The thunderbird myth and motif is prevalent among Algonquian peoples in the Northeast, i.e., Eastern Canada (Ontario, Quebec, and eastward) and Northeastern United States, and the Iroquois peoples (surrounding the Great Lakes).[3] The discussion of the Northeast region has included Algonquian-speaking people in the Lakes-bordering U.S. Midwest states (e.g., Ojibwe in Minnesota[4]).

In Algonquian mythology, the thunderbird controls the upper world while the underworld is governed by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The thunderbird creates not just thunder (with its wing-flapping) but lightning bolts, which it casts at the underworld creatures.[1]

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The Ojibwe version of the myth states that the thunderbirds were created by Nanabozho to fight the underwater spirits. Thunderbirds also punished humans who broke moral rules. The thunderbirds lived in the four directions and arrived with the other birds in the springtime. In the fall, they migrated south after the end of the underwater spirits' most dangerous season.[5]

The Menominee of Northern Wisconsin tell of a great mountain that floats in the western sky on which dwell the thunderbirds. They control the rain and hail, and delight in fighting and deeds of greatness. They are the enemies of the great horned snakes (the Misikinubik) and have prevented these from overrunning the earth and devouring humankind. They are messengers of the Great Sun himself.[6]

Ethnographer George Amos Dorsey transcribed a tale from the Arikaras with the title The Boy who befriended the Thunderbirds and the Serpent: a boy named Antelope-Carrier finds a nest with four young thunderbirds; their mother comes and tells the human boy that a two-headed Serpent comes out of the lake to eat the young.[8]

American science historian and folklorist Adrienne Mayor and British historian Tom Holland have both suggested that indigenous thunderbird stories are based on discoveries of pterosaur fossils by Native Americans.[11][12] However, it has also been noted by tribal historians, despite variations (note: much Indigenous references are verbal and difficult to reference), the typical design elements of the motif within different tribal groups across the continent appear distinct from the makeup of the suggested prehistoric flying reptile, such as eagle or raptor-like avian feathered wings and tail, along with a vastly different head shape, perhaps with the exception of some Pacific Northwest imagery.

Legend: In 1620, as the Mayflower neared the end of its 66 days at sea, a mighty storm nearly capsized the ship, taking it hundreds of miles off course. As passengers and crew feared all was lost, an immense bird appeared in the sky. The thunderbird, whose wings created the thunder and eyes flashed the lightning of the powerful storm, rescued the ship by launching it through the sky to the New World.

In this second installment, Noor finds herself in the year 1177 in Jerusalem, during the Crusades. With the help of Sabeeka, Zainab, a girl who has the power to become invisible, and her local resistance group, Noor must once again find a feather belonging to the thunderbird before it burns, in order to prevent the world of the djinn from collapsing into the human world. Along the way, Noor helps the resistance group save hundreds of books and manuscripts from being burned. Like the first book in the Thunderbird trilogy, Book Two combines the magical with real events from Palestinian history to take the reader on a wild and adventurous ride through time.

Result: Terminal says "Kanal latest/beta fr thunderbird ist geschlossen; leite zeitweise an stable weiter." (Translation: "Channel latest/beta for thunderbird is closed; diverting to stable temporarily"). Another Thunderbird 68.x

What you actually did was copying the .thunderbird directory from your source device to the .thunderbird directory at the destination, so now instead of having ~/.thunderbird you have ~/.thunderbird/.thunderbird.

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