In electronics, acoustics, and related fields, the waveform of a signal is the shape of its graph as a function of time, independent of its time and magnitude scales and of any displacement in time.[1][2] Periodic waveforms repeat regularly at a constant period. The term can also be used for non-periodic or aperiodic signals, like chirps and pulses.[3]

The waveform of an electrical signal can be visualized in an oscilloscope or any other device that can capture and plot its value at various times, with suitable scales in the time and value axes. The electrocardiograph is a medical device to record the waveform of the electric signals that are associated with the beating of the heart; that waveform has important diagnostic value. Waveform generators, that can output a periodic voltage or current with one of several waveforms, are a common tool in electronics laboratories and workshops.

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Simple examples of periodic waveforms include the following, where t {\displaystyle t} is time,  {\displaystyle \lambda } is wavelength, a {\displaystyle a} is amplitude and  {\displaystyle \phi } is phase:

The Fourier series describes the decomposition of periodic waveforms, such that any periodic waveform can be formed by the sum of a (possibly infinite) set of fundamental and harmonic components. Finite-energy non-periodic waveforms can be analyzed into sinusoids by the Fourier transform.

Hello all, as you can see on the attached picture i am trying to do some further calculations with my data after it has been received. The goal is to get numerical indicators, which will not show up when using waveform data. The indicators connected to the waveform modules do work, but not the ones for the calculations. So I tried to use the "get waveform components" function but i keep getting an error in my code (broken wire). Anyone know any other functions i could use to accomplish this?

I think that if you go through your code, removing Dynamic Data Wires, recognizing where you have Arrays of Waveforms and handling it appropriately (here's an idea -- wire the Array of Waveforms into a For Loop, which will give you an Index Array input tunnel that will enumerate each waveform in the Array. Put a Case Structure inside wired to the Index, "i", so it "counts" 0, 1, 2, etc., and put inside the, say, 0 case the code you need to calibrate Channel 0, in the 1 case calibrate Channel 1, etc., then let the output, a single Waveform representing one of your channels, pass back out through the For loop as an Indexed Tunnel and Presto, you've gone from N Uncalibrated Waveforms to N Calibrated Waveforms).

I would be very grateful if you can help me with any ocean function that let me convert the waveform to two different vector so that i would be able to access the individual element of the array in single run of the script.

I'd like to measure two external signals (via a single BNC cDAQ module, if that matters) and display them in separate waveform graphs. I've shamelessly ripped my VI from the "Voltage - Continuous Input" example VI, and I'm trying to modify it to accomplish this task. I learned from a YouTube video that I needed to wire one Read VI's Error Out to the other's Error In in order to not throw and error in the while loop. However, it appears that I am throwing an error when attempting to start 2 tasks at once.

For the why: if you open the VI's front panel, you'll note that I'd like to see each input's waveform on a pretty small waveform graph, and displaying them together on the same graph would get quite busy. I would also like to expand this system to include even more inputs in the future.

For others looking into this issue: as I was pondering the problem I originally posted here, I realized that I might be able sample 2 (or more) signals via the same task. Then in the while loop, it might create a 1D array of waveforms which then could be indexed, each element going to its own graph. After wiring it up, this seems to have solved my problem and I am now getting the desired results (so far). I have attached a screenshot of the block diagram and running front panel for any others who might be searching for a solution to this problem.

The error is because you are trying to use the same resource, my advice is to use the same source channel but you must select the channels that you are going to use. In this case 2 channels, then in the read output you can select if you want the data as 2D DBL or as 1D array of waveform DBL.

I'm trying to program the NI 9264 and produce the analog voltage output (5 volts amplitude). I also would like to see the waveforms in one chart for the waveforms if possible. I was using the Samples code "Voltage Continuous Output". I really don't need the triggering code part because I will have start button and stop button. The assignment of the code will be based on the table I sent earlier. I also believe I don't need the samples code part because as long as I have the output that is all I need. I will use this program to inject the output to our DSP board for testing purposes.

1. Write a short ocean script to traverse the ADE-XL directory structure, open each set of results, use getData() to access the waveforms of interest, and write the waveforms you want to text files using either an fprintf() statement or OcnPrint(). I have attached an ocean script that might serve as a template.

2. Alternatively, you can plot all the corner results on one graph in ViVa, select them all and, using your right mouse button, "Send to...Export..." or "Send to...Table" . The former might be best if the number of time points in the waveform is large.

How can I change the waveform colors from gray to black? I looked around a bunch and everyone says that you are unable to change it since it depends on what sample rate your audio is. The problem is that when I am on my current user settings they are gray, and when adding a new user profile and showing wafeforms they are black again. So there gotta be a setting somewhere.

Hello everyone, I am relatively comfortable with Davinci and do 99% of what I need video-/audio-wise inside of Resolve. I started to focus more on audio lately and I really like the waveform live preview some EQs offer. I attached an image of what I mean (sourced from izotope).

@willkc22 select the little down arrow near the top left of the waveform. Near the bottom of this pop up menu you can change the waveform orientation from vertical to horizontal.

image1792828 209 KB

The output signal from the ADA4817-2 follows two paths. One path is routed to an output connector labeled as OUT1, while the other path is routed to an output connector labeled as OUT3. On these connectors, the AD9106 can generate two types of signal patterns under the control of its programmable pattern generator: periodic pulse train waveforms that repeat indefinitely or periodic pulse train waveforms that repeat a finite number of times.

SIGLENT's function generators / arbitrary waveform generators use advanced Digital Frequency Synthesis (DDS) technology to produce high quality standard function and arbitrary waveform signals. They also provide a wide range of analog and digital modulation functions.

Keysight 33503B BenchLink Waveform Builder Pro Software is a full-featured waveform creation software for pulse/function/arbitrary waveform generators. The software enables you to take full advantage of the signal generation capabilities of the Keysight 33200, 33500, 81100 Series waveform generators and makes custom waveform creation fast and simple!

This Microsoft Windows-based program provides easy-to-use creation tools such an equation editor, waveform math and drawing tools to create custom signals with a library of built-in waveforms to choose from. The software also provides a waveform sequencer, filters and windowing functions allowing you to easily modify and further define your waveform.

Background:  Central aortic pressures and waveform convey important information about cardiovascular status, but direct measurements are invasive. Peripheral pressures can be measured noninvasively, and although they often differ substantially from central pressures, they may be mathematically transformed to approximate the latter. We tested this approach, examining intersubject and intrasubject variability and the validity of using a single averaged transformation, which would enhance its applicability.

Conclusions:  Central aortic pressures can be accurately estimated from radial tonometry with the use of a generalized TF. The reconstructed waveform can provide arterial compliance estimates but may underestimate the augmentation index because the latter requires greater fidelity reproduction of the wave contour.

Interestingly, if you look at the waveforms on SoundCloud almost none of them are as boring as my results. They all have some variation. What could be the trick here? I don't think they just add random noise.

Just as a bonus, here is an MCVE written in Java to generate a waveform with boxes as described. (Sorry if Java is not your language.) The actual drawing code is near the top. This program also normalizes, i.e., the waveform is "stretched" to the height of the image.

I have a desktop digitizer system whose software (CoMPASS) produces ROOT files containing a TTree with a TArrayS branch for the waveform. I would like to draw and perform basic operations (e.g. integrals, smoothing) on these waveforms which, as far as I can tell, is best done using a histogram (TH1S).

Your loop to fill the histogram looks fine to me for visualization, but I would suggest using a TGraph unless your data is actually counts in bins. The TGraph is a better fit for waveforms in my opinion. ff782bc1db

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