You can create a link to a file or folder in your Dropbox account to share it with others. When you share a file or folder via link, you can choose to give people with that link edit or view-only access.

Learn how to manage your default sharing settings.

It is super easy to get direct download link of image files that are saved in your Dropbox account. And more importantly they will work with [img] commands used in forums that you mentioned in your question.

Download Video From Dropbox Link

Download File 🔥 🔥

Basically, what you are doing by adding the raw=1 to the end of the link is hotlinking it. That's is sharing direct download link to the file. Anyone who clicks on hotlinked file will not see any of the Dropbox frames, logos, etc. It works for any type of file that you share.

If you link to your images/videos stored within your Dropbox account then that counts against your daily bandwidth allotment. Every time those images/videos are viewed in a forum or blog post can add-up quickly (especially when shared via different social media oulets).

We have a large folder of images I need to link via spreadsheet to upload to our shop website on opencart. I have found instructions about editing the end of links to be ?raw=1 to hotlink, but despite my best efforts the links do not pull through and download from dropbox like they have done with other hotlinks i've made on our site. Here's a screenshot of my spreadsheet; the non-dropbox links have worked but the dropbox ones don't. Any ideas?

I was able to email a link to one of my Dropbox folders to someone who is not on Dropbox. They can view the files in the folder (in their web browser). However, there doesn't appear to be any option to download a file to their computer (for example, PDF or MP4 file). How do they do this?

If they want to download a specific file from the folder, they'll need to click on it to preview it and then select 'Download' from the upper right corner or else they should be seeing an option for direct download as shown below:

If they're not seeing this option, have them clear their browser's cache, an incognito window or even a completely different browser than the one they originally used to access the shared link in question.

Please note: Sometimes we blog about upcoming products or features before they're released, but timing and exact functionality of these features may change from what's shared here. The decision to purchase our services should be made based on features that are currently available.

I'm building an application to automatically trigger a download of a Dropbox file shared with a user (shared file/folder link). This was straight forward to implement for Dropbox links to files, as is outlined here.

Currently I can go to the url and do some screen-scraping to try and get the contents list, but the advantage of the solution described in the linked Dropbox blog entry for files is that no scraping is needed, so it's much more reliable and efficient.

When downloading direct shared links to files through python I was getting html pages instead of actual file content. Changing ?dl=1 wasn't helping. I then noticed that wget was downloading the actual file, even when ?dl=0. Seems like dropbox detects wget user agent and responds with the file, so setting the user agent header to Wget/1.16 (linux-gnu) in python solved the issue, now any dropbox shared link is being downloaded properly:

Is there a simple way to save a file from a Dropbox link to my Dropbox? As in, without downloading it to my computer and then either uploading it manually or saving to my Dropbox folder where it can be synced. This feels like something that should be easy, and it may be, but I can't see how to do it.

Thanks for that Rich, but I don't ever see a blue download button. I click on the link (in an email), and the download begins. I may have missed a key point in omitting that it is a dropboxusercontent link.

Sounds like the owner of the file is sending you a public link rather than a shared link (Public links are for files located in their Public folder). Public links will download immediately. Only a share link will take you to the preview page where the Download button is found. Here's an example of both using the same file (stored in different locations):

Yes, it most assuredly is a Public Link, and by design. Thank you for the examples. I guess my next question is, is there a way to Save to My Dropbox from a Public Link? If not, how does one put in such a suggestion/feature request?

I want to email a pdf from drop box. It sends a link rather than sending the pdf. The corporation I am sending to will not let them open the link. How do I send the file rather than sending a link to the file?

I absolutely agree!! In this world of now, now, now - our clients and partners need to be able to open a file on their phone from an email from me - not have to go to a website/app in order to do so. I will be posting this a few times in different forums - and sending to support. This shortcoming is a HUGE issue for all of the people I do IT work for - and have insisted that they use DB. Because this is not a possibility - they resort to double filing in order to keep a copy in DB and then in another app that will allow them to email the file rather than a link. As a product marketed for business users - I feel like this feature is not a bonus - but rather a requirement. Please let us know when this feature will be added. FYI - since the favorites are stored on the device - I feel that some slight alteration of the code should allow the favorites to be emailed as actual files. This might be the fastest means to an ends for this issue.


I am thinking about transferring all my files from Dropbox to OneDrive (Google Drive), but I have some doubts related to the already established link in my tasks.

Is there any tool to transfer the files and update the links within asana?

Or any other workaround to keep the attachments linked?

Thanks for any idea


Thanks Bastien,

If there is no full automation, a list of all Dropbox links used within my asana workspace will be very much help. Probably with the doc title I can identify the OneDrive links automatically with an google sheet and then relink them.

Does asana or any other report provide such a list of Dropbox links?

rgds Dirk

If you restore the file in question, the shared link to it should work normally; are you getting an error when accessing it perhaps? If so, could you forward me a screenshot so I can have a look as well?

I'm afraid you have done something in a different way. If you have followed everything as noted and you didn't explicitly remove the link, such thing wouldn't happens. Link should stay the same. Are you sure the shared link was never removed, from one side, and on other hand:

What you mean "dropbox backup"? Is this place "deleted files" where you can restore recently deleted things or something else? If you performed such action from backup outside Dropbox service, that mean recreated file, not restored, and of course corresponding new link. You can check if the old file version is still there ( not the recreated one ). If so you can restore it together with the original link, otherwise it's impossible.

i opened the dropbox folder in in Safari browser, then i took my edited pdf, whilst using the exact same name, i drag'n'dropped it into the dropbox safari window, and it totally replaced it & kept the same URL!!!!!!! YAY!

Dropbox Basic (free) users: Beginning October 3, 2016, you can no longer use shared links to render HTML content in a web browser. If you created a website that directly displays HTML content from your Dropbox, it will no longer render in the browser. The HTML content itself will still remain in your Dropbox and can be shared.

According to Dropbox support, public links for free accounts may not use more than 10GB of bandwidth per day while that limit is 250GB per day for paid Dropbox accounts. The links are automatically suspended if any of your files exceed that limit.

I tried this and it works from Safari, but includes the white banner across the top of the page with items to click to close, share, etc. Before of course it just rendered as a simple html page with nothing added.

However, it does not work from a browser called Lightning. That one is crashy but quick; I often use it because Safari becomes unresponsive with too many pages/windows open. Lightning now requires that I download the html file. Interestingly though, the original shared public link displayed correctly as always in Lightning, when Safari prompted to download the html file. So now it is switched. Dropbox has really dropped the ball.

For the first dropbox button example shown above (the wide, default "Choose from Dropbox" button), replace the custom component's iFrame code with the following (update yourAppKeyGoesHere with your app key):

After some successful use, we noticed that the dropboxURL value in the custom component's Model can hang around and cause some unexpected behavior if the text input field is part of a form that is linked to a table that has a "select row to edit" functionality. Basically, the form is trying to default a value into the text input from the table's selected row while the text input is simultaneously trying to default in a lingering value from the custom component's Model.

The solution for this was two-pronged. First, routinely null the Model's value any time the table's selection is changed or cleared (this seems to cover the scenarios when you want to dump that value, YMMV); second, when there is a value in the custom component's model (i.e. you have just chosen a new URL from the Chooser), break the link between any existing value in the table's selected row and the text input, thus allowing the just-picked new URL to overwrite the existing value from the table: ff782bc1db

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