I think I just about worked it out but kept seven seconds more than I wanted so trimmed that and for the last 15 minutes, Trimming is in progress. It seems to have failed and now I can't access the video.

I am losing my mind with this new trim feature. I used to be able to edit our online recorded yoga classes in seconds, now I can not pinpoint the exact seconds I want on the recording because the trim feature jumps 8 seconds at a time. Once I finished a mediocre trim, now I have been waiting 15 minutes for the "trimming in process." I dont have time to trim a recording, walk away from it to process, and then come back to send out classes. This new trim feature is NOT developed enough to have been released. Zoom.... please go back to the previous editing feature until you have this more flushed out and smooth. This new trim feature is terrible.

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Hey @adaniels99 and @MachelleLee, after going to zoom.us/recording and testing trimming my recording, I wasn't able to reproduce the trimming jumping 8 seconds at a time? Seemed to trim by the second (looking at the duration timer when trimming). And according to our KB article on Playing and trimming cloud recordings, trimming sections are indicated by the blue bar. You can click the play button to play the trimmed section. During playback, you can click anywhere on the trim sections (blue bar) to skip to another part of cloud recording.

The name of the workflow. GitHub displays the names of your workflows under your repository's "Actions" tab. If you omit name, GitHub displays the workflow file path relative to the root of the repository.

The name for workflow runs generated from the workflow. GitHub displays the workflow run name in the list of workflow runs on your repository's "Actions" tab. If run-name is omitted or is only whitespace, then the run name is set to event-specific information for the workflow run. For example, for a workflow triggered by a push or pull_request event, it is set as the commit message or the title of the pull request.

You can define single or multiple events that can trigger a workflow, or set a time schedule. You can also restrict the execution of a workflow to only occur for specific files, tags, or branch changes. These options are described in the following sections.

You can specify a single event or multiple events. For example, a workflow with the following on value will run when a push is made to any branch in the repository or when someone forks the repository:

If you specify multiple events, only one of those events needs to occur to trigger your workflow. If multiple triggering events for your workflow occur at the same time, multiple workflow runs will be triggered.

For example, the issue_comment event has the created, edited, and deleted activity types. If your workflow triggers on the label event, it will run whenever a label is created, edited, or deleted. If you specify the created activity type for the label event, your workflow will run when a label is created but not when a label is edited or deleted.

If you specify multiple activity types, only one of those event activity types needs to occur to trigger your workflow. If multiple triggering event activity types for your workflow occur at the same time, multiple workflow runs will be triggered. For example, the following workflow triggers when an issue is opened or labeled. If an issue with two labels is opened, three workflow runs will start: one for the issue opened event and two for the two issue labeled events.

If you specify activity types or filters for an event and your workflow triggers on multiple events, you must configure each event separately. You must append a colon (:) to all events, including events without configuration.

Use on..types to define the type of activity that will trigger a workflow run. Most GitHub events are triggered by more than one type of activity. For example, the label is triggered when a label is created, edited, or deleted. The types keyword enables you to narrow down activity that causes the workflow to run. When only one activity type triggers a webhook event, the types keyword is unnecessary.

Use the branches filter when you want to include branch name patterns or when you want to both include and exclude branch names patterns. Use the branches-ignore filter when you only want to exclude branch name patterns. You cannot use both the branches and branches-ignore filters for the same event in a workflow.

The branches and branches-ignore keywords accept glob patterns that use characters like *, **, +, ?, ! and others to match more than one branch name. If a name contains any of these characters and you want a literal match, you need to escape each of these special characters with \. For more information about glob patterns, see the "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

If a workflow is skipped due to branch filtering, path filtering, or a commit message, then checks associated with that workflow will remain in a "Pending" state. A pull request that requires those checks to be successful will be blocked from merging.

When a pattern matches the branches-ignore pattern, the workflow will not run. The patterns defined in branches-ignore are evaluated against the Git ref's name. For example, the following workflow would run whenever there is a pull_request event unless the pull request is targeting:

You cannot use branches and branches-ignore to filter the same event in a single workflow. If you want to both include and exclude branch patterns for a single event, use the branches filter along with the ! character to indicate which branches should be excluded.

Use the tags filter when you want to include tag name patterns or when you want to both include and exclude tag names patterns. Use the tags-ignore filter when you only want to exclude tag name patterns. You cannot use both the tags and tags-ignore filters for the same event in a workflow.

If you define only tags/tags-ignore or only branches/branches-ignore, the workflow won't run for events affecting the undefined Git ref. If you define neither tags/tags-ignore or branches/branches-ignore, the workflow will run for events affecting either branches or tags. If you define both branches/branches-ignore and paths/paths-ignore, the workflow will only run when both filters are satisfied.

The branches, branches-ignore, tags, and tags-ignore keywords accept glob patterns that use characters like *, **, +, ?, ! and others to match more than one branch or tag name. If a name contains any of these characters and you want a literal match, you need to escape each of these special characters with \. For more information about glob patterns, see the "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

When a pattern matches the branches-ignore or tags-ignore pattern, the workflow will not run. The patterns defined in branches and tags are evaluated against the Git ref's name. For example, the following workflow would run whenever there is a push event, unless the push event is to:

You can't use branches and branches-ignore to filter the same event in a single workflow. Similarly, you can't use tags and tags-ignore to filter the same event in a single workflow. If you want to both include and exclude branch or tag patterns for a single event, use the branches or tags filter along with the ! character to indicate which branches or tags should be excluded.

If you define a branch with the ! character, you must also define at least one branch without the ! character. If you only want to exclude branches, use branches-ignore instead. Similarly, if you define a tag with the ! character, you must also define at least one tag without the ! character. If you only want to exclude tags, use tags-ignore instead.

Use the paths filter when you want to include file path patterns or when you want to both include and exclude file path patterns. Use the paths-ignore filter when you only want to exclude file path patterns. You cannot use both the paths and paths-ignore filters for the same event in a workflow. If you want to both include and exclude path patterns for a single event, use the paths filter prefixed with the ! character to indicate which paths should be excluded.

The paths and paths-ignore keywords accept glob patterns that use the * and ** wildcard characters to match more than one path name. For more information, see the "Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions."

If a workflow is skipped due to path filtering, branch filtering, or a commit message, then checks associated with that workflow will remain in a "Pending" state. A pull request that requires those checks to be successful will be blocked from merging.

When all the path names match patterns in paths-ignore, the workflow will not run. If any path names do not match patterns in paths-ignore, even if some path names match the patterns, the workflow will run.

You cannot use paths and paths-ignore to filter the same event in a single workflow. If you want to both include and exclude path patterns for a single event, use the paths filter prefixed with the ! character to indicate which paths should be excluded.

This example runs anytime the push event includes a file in the sub-project directory or its subdirectories, unless the file is in the sub-project/docs directory. For example, a push that changed sub-project/index.js or sub-project/src/index.js will trigger a workflow run, but a push changing only sub-project/docs/readme.md will not.

Diffs are limited to 300 files. If there are files changed that aren't matched in the first 300 files returned by the filter, the workflow will not run. You may need to create more specific filters so that the workflow will run automatically. 152ee80cbc

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