It was a little over a year ago that I started a visitor gallery tumblr page in an attempt to generate a another place on the internet for architecture visualization inspiration. It has been exciting to see so many unique styles and methods submitted week after week. I curate the gallery which means not every illustration submitted will get posted to the tumblr page. As a matter of fact, only about 1/3 of the images make it to the tumblr page. Total, there have been 260 illustrations posted since its inception.

Tumblr blogging platform is a great way to share your work, hobbies, opinions and other topics you find fascinating. However, efficient and friendly as it may be, Tumblr provides you with very basic tools to upload and showcase rich media files. Cincopa has identified the need for an advanced solution that will allow tumblr members to display their tumblr media player or tumblr gallery in a stylish and elegant manner with a complete control over the widget's appearance, content and functionality.

Download Tumblr Gallery

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The various music players Cincopa offers may be used as a tumblr song player. There is a wide selection of tumblr music player templates with or without a playlist, which you may customize to suit your tumblr blog. The process of creating, embedding and, later on, managing the tumblr gallery is super easy and fast, and does not require any special skills. The friendly wizard guides you through and performs any conversion, photo resizing or transcoding, automatically. The audio player for tumblr supports all popular audio files, displays album covers, protects your files and provides you with generous free hosting and delivery services.

Among the tumblr music player templates, you will find responsive audio player layouts, which grant users with an outstanding audio and viewing experience, with no relevance to the screen size or device they use. Most tumblr song player templates include basic and advanced features such as autoplay, efficient and friendly control bar, changeable dimensions and many other customizable settings.

Tumblr media player is not limited to audio files. Cincopa provides you with an abundant of tumblr video player templates that will make your videos stand out. The 3 steps procedure is identical for any tumblr gallery and may be completed within a few minutes.

Just like with the tumblr music player, all required conversions are done automatically by the software, leaving you to make the artistic decisions. The tumblr media player supports all common video formats and can display any number of files you choose to showcase, with or without a playlist. The tumblr compatible video player templates include different designs, mobile friendly templates and lots of customization options.

Cincopa tumblr gallery templates comprise many attractive slideshow and image galleries. There is a responsive image list, Pinterest style gallery, Cooliris view, Lightbox and advanced galleries that include background music, menus and other amazing features and layouts.

There is no need to compromise and use the default tumblr media player or photo display. All of the Cincopa's templates are compatible with tumblr platform and are free to use. On top of the multiple features and easy management, you also get a remote access to your tumblr gallery, an option to upload any number of files from any of your devices or web URLs and superb performance that will surely impress your viewers.

When the simple wizard asks you to select a method, choose tumblr; Cincopa app generates a simple line of code you should embed, exactly, where you want your tumblr music player or gallery to be displayed.

I have been looking for a plugin, or way to allow users to upload images that visitors/users can look through. Ideally users would be able to tag their images, and would show up if another user searched for that tag/s. A tumblr/instagram type feature is what I am aiming for. ff782bc1db

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