The 1003 loan application, or Uniform Residential Loan Application, is a standard form most U.S. mortgage lenders use. This form is required by the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) for mortgages that they purchase from lenders.

Lenders use the Uniform Residential Loan Application or Form 1003 to evaluate and determine your creditworthiness when applying for a home loan. This form is designed to help lenders make more informed decisions when extending mortgages to borrowers.

Pip 1003 Form Download


The GSEs also created a Uniform Loan Application Dataset (ULAD) to show how Form 1003 is mapped to MISMO v3.4 Reference Model and a voluntary Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF/Form 1103) to assist lenders in capturing information on borrower homeownership education, housing counseling and language preference information.

The DU Spec, based on the MISMO v3.4 Reference Model, provides the requirements for creating a new loan application submission file based on the redesigned Form 1003. This specification contains the conditionality, cardinality, implementation notes, and other business information necessary to implement the redesigned Form 1003 in DU.

Withholding filers who file and pay electronically are required to file and pay their G-1003 Income Statement electronically. Any filers who are federally required to file their income statements electronically must also file electronically for Georgia.

There are many elements that are interrelated on the Loan Documents that are affected by signatures and/or dates, including the Notice of the Right to Cancel [NORTC] doc, etc. from what is on the URLA/1003. As such, this knowledge, expertise, & responsibility is outside the realm of purview for our responsibilities.

The uniform residential loan application is a form designed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) that support the mortgage market. The form was created to collect the information lenders need to assess your creditworthiness for a mortgage loan.

The form also collects information required by the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) to ensure lenders are practicing fair lending and to check for any patterns of discrimination.

Make sure all your information is correct to prevent preapproval delays

Your mortgage preapproval is only as solid as the details you provide. Lenders can and will vet everything, so providing accurate information will help prevent delays. One other note: Lenders use the application information to generate a rate quote for you, and if you change the information later, you could end up with a higher interest rate.

Section 2a is for cash-value assets, while Section 2b is for assets you plan to convert to cash or use to pay toward the purchase. The table below shows the difference.

Discuss any of these types of credit issues with your lender before applying for a loan. Most standard loan programs require a waiting period after a bankruptcy or foreclosure before you can be approved for a new mortgage.

Hi there, @dbindy! It is indeed possible, but Duda's built-in Contact Form doesn't have SMS functionality built-in. There are indeed several options, though, so I'll try to give you a couple of ideas here.

Probably the easiest way to get an SMS notification of a form submission is to get an account on a communication platform like Twilio, and then get Zapier to use Twilio to send you an SMS every time you get a form submission. Duda's Contact Form has built-in Zapier integration:

If you file and pay electronically or are filing Form G2-FL you must file the G-1003 and related statements electronically. Also persons who are federally required to file income statements electronically must file them electronically for Georgia purposes. Reg. 560-7-8-.33. Even if the person is not required to file electronically, they may choose to do so. To obtain a copy of our specifications, visit our website .

b. The G2-As should be filed with a separate G-1003 that is being filed to report withholdings on nonresident members share of taxable income sourced to Georgia and cannot include any other form types.

(1) Ten dollars per statement filed up to 30 calendar days after the date such statement is due, provided that the total amount imposed on a person pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed $50,000.00;

(2) Twenty dollars per statement filed at least 31 calendar days, but not more than 210 calendar days after the date such statement is due, provided that the total amount imposed on a person pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed $100,000.00; or

(3) Fifty dollars per statement filed 211 calendar days or more after such statement is due, provided that the total amount imposed on a person pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed $200,000.00.

@alexishodges I am also receiving this error - on the day we deploy a Library Demographics Survey at all our locations. Glad we printed paper forms as backups, but the data entry is going to STINK because no one can do it digitally. So annoying.

Form 1003 is one of the most crucial documents when it comes to mortgage lending risk assessment. Mortgage lenders have to process hundreds of forms to analyze the financial security and reliability of the borrower. 

No matter where you apply for your loan, you will probably fill out the same form. Known as the Uniform Residential Loan Application (or the 1003, after its Fannie Mae form number), this five-page document provides a lender with the basic information needed to approve a buyer. It will include details about you, your finances and your future mortgage.

With ten different sections to fill out, these forms can often appear complicated and intimidating on first glance. However, a loan officer will almost always help you fill out your application, either over the phone or in person. Make sure you are familiar with the loan application before your conversation so you're ready to answer questions about your finances when working with the loan officer to fill it out.

Each section of the 1003 form is explained below to help you better understand what goes into a mortgage loan application. To get the most out of this information, open a copy of the current Uniform Residential Loan Application so you can follow along.

This section can be confusing due to the fact that most people have not even started looking for a new home when they fill out their mortgage loan applications. As a result, this section will often be left "to be determined."

The third section is quick and easy. All you need to fill in is your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, Social Security number and marital status. If you plan on co-signing this loan with anyone else, make sure to record their personal information too. If you've lived at your current address for less than two years, you'll need to provide your former addresses from the past seven years.

Here, you will be required to provide proof of employment. This means submitting recent paycheck stubs and W-2 income tax forms from the last two years. This is necessary because lenders want to be able to verify your source of income in order to be certain you can make your mortgage payments and afford the other costs associated with maintaining your home.

If you haven't been at your current job for at least two years, you will need information on your past job and your loan officer will have you sign a Verification of Employment (VOE), which will be sent to your current and former employers to confirm your employment and earnings.

In this section, you will need to detail all forms of income. You'll use your gross income, which is what you make before taxes and deductions. Make sure to include information regarding bonuses, commissions, freelance or 1099 work, child support, rental property payments, and other forms of income. In addition, you will be expected to enter your current rental or mortgage payment information under the "combined monthly housing expense" category.

This section will list all of the important information associated with your new mortgage loan. It will detail the purchase price of your home, closing costs and the total expense of your mortgage loan (which will take into consideration principal, interest, and fees). At this point, many of these items are estimates, as they won't be finalized until loan closing. Your lender will likely help complete this section.

The most important thing you need to remember about this section is that you should double-check all costs. Make sure the details of the transaction agree with your current understanding of the mortgage and its terms.

In this section, you will be asked to answer questions about any legal problems or other issues (past or present) that may affect your financial standing. For example, have you ever declared bankruptcy, gone into foreclosure or filed a lawsuit? This information, in addition to your credit report, will help your lender better assess your history and ability to successfully pay off a mortgage. This section will also ask if you're a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident alien. You can still obtain a mortgage if you are not a U.S. citizen as long as you have documentation showing legal residence in the United States.

In this section of the application, you will be asked to provide your ethnic origin and race. This information will be used for government statistics. They want to be sure the United States housing finance system works fairly and meets the needs of every racial and ethnic group within the country.

Before you sign your mortgage application, carefully review it to ensure it's complete and accurate. Beware of anyone offering to falsify information to qualify you for a loan. Whether it's intentional or not, an inaccurate application can be considered fraud. The FBI estimates that more than half the mortgage fraud cases they investigate involve fraud on the mortgage application. Check carefully that you or the loan officer has filled out the following information correctly: 152ee80cbc

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