, which cost about Rs 1000 and allow bypass Whatsapp anti-spam restrictions.

Meanwhile, there has been no data available or shared by the messaging app in regard to the impact of message limit per users, on whether it had seen a substantial decline in numbers of misinformation.

If you're anything like me, you'll have received plenty of spam calls and texts through WhatsApp in the past. If so, you'll be glad to hear that WhatsApp has introduced a setting that'll help cut down on the spam, although it isn't exactly obvious where to find it.

As such, it's a useful feature to keep turned on, especially if you're already using a similar silencing feature on your standard phone line. It's just another way to curtail the annoyance of spam. Here's how to block spam callers on WhatsApp.

 Privacy Concerns: WhatsApp places a strong emphasis on user privacy, and businesses must obtain explicit consent from users before sending marketing messages. Violating these privacy rules can result in serious consequences. Spam and Legal Issues: Bulk WhatsApp marketing can easily cross the line into spamming, which is not only ineffective but also illegal in many jurisdictions. Businesses must adhere to strict anti-spam regulations and WhatsApp's policies to avoid legal repercussions. Opt-Out Mechanism: WhatsApp requires businesses to provide users with a clear and easy way to opt-out from receiving marketing messages. Neglecting this can lead to users reporting your business, potentially causing WhatsApp to ban your number. Limited Automation: While Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software can help streamline the process, WhatsApp's automation features are limited. Businesses must be cautious not to send too many automated messages in a short period, as this can trigger spam filters. Data Protection: Handling customer data in a compliant and secure manner is essential. Failure to protect user data can lead to trust issues and legal problems. 

 Obtain Consent: Always obtain explicit consent from users before sending marketing messages. Segment Your Audience: Segment your audience based on their preferences and behaviors to send targeted, relevant messages. Provide Value: Share valuable content, offers, and promotions that genuinely benefit your audience. Comply with Regulations: Stay up to date with privacy and anti-spam regulations in your region and follow WhatsApp's policies. Test and Optimize: Continuously test different messaging strategies and analyze results to optimize your campaigns. 

A few weeks ago we monitored the below image-spam being received by Irish & UK WhatsApp subscribers in a wave of attacks. The spam itself was a investment advertisement from US numbers. This spam type in itself was not surprising, but what is surprising is how relatively limited WhatsApp spam has been in the past. However this seems to no longer be the case.

As well as this investment spam, which seemed to have been concentrated to a few waves, WhatsApp users in Europe are being targeted over the last few weeks with more constant spam attacks that have been directly seen on other bearers. The current most reported attack on social media[1]is the fake handbag/luxury goods spam:

This spam, which has been reported from Chinese mobile numbers, is very similar to the same type of spam which has been implicated in a Chinese originated iMessage spam attack in 2014 that affected primarily the US ,but also other countries. An example iMessage spam from July 2014 is below, which you can see is clearly similar to the WhatsApp examples. Due to the massive decline in the amount of SMS Spam in America, this attack gained prominence as it occupied a large percentage of the remaining spam being reported at the time. The presence of the same kind of attacks, clearly indicates that these types of spammers have decided to switch, or at least diversify onto WhatsApp.

The total scale of these individual spam attacks over WhatsApp is hard to tell, but if anything, it does seem clear that WhatsApp is joining the ranks of messaging systems which now have a functioning and active spam ecosystem, and the contributors to this spam are being affected by and coming from other messaging systems.

However this success seems to have led to spammers in India changing tactics, and in this case, one of those tactics is to switch to send spam via WhatsApp. First reported in early 2014, recent news reports from India indicate that while operators there confirm they are now winning the fight against SMS spam, spam sent over internet based messaging such as WhatsApp is a major new front of unsolicited messaging. The type of unsolicited messaging covers many different types of spam, but primarily tend to be a whole range of unsolicited advertisements, such as below:

The source of these spam messages is also useful in our analysis. One of the benefits with WhatsApp is the cost of sending international messages is irrelevant, and so the source number can be from anywhere. The same is the case for WhatsApp spam, with investment spam originating from the US but being received in Europe, luxury goods spam originating from China and also being received in Europe, and porn spam originating from India but being received in the Middle East. If we dive deeper into the numbers used, we can also see evidence of a more complex spamming structure emerge. 006ab0faaa

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