With I Search From you can simulate using Google Search from a different location or device, or perform a search with custom search settings. It's useful for searching Google as if you were somewhere else, as well as for SEO & SEA testing.

To apply custom search use Scopes Settings/Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Scopes to use it for Find in Path or Replace in Path.

I suggest to reorganize your folders, so that no unnecessary files are left in project directory. Also, you can specify Source Root by going to Settings > Project Settings > Directories and adding additional directories.

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This is the best way to exclude directories from your search results. I work on large Magento project with many directories I don't want in search results. This solved my problem. If your project contains a /vendor directory, this will help speed up indexing in PHPStorm since it's ignored.

Google lists a variety of content in response to searches, including web results which are links to content from the open web. This article explains how you might be able to remove web results if you manage the website that hosts the content or the content on the web is about you.

If content about you is no longer on the website that Google Search results list, you can use the Refresh outdated content tool to let us know and it will be updated in Google search results. Learn how to Refresh outdated content.

If content about you is still on the website that Google search results list, we might still remove it from Google search results in the specific circumstances. Learn about the content Google will remove from search results.

We study whether Amazon engages in self-preferencing on its marketplace by favoring its own brands (e.g., Amazon Basics) in search. To address this question, we collect new micro-level consumer search data using a custom browser extension installed by a panel of study participants. Using this methodology, we observe search positions, search behavior, and product characteristics. We find that Amazon branded products are indeed ranked higher than observably similar products in consumer search results. The prominence given to Amazon brands is 30% to 60% of the prominence granted to sponsored products.

We thank James Dana, Yutao Chen, Yejia Xu, and Hannah Huihan Zhang for outstanding research assistance. We also thank Shane Greenstein, Jesse Shapiro, Raluca Ursu, and seminar and conference participants at the NUS Economics of Platforms Workshop, the 2023 ASSA Meeting, and Harvard Business School for valuable comments. The authors have no material or relevant financial interests to disclose. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Search engines like Google constantly crawl the internet in search of new data. When your site is being crawled, your store's robots.txt file blocks page content that might otherwise reduce the effectiveness of your SEO strategy by stealing PageRank.

By default, your store's robots.txt file tells bots (usually search engine indexing bots, or "crawlers") which pages or files they should or shouldn't request to view from a website. For example, the shopping cart page is requested not to be viewed by search engines because it's unique to individual customers and it isn't useful to be indexed by a search engine.

The way Google determines what is relevant and reliable information for a given query is based on a lot of different factors. While it can seem complex, some of these fundamental concepts are actually quite simple, and can be useful for people to understand when they start searching.

Starting today, About This Result will show searchers information about some of these most important factors used by Google Search to connect results to their queries. Because just as these factors help Google decide if a result may be relevant, they may also help people decide what result is useful for them.

About This Result will show you tips for how you can get to what you really wanted. For example, you can put quotes around a word or phrase to get results that mention those words exactly, or use a minus sign to exclude certain words from your search.

The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to be found and clicked on. Ultimately, the goal of search engine optimization is to help attract website visitors who will become customers, clients or an audience that keeps coming back.

But today, search is incredibly fragmented. Users may search on traditional web search engines (e.g., Google, Microsoft Bing), social platforms (e.g., YouTube, TikTok) or retailer websites (e.g., Amazon).

You want to make it easy for search engines to discover and access all of the content on your pages (i.e., text, images, videos). What technical elements matter here: URL structure, navigation, internal linking, and more.

Another area of technical optimization is structured data (a.k.a., schema). Adding this code to your website can help search engines better understand your content and enhance your appearance in the search results.

The expectations and behavior of searchers are constantly evolving, which means algorithms are constantly changing to keep up. That, in combination with new breakthroughs in technology (look no further than the explosive rise of ChatGPT in late 2022 and the sudden addition of generative AI to search results in 2023).

Search Engine Land has been covering SEO since 2006. In addition to news stories written by our editorial staff, Search Engine Land publishes contributed articles from a diverse group of subject matter experts featuring helpful SEO tips, tactics, trends and analysis.

Another way to advance your career is by attending a search conference. The Search Engine Land team programs the Search Marketing Expo (SMX) conference series, which has a dedicated SEO track that dives into various aspects of SEO and features some excellent speakers and presentations. SMX Advanced takes place in June and SMX Next in November.

This guide was written by Danny Goodwin, Managing Editor of Search Engine Land & SMX. With more than a decade of experience in the search marketing industry, Goodwin reports on breaking news and provides analysis and commentary on all things SEO.

You can use the search description field to add additional information to your search results. For example, say you want to show visitors what type of content a specific search result by displaying the blog post category alongside the result.

The search optimization service can significantly improve the performance of certain types of lookup and analyticalqueries. An extensive set of filtering predicates are supported (see Identifying Queries That Can Benefit from Search Optimization).

The search optimization service is generally transparent to users. Queries work the same as they do without searchoptimization; some are just faster. However, search optimization does have effects on certain other table operations. Formore information, see Working With Search-Optimized Tables.

Building the search access path can take significant time, depending on the size of the table. The maintenance serviceworks in the background and does not block any operations on the table. Queries are not accelerated until the searchaccess path has been fully built.

When data in the table is updated (for example, by loading new data sets or through DML operations), the maintenance serviceautomatically updates the search access path to reflect the changes to the data.

Search optimization and query acceleration can work together tooptimize query performance. First, search optimization can prune the micro-partitions not needed for a query. Then, for eligible queries, query acceleration can offload portions of the rest of the work toshared compute resources provided by the service.

Two weeks ago, Material for MkDocs Insiders shipped a brand new search plugin, yielding massive improvements in usability, but also in speed and size of the search index. Interestingly, as discussed in the previous blog article, we only scratched the surface of what's now possible. This release brings some useful features that enhance the writing experience, allowing for more fine-grained control of what pages, sections and blocks of a Markdown file should be indexed by the built-in search functionality.

How it works: the plugin post-processes the search_index.json file that is generated by the built-in search plugin, giving the author the ability to exclude certain pages and sections by adding a few lines of configuration to mkdocs.yml. An example:

Exclusion control might be too coarse: The mkdocs-exclude-search plugin only allows for the exclusion of pages and sections. It's not possible to exclude parts of a section, e.g., content that is irrelevant to search but must be included as part of the documentation.

The latest Insiders release brings fine-grained control for excluding pages, sections, and blocks from the search index, implemented through front matter, as well as the Attribute Lists. Note that it doesn't replace the mkdocs-exclude-search plugin but complements it.

An entire page can be excluded from the search index by adding a simple directive to the front matter of the respective Markdown file. The good thing is that the author now only has to check the top of the document to learn whether it is excluded or not:

If a section should be excluded, the author can use the Attribute Lists extension to add a pragma called data-search-exclude at the end of a heading. The pragma is not included in the final HTML, as search pragmas are filtered by the search plugin before the page is rendered:

The latest release brings three simple ways to control more precisely what goes into the search index and what doesn't. It complements the already very powerful mkdocs-exclude-search plugin, allowing for new methods of shaping the structure, size and content of the search index. ff782bc1db

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