Summary: Webinars remain a critical vehicle for conveying information to large audiences. In 2022, hosting a webinar is crucial to an immersive, intimate and engaging virtual experience.

The need for virtual meetings continues to rise along with the expectations of attendees. As such, webinars are perhaps more important than ever, and webinar solutions are becoming much more sophisticated and engaging, not to mention scalable to hundreds of thousands of people. According to some analysts, the overall webcast market is expected to reach a value of 800 million by 2023.

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Webinars, the adapted, 21st century take on seminars, have become a go-to tool for communicating all kinds of things. If you never attended a webinar pre-2020, odds are you have now. These virtual presentations tackle topics across all industries and interests.

In the past two years, webinars have become a more immersive form of virtual learning, with webinar platform vendors rolling out various features so that attendees can better engage with the material, the speakers, and fellow attendees. Frequent webinar watchers and makers may have already noticed the evolution of the webinar platform from a basic one-directional form of communication to something altogether more engaging and interactive.

A 2021 study from Research Nester found that the global webinar and webcast market is expected to expand 7.6% from 2016 to 2023. The market was valued at 547 million USD in 2015 and is estimated to reach 800 million USD by 2023.

Not to mention that anyone can participate in a webinar without the need to travel. It provides a much lower barrier to participation. And more modern webinar platforms allow for true bi-directional interactions and many ways to participate, including through features such as polling, Q&A, chat, closed captioning, and real-time language translation so everyone can participate and stay engaged no matter where they are located.

Webinars, like any form of communication, evolve from year to year. But some things stay the same, including the need for good content and an engaging speaker. Here are some additional webinar best practices to follow if you plan to host a virtual event in 2022:

Intent must go into every aspect of your event amplification, including who is on the guest list. Customization is important when curating your email campaign. Take some time to define your target audience so that the webinar invitations are well received and your acceptance rate is high. When it comes to promoting a webinar, beyond email, you should utilize social media, blog posts, and SEO best practices to amplify your webinar signup landing page.

Another best practice that is gaining importance is the interactivity offered throughout the webinar. Features like immersive share, Q&As, live polling, chat, breakout sessions, emoji reactions, and gesture recognition are all elements that will be considered standard to webinar experiences in 2022.

Over the last two years, webinars have been used in new ways. One example is in the education industry. Most schools and universities leveraged in-person learning as the preferred and, in most cases, required method. But with the pandemic came the need for schools to adapt. Teachers had to adapt their syllabus and lessons. Students had to adapt how they absorbed information and asked questions.

Even today, as in-person classes have started to return, schools are not abandoning their virtual learning efforts. In fact, some schools are even expanding their virtual education offerings and using webinar platforms to better train teachers and staff. Kirsten Mortimer, a Webex user and the Technology Adoption Coordinator at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, says that her team plans to do just that:

As described in detail above, education is an area where webinars have proven to become a useful tool for navigating new teaching techniques and meeting inclusive learning needs of students and educators around the world.

Webinars offer a practical solution for new business owners and entrepreneurs looking to learn a lot in a short time. These kinds of webinars can cover a wide range of topics, from how to make a business plan and the differences between small business insurance coverages to employee benefits and how to improve digital customer experiences.

Businesses big and small, content creators and innovators, institutions and government committees alike, will all benefit from webinars that aim to teach online and social media marketing skill sets, whether for beginners or advanced participants.

Another area of interest that webinars in 2022 will most likely cover, SEO (search engine optimization) is a valuable lever for businesses and brands that utilize the web for things like building brand recognition, ecommerce and the overall sharing of insights and knowledge.

And a use that might not make the top ten but is still notable: crisis acknowledgement. Brands, businesses, and local and national governments are relying on the webinar format to effectively convey critical information. We see this trend continuing for years to come.

With Webex Webinars, you can easily create highly engaging virtual presentations. It comes with both the latest front-end features and integrations you need to keep your webinars engaging plus all the backend security and technical prowess of the Cisco technology ecosystem.

I think the big difference is control and sizing. With Webinars, depending on your license can be up to 10,000 people if i am not mistaken. A regular meeting can be up 1000 people. A webinar is really an event where speakers and panelists can say or present their thing without interruption. The host will also have control over who can speak from the audience if that is needed since they will always be muted from the beginning. The closest thing to a lobby in a Webinar is "practice mode". When practice mode is turned on, the audience members see a screen that it has not started yet while the hosts and panelists can "practice". The practice mode screen is also configurable in the Webinar meetings. Q&A works in both cases. In my case, with Webinars we disable Q&A and Chat in the Webex settings then just use Slido for Q&A. With Slido, i can have people who moderate the Q&A from the Slido site and they don't even need to be a host or panelist to do so.

E-Verify and Form I-9 free webinars (except for E-Verify in 30 and myE-Verify) are eligible for professional development credits (PDC) through the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI).

Learn about Form I-9 requirements, step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section, acceptable documents, retention, and storage. Useful for all employers. This webinar, useful for prospective and new E-Verify users, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Learn about how E-Verify works, how to enroll, program highlights, and a demonstration of the program. Useful for prospective and new E-Verify users. This webinar, useful for prospective and new E-Verify users, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

This joint webinar hosted by USCIS and Immigrant and Employee Rights (IER) discusses employee rights and anti-discrimination provisions during the E-Verify and Form I-9 employment eligibility verification processes. This webinar, useful for workers, worker advocates, job seekers, and employers, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Learn about timelines for enrollment, how to use the program, how to verify new and existing employees, and exemption and exceptions for federal contractors who have been awarded a federal contract with the FAR E-Verify clause. This webinar, useful for federal contractors and subcontractors affected by the E-Verify federal contractor rule, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

Learn about creating a case, understanding case alerts, handling a TNC, employer responsibilities, and common user mistakes. This webinar, useful for existing users and new users, is eligible for 1 professional development credit through SHRM and HRCI.

As the Webex webinar host, you should be the first one to open Slido via Apps > Slido during the webinar. Collaborators also need to open Slido via Apps > Slido to be able to help with polls and Q&A.

If you invited the webinar host as a collaborator to your Slido (prepared in advance), then during the webinar both you and the host need to open Slido from Apps. The host needs to add Slido to Webex first and you need to have a panelist role to be able to see Apps and open Slido from the sidebar.

The Webinar ID will be populated automatically on the Event's Webinar/Meeting ID field. This value should not be edited as changing this value will result in Attendees not being able to join your webinar.

A: If you have many Events and do not want to navigate to each and manually create a webinar for each, this section is for you! This will create a webinar for every Event where Webinar/Meeting ID = " ".

The SAVE Program offers prospective, new or current user agencies several webinars and customized tutorials to meet their specific need. There is no pre-registration for our webinars. Choose the session you want to attend from the list below, add it to your calendar, then return to this page to log in as early as 15 minutes before it starts. ff782bc1db

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