A wake-up call (alarm call in the United Kingdom, morning call in east Asia) is a service provided by lodging establishments allowing guests to request a telephone call at a pre-specified time, thus causing the guest to wake up at that time. It is similar in concept to an alarm clock, but is instead conducted via a telephone. A similar concept is used by hotel establishments in Africa, where it is referred to as "Amka, Amka".[citation needed]

Join us this Lent, as we join together and allow the Holy Spirit to awaken obedient hearts and minds to the transforming power of a surrendered life. Daily readers and a church kit available for communities to take this journey together!

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When it is time for the program to exit, how do I signal this network worker thread (from the main thread) to return from the accept() call while still being able to gracefully exit its loop and handle its cleanup code.

If the solution involves making the listen socket non-blocking, that is fine. But I don't want to accept a solution that involves the thread waking up via a select call every few seconds to check the exit condition.

close() on a descriptor another thread B is using is inherently hazardous: another thread C may open a new file descriptor which thread B will then use instead of the closed one. dup2() a /dev/null onto it avoids that problem, but does not wake up blocked threads reliably.

pthread_cancel to cancel a thread blocked in accept() is risky if the pthread implementation does not implement cancellation properly, that is if the thread created a socket, just before returning to your code, a pthread_cancel() is called for it, the thread is canceled, and the newly created socket is leaked. Although FreeBSD 9.0 and later does not have such a race condition problem, but you should check your OS first.

If you would like to make an appointment, call 888-716-WAKE (9253) or request an appointment online. If you are scheduling an appointment with a specialist, you may need a referral, so check with your primary care provider first. If you do not need a referral, or if you need a primary care provider, you can search our providers and find someone close to you.

We recently upgraded to PROTECT version 9, and mass upgraded endpoints Network Agent versions to 9 as well. Last week whenever I sent a Wake Up Call to an endpoint and hit refresh the timestamp of when the machine checked in would update to that time immediately as it always has in the past. However, today whenever I send a Wake Up call to a client and hit refresh it does NOT check in, and the last connected timestamp remains the same. I now have to wait until the Agent policy check in time for the Last Connected timestamp to change. Anyone else experiencing this?

Hard to say what was going on, but it is probable that after AGENT upgrade, re-synchronization of wakeup identifiers is required. In other words, once AGENT has upgraded, it will most probably get new identity from ESET's push notification service, and this identity has to be sent to ESET PROTECT Server (via standard replication connection) so that wakeup of this specific device can be targets. This normally takes quite a short time and that is why I am not sure this was the issue...

Getting your wake-up call is not the hard part, answering the call is. Choosing to answer the call instead of ignoring it is hard, because you know if you do, things are going to change, and change is scary. That said, not changing is worse, especially after you know.

In a multithreaded context, I am using AtomicWaker to schedule wake-ups. When wake or wake_by_ref is called, does the inner function call immediately begin invoking the next async function pointing to another task, or, is it called sometime after the function call to wake/wake_by_ref?

I'm concerned that this function call begins execution of another task before finishing the current task. Because, if it does this, then it's necessary to drop any locks in order to prevent deadlocking

Rust is different in this regard than e.g. coroutine implementations in C++ or Kotlin: .wake() will never run tasks inline, but just makes sure the Future gets scheduled again by the executor as soon as possible.

Nevertheless it'it can be a good idea to release previous locks before calling .wake() - since in the case of a multithreaded runtime the new task might get scheduled immediately on another thread, run into the lock and block there until the mutex is released. That additional block and unblock can be avoided by releasing locks before calling .wake().

Yes, you should drop locks before calling wake. The task being polled inside wake would be very unusual, but it doesn't matter because there is a different thing that can happen inside the call to wake: The future could be dropped.

This is because the waker might be holding the last strong reference to the future, and the call to wake() consumes that waker. There are many examples of futures that lock mutexes inside their destructors, for example this is the case with many of Tokio's IO futures, since they often build a linked list inside the futures themselves. This is valid because the futures are pinned, but if you drop the future, you must remove that future from the linked list, which can involve locking a mutex.

What if you call .wake() from inside the future that you are trying to wake? If it were to instantly resume the future, you would suddenly get a second mutable reference to the future itself when trying to resume the future a second time. This is not safe. Aside from the very fact that having two mutable references to the same thing is UB, one of the problems would be that rustc hasn't updated the internal state of the future yet in case of async fn, so it will be resumed at the last yield point.

As a counter to the calls for insurrection that occurred at the Capitol on January 6, join DeVille as she gathers with other artists to sound a collective call for freedom, to insist upon the rejection of lies propagated as truth, and to embrace new and vital tellings of the American story.

The Raleigh-Wake Emergency Communications Center, also known as Raleigh-Wake 9-1-1, answers emergency and non-emergency calls for service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and dispatches the appropriate help. The professional staff is dedicated to providing quality service not only to our citizens but also to the first responders that we serve.

During periods of increased call volume, the Raleigh-Wake Emergency Communications Center is implementing an automatic acknowledgement on 911 calls. The purpose of the automatic acknowledgement is to:

A special report on limiting global warming released on Monday by a UN scientific panel, should be heard around the world as an "ear-splitting wake-up call" said UN chief Antnio Guterres. He said the long-awaited findings show that "climate change is running faster than we are - and we are running out of time."

With that in mind, the report calls for huge changes in land, energy, industry, buildings, and transportation-use and across cities everywhere. Global net emissions of carbon dioxide would need to fall by 45 per cent from 2010 levels by 2030, and reach "net zero" around 2050.

The world risks crossing the point of no return on climate change, with disastrous consequences for people across the planet and the natural systems that sustain them, the United Nations Secretary-General Antnio Guterres warned on Monday, calling for more leadership and greater ambition for climate action, to reverse course.

As we orient our businesses, investments, and strategies around technology, we must confront a disquieting question: Are we, in our pursuit of technological excellence, inadvertently neglecting the innate human instincts that have historically guided us?

After finishing a call, it takes ages for the screen to wake so I can end the call or do anything really. There is a noticeable delay of several seconds after I lower the phone from my ear. I've never experienced this with any other iphone in the past, the screen has always been quick to wake. I'm wondering if this is a hardware issue of some kind, perhaps a light sensor is faulty?

In this scenario, we could also see greater movement toward fragmentation, populism and xenophobia. Each country could go it alone or in so-called coalitions of the willing to address some specific challenges. In the end, the world would fail to mobilize the kind of governance needed to address our shared challenges.

The pandemic, as horrible as it is, must be a wake-up call that prompts all political leaders to understand that our assumptions and approaches have to change, and that division is a danger to everyone.

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