The Mastering APA Style Student Workbook is an all-digital workbook that engages users with interactive questions and graded quizzes to help them learn and apply the basic principles of APA Style and scholarly writing.

An effective tool for independent study or classroom use via course adoption, the workbook keeps learners engaged with 12 question types, including multiple choice, image hotspot, drag and drop, fill in the blank, and text input.

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Watch this short video of an APA Style expert demonstrating the workbook features and functionality. Or watch on-demand webinars about the workbook to learn more about its features and educational benefits and how instructors can adopt it for a course.

You can also try a sample of the workbook for free. The free sample workbook includes one page from each of the nine modules, including a variety of question types, as well as a sample reference list summative quiz.

Want to adopt the workbook for your course or workshop? Instructors must work with APA to complete the course adoption process. This ensures instructors receive access to the Learning Dashboard and course keys for students to access the correct course section.

Work in Compatibility Mode You can open a workbook that was created in an earlier version of Excel and work in Compatibility Mode so that the workbook remains in a file format that can easily be opened again in the earlier version. Compatibility mode is not available for Excel 2007 workbooks.

Check a workbook for compatibility If you want to work in the current file format but have to share a workbook with people who use earlier versions of Excel, you can check that the data is compatible with earlier versions of Excel. You can then make the necessary changes to avoid the loss of data or fidelity that might occur when that workbook is opened in an earlier version of Excel.

In Excel 2010 and later, when you open a workbook that was created in Excel 97-2003, it is automatically opened in Compatibility Mode, and you see Compatibility Mode in square brackets next to the file name in the Excel title bar.

In Compatibility Mode, any new or enhanced Excel features are not available, which prevents loss of data and fidelity when the workbook is opened in an earlier version of Excel. Also, instead of using a current file format (.xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm), the workbook is saved in Excel 97-2003 file format (.xls), a file format that can be opened by earlier versions of Excel.

Unlike other Office programs, such as Word, you cannot manually turn on Compatibility Mode in Excel, and you do not have the option to include any new features when you work in a workbook in Compatibility Mode.

Not all new features are supported in earlier versions of Excel. When you work in Compatibility Mode or want to save aworkbook to the Excel 97-2003 (.xls) file format, the Compatibility Checker can help you identify issues that may cause a significant loss of functionality or a minor loss of fidelity in the earlier version of Excel. To avoid the loss of data or functionality in an earlier version of Excel, you can then make the necessary changes to your current workbook.

When you save a workbook to an Excel 97-2003 file format, the Compatibility Checker runs automatically. However, to verify that a workbook is compatible with your current version of Excel, you must run the Compatibility Checker manually the first time you save the workbook. You can then specify that the Compatibility Checker runs automatically every time that you save that workbook. For information about how to run the Compatibility Checker, see Check an Excel workbook for compatibility with earlier versions of Excel.

This workbook contains data in cells outside of the row and column limit of the selected file format. Data beyond 65,536 rows tall by 256 (IV) columns wide will not be saved. Formula references to data in this region will return a #REF! error.

What it means A scenario in the worksheet refers to a cell outside the column and row limit of Excel 97-2003 (65,536 rows by 256 columns), and is no longer available when you continue saving the workbook to file format of the earlier version of Excel.

A CLB includes 16 worksheet rows. If all rows in a worksheet contain data, you would have 4096 CLBs in that worksheet, and you could have only 16 such worksheets in a single instance of Excel (regardless of how many workbooks you have open in Excel).

What to do To make sure that the workbook does not exceed the 64,000 CLB limit and that it can be opened in Excel 97-2003, you should work in Compatibility Mode after you save the workbook to Excel 97-2003 file format. In Compatibility Mode, Excel keeps track of the CLBs in the active workbook.

What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you have the option to display different header and footer text on even pages or on the first page. In Excel 97-2003, even page or first page headers and footers cannot be displayed, but they remain available for display when you open the workbook in Excel 2007 and later again.

What to do When you continue saving the workbook, Excel applies the closest available format, which can be identical to another format you applied to something else. To avoid duplication of formats, you can change or remove the cell formatting and cell styles that are not supported before you save the workbook to Excel 97-2003 file format.

What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can use 64,000 unique cell formats, but in Excel 97-2003, you can only use up to 4,000 unique cell formats. Unique cell formats include any specific combination of formatting that is applied in a workbook.

A table in this workbook does not display a header row. In earlier versions of Excel, the data is displayed without a table unless the My list has headers check box is selected (Data > List > Create List).

A table in this workbook is connected to an external data source. Table functionality will be lost, but the data remains connected. If table rows are hidden by a filter, they remain hidden in an earlier version of Excel.

A table in this workbook has a read-only connection to a Windows SharePoint Services List. Table functionality will be lost, as well as the ability to refresh or edit the connection. If table rows are hidden by a filter, they remain hidden in an earlier version of Excel.

A PivotTable in this workbook exceeds former limits and will be lost if it is saved to earlier file formats. Only PivotTables that are created in Compatibility Mode will work in earlier versions of Excel.

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the PivotTable report that exceeds the former limits. Save the workbook to Excel 97-2003 format, and then re-create this PivotTable report in Compatibility Mode.

A PivotTable in this workbook contains conditional formatting rules that are applied to cells in collapsed rows or columns. To avoid losing these rules in earlier versions of Excel, expand those rows or columns.

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the collapsed rows or columns that contain conditional formatting rules, and then expand those rows or columns before you save the workbook in an earlier Excel file format.

What to do Make sure that you publish the what-if analysis changes before you open the workbook in an earlier version of Excel (PivotTable Tools, Options tab, Tools group, What-If Analysis button).

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the PivotTable report that is created in the current file format. Save the workbook to Excel 97-2003 format, and then re-create this PivotTable report in Compatibility Mode so that you can open it in Excel 97-2003 without loss of functionality.

What to do When you reopen a workbook after you save it to a file format of an earlier version of Excel, you may have to enable and disable field buttons to display the ones that you want (PivotChart Tools, Analyze tab, Show/Hide group, Field Buttons button).

However, all sort state information remains available in the workbook and is applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel 2007 and later, unless the sort state information is edited in Excel 97-2003.

Some data in this workbook is filtered in a way that is not supported in earlier versions of Excel. Rows that are hidden by the filter will remain hidden, but the filter itself will not display correctly in earlier versions of Excel.

What it means Beginning with Excel 2007, you can apply filters that are not supported in Excel 97-2003. To avoid losing filter functionality, you may want to clear the filter before you save the workbook in an earlier Excel file format. In Excel 97-2003, you can then filter the data manually.

However, all filter state information remains available in the workbook and is applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel 2007 and later, unless the filter state information is edited in Excel 97-2003. ff782bc1db

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